Firstly, WOW. I'm so excited for this book.
Secondly, Reaves, it is most definitely Rashek. Any contentions on this point? If not, I'm looking for pictures for Reaves to wear. You guys can help if you want.
And now for my main points. Firstly, I agree with darx that Ruin was trying to control Elend with the spike. I'm also slightly annoyed that Elend is that much more powerful than Vin, but she's still more skilled, so that kind of makes up for it.
On the hemalurgy note: It's possible that Inquisitors still get the speed from feruchemy and have also previously gotten the healing from there. My guess is it would take one feruchemist per feruchemial ability. Before, they didn't have enough keepers to spare another one for a new ability. Now they do.
With this chapter, I think there is a definite connection between hemalurgy and feruchemy. For allomancy, I still really want to believe that the inquisitors just ate Elend's metal, but that also doesn't make sense because they are apparently weaker than him. So, at this point, against all of my hopes, I'm going to have to start supporting the misting-per-spike theory. Unless you can think of a way to rescue our theory, Chaos? I can't.
I'm not really able to form coherent thoughts at the moment. I'm too excited. I'll try again in a few hours when I've calmed down a bit...