I think I'll take this straight from the source.
This title was fairly easy to choose. Actually, the titles of all three books were easy to choose. I originally toyed with calling the Hero of Ages the Final Hero. So, because of that, I was tempted to come up with a "final" title to use for book two.
However, I quickly decided that I liked Hero of Ages instead of Final Hero (you'll see why in Book Three.) So, way back as far as the first chapters of book one, I was planning book two to be named the Well of Ascension.
Not "Final Hero", "Hero of Ages". I cannot help but think that there
must be more than one Age for that term to apply. We know two of them for certain: Alendi/Rashek/Kwaan's age with Rashek's Ascension, along with the age of the Final Empire with Vin's Ascension. Oh, I guess if we measure "ages" as points where people have gone to the Well of Ascension to use its power (it fills up every thousand years, and I would assume the only way to remove whatever it is "filled" with is for someone to use it) then MB3 actually would begin the third age we explicitly know about, since the Well's power was utilized.
There could be more ages than that. Or, conversely, maybe the original prophecies were referring to the fact that it took two (or three) ages for the prophecies to be fulfilled. We don't know.
There could be more ages, that's all. Somehow, I believe it's all tied to the Well itself. Where did it come from? Why does it fill up every thousand years? Does it really fill up every thousand years, or is that just a myth that Ruin manipulated? What is the Well filled with, and where does the Power come from? How does it get filled by "well-liquid", is it just spontaneous? Those are all very key questions I've wondered about. I hope they get answered, and I think they will. If the Well marks Ages, then to understand what the Hero of Ages
really is, we would need to know how it is directly related to the Well, without manipulation.
Also, it does nothing to explain how Ruin was imprisoned there the first place. That's pretty vital.
Another thing I would like to mention once again regards the creation of the Prophecies. Ruin didn't create them, I am certain. He's the force of chaos and destruction, and while he shows the capability to manipulate very craftily, I doubt a force of destruction would create the Prophecies themselves. If he did, he wouldn't have any need to manipulate them in the first place.
That being said, they came from somewhere, definitely before Alendi. I have a potential theory, but it's completely unbased in fact: Perhaps whoever sealed Ruin in the Well to begin with created the Prophecies for
some purpose, perhaps to make sure Ruin wasn't freed. Of course, that doesn't make sense because the Prophecies would try to move a potential Hero away from the Well, rather than have that whole temptation to free Ruin. But, I warned you that it was unbased in fact, so it's not a very good theory. Maybe this One Guy who sealed Ruin originally made the prophecies for some other end which we have no idea what it is.
Which leads me to speak of elmandr's HOA theory. Elmandr, you're awesome, but I have always hated this theory, though I tried to minimize comments on it because I could not identify what was the problem. However, I have found the problem.
If Ruin had not manipulated the Prophecies--this manipulation, most or all of it, must've come in Kwaan's time to notice a difference--the correct path would presumably be apparent. If the correct path was to merge with the souls of all the previous Heroes of Ages, then why are the previous Heroes failing all the time? Ruin's not manipulating them (to our knowledge. I'll readily give you the fact that Kwaan doesn't seem to certain about the end, either), so they would not be compelled to fail all the time and choose the supposedly "wrong" option. The Prophecies, I believe, are directed towards defeating the Deepness, which would link the Prophecies to the mists and all the like. However, "defeating" the Deepness was obfuscated by Ruin to change it so "defeating" it would in fact, set it free instead.
In fact, I believe this gives credence to my theory that the Prophecies were created by the One Guy who sealed Ruin inside the Well to begin with. Perhaps the One Guy ascended and similarly to Rashek, realized he made the wrong option. He then created the Prophecies to point people to the real way to defeat the Deepness/Ruin, and unfortunately, Ruin confused that whole thing.
...Interestingly enough, perhaps the Lord Ruler made his own set of "prophecies" about what should have happened in the next Ascension. Maybe that's how they solve the problem. Anyways, I'm going off on tangents.
Elmandr, the correct path to defeat the Hero, in my opinion, would not have a bunch of other Heroes fail and then you merge with all the failures. That's
way too convoluted. I find it so incredibly unlikely that a prophecy would say "Fail, then wait many iterations to Succeed." It doesn't make sense! Plus, there is no evidence in the world of Mistborn that even suggests the existence of a soul, or even the mention of an afterlife to begin with. The only thing is the mist spirit itself.
Your theory has the key problem where you have no idea how it operates. How does the Lord Ruler's soul get inside the mist spirit? Isn't that sort of like merging with the mist spirit, which from what I gather, is what you believe that the real Hero should do? It does nothing to explain the existence of the Prophecies--in fact, it seems to completely
reject the Prophecies, which I believed was one of the key conflicts in Mistborn: the Keepers finding the Prophecies, and now, finding what the Prophecies really were. That conflict
will be resolved. It must be! I refuse to believe that the Prophecies were outright and complete lies, because as I said above,
someone had to make them.
In review, the theory is not logical but rather random speculation. I'm not being mean, but it really makes not a darn bit of sense on any level except that it "could" be a solution. But, it doesn't say how that would really help defeating the Deepness.
Two biggest clues in the book that may prove the Mist Spirit=past HOA are:
1.) When Vin uses the mist to destroy TLR.
2.) the mist spirit only appearing post TLR and when the world was...HOA--less, if you will.
Burning Allomancy does not prove anything about previous Heroes. In fact, we have no idea whether Vin is the hero of not. The mist spirit does not appear with the Lord Ruler, but neither does the Deepness. It makes much more sense that whatever the Lord Ruler did to keep Ruin at bay caused both constructs of the mists out of use. Plus, if the mist spirit had the spirits of all the other Heroes, then it wouldn't matter if the world was "Hero-less", because there are a bunch of Heroes inside the mist spirit. Unless you can explain that one to me rationally...
So. The evidence has been refuted and the logic does not make sense on any level. I'd love to hear your response, though. To be honest, elmandr, this was a lot like your Feruchemy theory that you told me over IM, and I disproved every bit of evidence you had for it and showed you why it didn't make any sense. You relented
Phew. That was one hell of a rant. I'm sorry if it came off mean, but I endlessly search for logic... and yours had none.
Ok then does any one have anything on deck for tomorrow?
Well, hot damn, my post alone gives me two ideas to discuss, and earlier I came up with another equally good topic. I shall list all three here, but let's not say our opinions on all three at once. One day at a time for each of the three theories. We don't need more tangents, especially considering I
know elmandr will protest to my criticism of his theory
Okay, the three theories I have related to: 1. The Well, 2. The Hero of Ages, and 3. Preservation. The first two I already spelled out, the third one I didn't
The Well. To quote myself above: "There could be more ages, that's all. Somehow, I believe it's all tied to the Well itself. Where did it come from? Why does it fill up every thousand years? Does it really fill up every thousand years, or is that just a myth that Ruin manipulated? What is the Well filled with, and where does the Power come from? How does it get filled by "well-liquid", is it just spontaneous? Those are all very key questions I've wondered about. I hope they get answered, and I think they will. If the Well marks Ages, then to understand what the Hero of Ages
really is, we would need to know how it is directly related to the Well, without manipulation."
The Origin of the Hero of Ages + Discovering what to really do as the Hero. I'm not going to copy and paste this one, but my thought is that a "One Guy" sealed Ruin in the Well in the Age previous to Alendi/Kwaan/Rashek's. Somebody did, and it appears that neither Ruin nor Preservation can get the upper hand without some sort of other being (hence all the controlling and manipulation, I think), so naming this theoretical person One Guy is as good as anyone else. Somehow by utilizing the Well's millennial power, methinks, the One Guy sealed Ruin away, but he realized that that did not permanently defeat Ruin, and then, there would be the Deepness once again. The One Guy created the Prophecies in order to show a future someone what the true path to defeating the Deepness would be.
Furthermore, this could perhaps parallel the clues the Lord Ruler left behind, as the Amazon.com description for MB3 states. The Lord Ruler could realize he has done it wrong... then tried to make some effort to do it right the next time the Well was full.
Heck, this could even mean than any failed person who "Ascended" could reinvent the Prophecies every age. Or something.
Preservation. This theory is very under-developed, but here goes anyways. Two quotes to nibble on first:
With this book, I don't want people to assume an immediate time period or culture for this world. In realty, I've stolen from all over the place. My hope is that I'll be able to destroy people's conceptions quickly, then instead build my own world in their mind.
So, here we have a land where the sun is red, ash falls from the sky, mists come upon the land at night, and plants are brown rather than green. In addition, we have a slave population who live like very rural peasants--but, at the same time, Lord Tresting checks his pocket watch in the first scene. Later on, you'll see gothic cathedrals mixing with people in near-modern clothing. It's all just part of the image I'm trying to create--a place that isn't set in any particular time. In fact, it's a little bit frozen in time, as you'll find in later books.
Frozen in time. Okay, and...
It was free--Marsh could still feel it exulting in that--but something kept it from affecting the world too much by itself. An opposition. A force that lay over the land like a shield.
It was not yet complete. It needed more. Something else. . .something hidden. And Marsh would find that something, bring it to his master.
So the completely undeveloped theory here is that the Lord Ruler froze the world somehow in time, most likely by releasing/utilizing Preservation to accomplish such a goal. Frozen, neither Ruin or Preservation could manipulate the mists. Or something.
I included the second quote just because I'm sure it's referring to what is Preservation. "A force that lay over the land like a shield." That's important somehow.
Okay, there it is. I would start with the Well one, but you can pick whichever you'd like, because I think they are all very good things to discuss.
EDIT: Curse you, Qarlin, and curse my typing speed for being too slow! Well... that's just another theory to add to our queue. That makes four more to discuss! Let's make these discussions awesome!