Well... My name is Sean. I'm going to try to introduce myself as concisely as possible, but that might be difficult. Here goes:
Lets start with the present. I'm an attorney. I graduated from law school in April '08 from BYU Law. I currently work for a judge helping him draft the court's legal opinions. While in law school, I managed to get a scholarly work published dealing with Native American property rights and how they relate to tax exemptions on oil production... boring, but it got me the job with the judge I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Not too keen on my current job track.
Before law school I was an English major, with a creative writing emphasis. I managed to get a personal essay published in BYU's Inscape, but The Leading Edge rejected the one science fiction submission I sent to them. As yet, I have failed to break into the one type of writing I'd really like to work in: science fiction and fantasy, but then I haven't tried too terribly hard. I was too busy thinking I wanted to be a lawyer.
I've written various short stories and essays that have won prizes or contests, but nothing major, certainly not enough to pay the bills. My dream is to make enough money that I can quit my day job and write full time. Unfortunately, it took working full time as an attorney to realize how much I really wanted to be a writer. I hadn't pursued it before because I didn't think it was a practical way to earn a living. I don't care so much about practical anymore, but I have a family to feed, so I'm going to have to do writing on the side.
As to why I want to write, well, I love stories. My favorite kinds of video games have strong story lines. I can't sleep if the tv is on because I want to see the story through, even if already know how it will end. If I start reading a book and get involved enough in the story line, I won't put it down, because I have to see how it all ends. I especially love stories that have an original idea. I love it when a book surprises me, gives me something novel to chew on. That is what I want to write, short stories (and then books) that have at their core, an original idea.
A short list of my favorite authors before I end: Sanderson, Pratchett, Gould, Jordan, McAffery, Steakly, Poe, Card, L'amour, Harry Harrison, and hundreds more. I can't even begin to give you a list of favorite books. I used to down books like candy, but that slowed down a lot when I started college.
Anyway, that is the long and short about me. I look forward to working with you all.