I just finished the first draft of Concord. Yay! Now I have 409 pages (almost 130k words) worth of confusion, deliberate inconsistencies and irrelevant subplots, not to mention a plot that sort of shifts focus towards the middle, and then completely derails towards the end.
Mind you, I have pages upon pages of notes, and a fairly good idea of how to fix this. I'm confident I could get a second draft to work, to a point where one could actually read it without scratching holes into one's head.
Alas, I also have at least one other idea that is developed enough that I could realistically pursue it, laying the basis for which would probably be only slightly more work than making an outline for a rewrite of Concord. Besides, I could immediately put all the nifty things I learnt to work, now that I know what doesn't.
I tried asking myself what Jesus would do, but I don't particularly like wine, so I thought I'd ask you folks instead. Do I give Concord a well-earned rest and leave it to gestate in my subconscious while I do something else, or do I press on until its done before I allow myself to embark to new shores?
Now that the initial elation has worn off, my mind is paralysed by indecision while the rest of me is listening to wartime songs and eating a bag of crisps. This does not bode well.