Great, I get to be the old man of the group. I will be 40 in January.
Hi! My on-line name is WEKM, my RL name is Jon.
Despite what others have said, I am NOT a radio station. WEKM is short for Wide Eyed Krupp Monster. I got the nickname in BoyScouts. It later got shortened to WEKM in the Marine Corps.
If anyone asks, the stickers all over the world that say "WEKM was here"; it wasn't me. No, seriously, these are not the droids you're looking for...
I have been writing since I started Jr. High. Everything from poetry to Sci Fi to epic fantasy, even wrote some DnD adventures back in school. I was always tasked as the one to write up new character background for new guys. In High School, I even helped write an all original play that we tried out in drama class. I still have a destroy on site order for any of the surviving videotapes. I'm sure someone is hiding at least two copies, which is why I can never run for public office.
I am working on several projects at once, but my biggest push was triggered by my desire to enter the writing contest at the local Con that will be coming up next year. This is a first for me.
As well, This story is not one that I have been working on for an extended period of time, but developed fresh for the contest. I may also toss in a short story on the 15th to be chewed up, as I am trying to decide whether to throw that in the short story contest as well, and if I do, it most likely needs to be picked apart and put back together as well.
I was one of the most vocal about starting this writing group, as I have an unstable schedule and an on-line group such as this will allow me the freedom to be able to participate much more than an in person one would.
I too live here in Utah and have had the pleasure to become friends with Howard, and to meet Dan and Brandon. I have not as yet wormed my way into the two of their lives yet, but I am planning on it in the future, as part of my plot to take over the world.