Yay, Queen's Opal! This one is probably the most "fantasy-ish" in that you have wizards, elves and dragons, and I love it for that.
First off, this sentence seemed to be phrased a bit awkwardly to me.
The colors swirled with an inner light that glowed like it had a life of its own.
Also, I'm not sure it needs its own indent- I assume magical things are not all that rare in your world, and Drynn has seen the opal many times now. It just seems to give false suspense.
There doesn't seem to be anything especially striking about your dialogue, but I really like it. Maybe its because you really get into the characters heads, why they say what they say.
You gave us a lot of information about elves, humans, and their history in general, without turning it into an info-dump. Kudos.
As I read through your second chapter I can't help but notice that your style flows pretty well. Its not overly fancy, its not overly clunky, and it gets the job done.
This might just be part of elven culture, but I don't think that any typical nation would send a king to be a trader to another nation.
I like it. That's all I can say. So far, there doesn't seem to be any real threat, villian, or antagonist, besides the sickness. I'm guessing it has something to do with drow, and you'll incorporate that later. I don't really see where you are going with this, but that's okay. Just don't forget to throw some conflict in there sooner or later, and keep escalating.