The first one needs to get its facts straight. Atheists believe in the lack of a supreme entity, so that makes it a belief system. If Alice Shannon really wanted to pick on a non-believer, she should have picked on agnostics (hey, that's me!). What "agnostic" means can vary, but quite simply, it means that supernatural powers or a God cannot be proven or disproven. Agnostics are different than atheists, because atheists believe; agnostics do not subscribe to any particular belief (that, at least, is my form of agnosticism).
This is reason enough for me to disregard Ms. Shannon's letter--she doesn't have her facts straight. Also, she seems to believe that religion is only limited to Christian denominations by only mentioning "Baptist, Catholics, and Methodists". It's not like, hey, there are these other big religions like Judaism, Hindi, Buddhism, and Islam. That would just be silly to mention those.
I'm not even going to touch the prayer in school comment except to say that there are these wonderful things called private schools. Please, I'd love some scientific evidence to say that prayer being in those schools makes them more valuable to society. Convince me, please.
The second one seems it inconceivable that things over millions of years can't change drastically. No one can comprehend the true vastness that a million years entails.
Also, the letter definitely displays his ignorance on the subject of evolution. I aided teaching Life Science to 7th graders when I was in High School, and for the last time, things do not decide to become other things! Whales cannot just choose to develop wings (I actually spent twenty minutes discussing that one), and monkeys did not just suddenly choose to be humans. All evolution means is "common ancestry". Sheesh.
I'm rather peeved at this person, so I'm going to say something extra mean: it's unfortunate God didn't give him some logic.
I don't mind people with religious viewpoints--in fact, I've had many discussions about such things and they were always civil, rational endeavors. Ignorance, on the other hand, is inexcusable.
Maybe I should write a letter explaining how ignorance and hatred is destroying America, just because it would be humorous to see people enraged.