So the bet is Andrew says the bumps are written by Rashek, Reaves says they're by someone else?
This should be good. I give it...two more chapters.
Which is great, considering there are two more sample chapters.
Andrew: I totally did specify this! Observe!
For future reference, though... I hereby declare Andrew as the Executor of my Opinions when I am gone. You know, like an executor of someone's last will, only with fan theories.
With all things, one must look at intent. From this, since I am the writer and thus, the bestower of meaning, I inherently
make intent. I'm overflowing with the stuff. The intent illuminates the meaning of "when I am gone." It refers to "any time not on TWG".
And now, for my final act. I said "declare" as my main verb in naming you. You said "I am officially naming". What does this mean?
Well, "declare" is clearly the more kingly term. The Hero of Ages is like a king.
Kings don't use passive voice in their edicts, man. Get with it