I was hoping someone would write a review soon
If no one else had in a couple days I would have started to write something up
With the Brom thing I was like, "Are you serious?" I was actually really annoyed about that. It basically negates the entire twist for book two.
Also did anyone else think it was kind've funny when Eragon had that dream about Morzan? To me it seemed like it was almost a word for word transcript of when Darth Vader is talking to Luke...right before he cuts off his arm...
"Lu...Eragon! Join me as father and son and we shall be invincible! We will overthrow the Emperor!!" I was pretty much expecting Eragon's hand to plop off right before he falls down a giant shaft...
Ok it sounds like I am being extraordinarily critical. There were many things I
did like about the book. The dialogue has improved greatly. Especially the scenes between Orik and Eragon, i thought they seemed very real and genuine. (the dialogue has seemed kind've stilted to me in previous books.)
Also the few opening scenes where Roran and Eragon are about to attack the Ra'zac I thought were very well described. I felt like I was watching a movie the way he described the dust, the barrenness, and the foliage digging into Eragon's palms.
Again where Eragon was talking to Sloan, I thought I could see some great growth in his character there. Finally Eragon is the mysterious, powerful, dangerous wizard figure. Even if it is to a pathetic, blind old man.