Author Topic: Submitting  (Read 2055 times)


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« on: December 01, 2008, 02:09:18 AM »
All right, tomorrow is the first submission date. Excited? So am I.

I'd just to point out a few things about submitting.

First of all, before you can submit a work, you have to be on the email list. If you don't and you just feel like sending every on the list your piece anyways, or spam, we certainly won't read your stuff. No freeloading.

Secondly, the two submission dates are the 1st and the 15th of the month. The date that is yours should be on the aforementioned email list. As of right now, please only submit the work only on your submission date, not any earlier.

Third, when you are sending out your email, make sure you use these content tags: Language, Drug Use, Violence,  or Sexual Content if necessary. I don't expect there to be any problems with content (we'll see), but this way, no one is surprised.

Fourth, adhere to the Rules for formatting restrictions. Basically, don't send an entire novel in a submission, but other than that, don't worry about length too much--just do what feels right. Make it double spaced or 1.5 spaced (not single spaced), black text (no need to be fancy), 12pt font, and a legible font style like Times New Roman or Courier New. Remember to save the file as .doc or .rtf so everyone can read it.

And finally, once you've sent your work to everyone on the email list, make sure you post a new topic on the RE forum so we can discuss it!

The above is subject to change if the December submissions go awry, but I think we are pretty well set right now.

Have fun, and I look forward to reading all of your stuff!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2008, 03:28:03 AM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: Submitting
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 11:31:40 AM »
Can we get a standardized subject line for the emails? Just something simple like this:
Reading Excuses Dec. 1 Submission (username - work title)

That would help me be a little less overwhelmed by the inbox, as well as giving us an easy way to find past submissions. A matching thread title would go something like this:
username - work title

Maybe I'm just a little too OCD, but I think that that would be a nice feature. :P
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Re: Submitting
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2008, 04:59:08 PM »
"Reading Excuses - [username] - [date] - [title/section]"

I'd use that. Then you can just set your email to filter the phrase "Reading Excuses" into a folder.
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Re: Submitting
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2008, 10:00:34 PM »
Or TWG instead of Reading Excuses.....I've noticed that most of the ones I've got have TWG in them (including the one I sent)....Although if you filter with TWG, that would include any e-mails you get from topic replies, so that probably won't work...

I do like the set-up Avalon suggested.....But I really don't have any preference. I'll go with pretty much anything. I do think a standardized subject line is needed, though...
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Re: Submitting
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2008, 01:28:08 AM »
Nice post Chaos, thanks.

I agree with Avalon about the format. I'm slightly obsessive about keeping everything in it's proper place that way.


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Re: Submitting
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2008, 10:23:58 PM »
Ironically enough, in my original guide of Submitting, I had included a specific format for people to follow. Alas, that guide (which was quite a bit better) was lost due to Vista crashing for no apparent reason.

The official format for Reading Excuses submissions shall go as such:

"Reading Excuses - [username] - [date] - [title] (Content tags)"

Where [username] is your TWG username (without any holiday "additions"), [date] is the current date, formatted in MM/DD/YY, and the title should also include what Chapter it is, if applicable.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2008, 10:28:54 PM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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