Author Topic: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k  (Read 13958 times)


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Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« on: November 20, 2008, 08:56:50 AM »
Just wondering what armies everyone plays for Warhammer Fantasy or 40k (if anyone plays them at all) and why they chose that army.

I play lizardmen and dark elves in Fantasy and Imperial Guard in 40k.

I like the lizardmen because they are and always have been rock solid. It is very tough to build a lizardmen army that is not competitive in some way, they were the first army I played and I always liked this aspect of them.

I like the dark elves because they are very challenging to play with and as such are very rewarding. I find you need to be very careful with how you use them as you cannot afford to make mistakes and you have to exploit any that your opponent makes. I like to think that they help me become a better player by using them.

I play Imperial Guard mainly because I like the idea and the fluff behind the army. They are surrounded by a universe full of things that are infinitely more deadly and sophisticated than themselves, yet they have to do the bulk of protecting humanity with little more than some inferior technology and superior numbers.

What about everyone else here?

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2008, 12:06:19 PM »
I used to play High Elves and Eldar.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2008, 08:02:27 PM »
I used to play every now and then at a store, but I was mostly into painting. I have minis from space marines, tyranids, and necrons in the 40K line, and I have orks and dwarves from the Warhammer line.

But mostly I just pick up cool-looking pieces now. I have a half-dozen painted and assembled dragons from I believe several different games.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2008, 05:27:47 PM »
You know, I've just discovered the glory that was Warhammer Quest.  It makes me very sad that it's now out of print and almost impossible to find (and sells for some $250...)
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2008, 07:54:15 PM »
Many many many moons ago (42 years last October to be exact), I played Tyranids. There was just something amusing  and wacky and rabid about them.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2008, 08:10:41 PM »
I was a Dark Elf player (including their lame SF cousins, the Dark Eldar), though I also had a Space Wolf army. Then my children learned to walk, and I started playing Heroclix and its ilk: anything with durable, pre-painted plastic.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2008, 08:56:37 PM »
I was a Dark Elf player (including their lame SF cousins, the Dark Eldar), though I also had a Space Wolf army. Then my children learned to walk, and I started playing Heroclix and its ilk: anything with durable, pre-painted plastic.

With kids walking, definite emphasis on the durable!


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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2009, 04:21:28 PM »
Here's where I'm going to sound like a total poser, but in warhammer 40k: Dawn of war, the computer game, I play as the Tau. Yeah, I'm to cheap to play the table top game. . . stupid expensive tuition. . . .

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2009, 09:00:18 PM »
I'm a greenskin player as I love the versatitlity though im pisted that the new version destroyed my Ardboyz army... I don't play much i spend my time painting them, about 4 hours on average a peice...each one is unique (as orcs are scavengers) and enough detail that the gums and nails are painted.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2009, 01:27:05 AM »
Those of you who paint should post pics here. Or I suppose someone should create a thread dedicated to that. It would be interesting to see what the modelers among us can do.
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!

Patriotic Kaz

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2009, 08:18:22 PM »
if my internet was up at home and i wasn't using the schools/libraries i would...sorry
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

"Take off your sandals, for you are posting on holy ground." -  Yahweh Kaz

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2009, 08:47:23 PM »
Lol don't be sorry! I would do it myself, its just that I am lazy and don't have any pics of my miniatures online and don't want to take the time to upload...I probably will soon though.

-wow it was incredibly easy to create an account on snapfish. I'll go ahead and make a thread now.

Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2009, 07:53:32 AM »
Well, I finally cracked and bought myself an army of Lizardmen for Warhammer fantasy. Pretty incredibly awesome. I chose lizardmen, initially, because they have dinosaurs and they look cool. Also, they're less common in games than your run-of-the-mill elves, dwarves, orcs, undead, etc.
However, now that I've read about them and their history, I absolutely love them. Way incredibly awesome . . .+3! I'll have to post some pictures when I've got them.


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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and 40k
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2010, 12:25:55 PM »
Chaos space marines in 40k, and Dwarves and Tomb Kings in Warhammer.

Though I haven't played Fantasy in a while.  It's too bad really, but 40k is eating up too much miniature time.