Hi Renoard,
My thoughts as I read...
There were a couple of words that I actually had to look up on the first page of your manuscript. (Of course, they seemed to have religion-related meanings, so while I consider my vocabulary pretty good, maybe this has more to do with me not knowing much about religion.) Now, I personally actually like the studied vocabulary here, because I'm a geek like that. And more to the point, it shows off the voice of the erudite editor quite well. But I wonder if it might scare off some readers.
Taken individually, I like each of the pieces of the forematter, but all at once it is a bit much. I don't know the structure of your novel at this point, obviously, but maybe there's a way to logically split some of the pieces up. It'll look a bit less like a book, true, but I think readers would be willing to roll with you on that one.
The POV character seems awfully focused on staying inconspicious, so I wonder why he pulls his little trick with the flame in the first few pages of Hear O People, especially since it doesn't actually seem to serve any purpose.
There are a few paragraphs on page 18-19, where the POV talks about religion and a bit about his father that, while it's good information, feels a bit like an infodump. It might only be its proximity to the forematter that's doing this, though.
There are a few hints as to the significance of the tiara. It would be nice to see a few more, not just that it IS significant, but what that significance is.
In response to other peoples' comments: There are a couple of times in Hear O People where the tone is a bit off, a couple of humourous lines where the story is mostly serious. I don't mind the break from from the serious tone of the forematter, since that's differently written anyway, but it's not quite consistent within itself.
Inconsistent is the wrong word, really ,since that makes it sound purely negative and I'm not making a negative comment, actually. Obviously I'm not saying that you can't use the occasional bit of humour in a serious story, and I don't want to say I had a problem with it here either, because I didn't, but I certainly did notice it.
The break in tone between the forematter and the Hear O People chapter didn't bother me, since they're obviously written differently deliberately and with (I presume) purpose. In terms of breaking the forematter up, I think Breshiit is the one you could most easily chop into pieces (though I'm not entirely convinced it would work in pieces either. That's the ONLY piece of the forematter I would even think about chopping up, by the way).
I disagree with all the comments saying that the forematter wasn't valuable or connected to the rest of the story (so far) purely because I think it's too soon to tell. I DO expect all this stuff to come into play over the course of the novel, but we've seen barely the beginning of it. I'll wait.
And that's all from me. Sorry if this crit's a bit skimpy. Apparently I don't have much to say to anyone today...