Author Topic: Writing Prompts!  (Read 67334 times)


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2008, 03:38:41 AM »
We really should be getting to the other writing prompts.  My four different man scene is from the pov of a merchant, a wronged nobleman, a prisoner at the gallows, and a servant of the nobleman.  The scene is the prisoner's execution.

This would definitely be too long to post, but I'll put the first lines of each of the characters.

"Execution days were always good for business."

"Finally that filth would get what he deserved, he thought.  Besmirching my father's good name deserves a fate worse than death."

"He felt the cord settle around his neck and breathed a sigh of relief."

"Dust, dirt, lint, all were his mortal enemies.  Spotlessness was his goal and companion, for uncleanliness was undeserving of a prince's household."
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2008, 05:15:35 PM »
Flowers for Algernon was a story about someone who was severely retarded going through an experimental treatment to cure him.  The main point of the reference was that the reader followed along from the patients POV.  (The Dr. had him keep a journal.)  We got to see him as he progressed through the treatments, and get smarter as he went along.

Doesn't he fall in love with the girl doctor? then they see that the mouse, who was treated just before him, was receding. He knew, being smart then, that the same would happen to him, and watched himself grow less capable--mentally. He fell out of love with her eventually--i don't know that the gifted aren't capable of falling in love...
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2008, 02:48:20 AM »
Flowers for Algernon was a story about someone who was severely retarded going through an experimental treatment to cure him.  The main point of the reference was that the reader followed along from the patients POV.  (The Dr. had him keep a journal.)  We got to see him as he progressed through the treatments, and get smarter as he went along.

Doesn't he fall in love with the girl doctor? then they see that the mouse, who was treated just before him, was receding. He knew, being smart then, that the same would happen to him, and watched himself grow less capable--mentally. He fell out of love with her eventually--i don't know that the gifted aren't capable of falling in love...

True.  Though the POV was what I had been referencing.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2008, 03:36:33 AM »
We really should be getting to the other writing prompts.  My four different man scene is from the pov of a merchant, a wronged nobleman, a prisoner at the gallows, and a servant of the nobleman.  The scene is the prisoner's execution.

Mcht:  "She was just a girl.  Why?  Why would you do that to her?  Why my daughter?"

Wrng Noblm:  "I command you to take him down, now!  This cannot, will not be!  There must be some mistake! 
This does not have to happen!  Please!  Take my son down from there!"

Pris on G:  "I didn't do it!  I swear, it wasn't me!  Father, forgive meeee----grrahraalp"

ServofNobl:  Archibald laughs softly to himself.  "So begins my revenge."
« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 02:34:09 AM by Necroween »
I don't suffer from insanity...  I enjoy every minuet of it!

It's ok to be strange, as long as it's on paper. :)


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2008, 09:23:50 PM »
lol nice.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2008, 02:36:04 AM »
lol nice.

Ha-ha!  I got a reaction.  I think I'm getting better.  Maybe.  Kinda sorta.  Well anyway...

Edit:  10/23/08

Alright, how about this as a writing prompt:  First line/Paragraph Hook.  Anything at all, but not to long a paragraph.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 12:50:41 AM by Necroween »
I don't suffer from insanity...  I enjoy every minuet of it!

It's ok to be strange, as long as it's on paper. :)


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2008, 03:08:55 AM »
In response to the prompt offered above:

The bloodstain looked like the gaping maw of a dragon, when he looked at it long enough.  They always looked like something, just like the clouds in the sky always became an image.  Sorvwyn took a step to the right to examine the blot once more, this time reading a jester's hat, tilted to the side.  He snorted a laugh, instantly wondering why he could never take murder scenes seriously.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2008, 11:59:42 PM »
Very nice. :)

This popped into my head.

911:  911 emergency.  Hold please.
Caller:  What!
911:  Hold please.
Caller:  Someonejusttriedtokillmewithanaxe--
911:  Hold please.
Caller:  --andIstabbedthemwithascrewdriver--
911:  Hold please.
911:  Thank you.
I don't suffer from insanity...  I enjoy every minuet of it!

It's ok to be strange, as long as it's on paper. :)


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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2009, 05:38:47 PM »
Isn't this called Warbreaker.... ;D

How about a religion that worships color? The people believe that there is a specific spirit within each type of color. If there is a blue cup and a blue flower, both would be inhabited by the same spirit, but if there was a blue shirt that was even slightly different in shade of blue, there would be a different spirit. The strength of the spirits is based upon how pure the color is.

The pure colors (red, blue, and yellow) are the most powerful of spirits while green, purple, and orange are next in power. As colors become more of a mix, the spirits inside of them get less and less powerful.
There are numerous factions within this religion that are at constant war with each other. The three main factions are obviously for the spirits of red, blue and yellow. The worshipers believe that the spirits have called on them to get rid of all opposing color.

So, the worshipers of the red spirit will wear all red and their temple is completely red... you get the idea. Part of ridding the world of opposing colors involves assassinating priests of opposing factions. If the red priests catch anyone, they will open all the veins, making a lot of blood come out, and then they will spread that blood all over the captured persons (naked) body.

The blue priests wear all blue, etc. They kill their captives by drowning them in ice cold water...

Right now I'm not quite sure how the yellow priests kill. One idea is that they put captives in a cage out in the desert, letting the (yellow) sun kill them. That doesn't follow the pattern of turning the body yellow, though. They could paint the bodies yellow, but that would be too easy.

This was a really weird religion idea, but it seemed to me that if people can find spirits in rocks and such, why not take it one step further and find spirits in the colors, themselves?

And I apologize for my poor writing style.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2009, 07:53:55 PM »
THIS IS NOT AN INSULT!! Most people have little originality and spin off concepts based on works they recently read and liked. The funny thing is most people can not admit they lack originality/ creative thought (robert heinlien's character lazarus long says less than 10% of man ever has a single creative thought and he may be right) i personally believe i am in the minority but hey i may be deluding myself...
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2009, 08:02:12 PM »
Oh I wasn't sneering just poking a bit.  I agree.  I think that borrowing elements can be fine, as long as you add your own unique interpretation.  I mentioned elsewhere that Rigney's great talent was borrowing elements from a disparate set of sources and integrating them so that they become his own and also work with each other.  Zelazney had that talent -- Pratt, Bradbury...

I was snickering not mocking.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2009, 08:13:15 PM »
THIS IS NOT AN INSULT!! Most people have little originality and spin off concepts based on works they recently read and liked. The funny thing is most people can not admit they lack originality/ creative thought (robert heinlien's character lazarus long says less than 10% of man ever has a single creative thought and he may be right) i personally believe i am in the minority but hey i may be deluding myself...

I harp all the time on originality, but truth to be told, there is no such thing as original. Someone, somewhere has done it before. In fact, a lot of “original” ideas are the reuses of old ideas in response to something else being recently over used.
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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2009, 08:38:07 PM »
To avoid getting the thread off track (and locked) I thought I'd add a prompt.

How about an environment where not only is hyper-orthodox Islam the dominant faith--Magic, Djinn and Angels are all very accessible (if rare).  All of this is set against a background of modern technology and physics.  In other words both science and mysticism are practical ways of achieving a goal and characters are forced to navigate the ethical and feasibility pitfalls of both systems simultaneously in everyday life.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 04:16:44 AM by Renoard »
You can always get what you want if you never count the cost.

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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2009, 10:31:09 AM »
Prompt: Howard gets attacked by monkeys.

Please take no offense with the following story, I had very little to go on when I wrote Howard. Your podcasts are awesome and I have nothing but respect for you guys! My goal was to write without planning, I just wanted to have fun and get some practice. Enjoy.

     I suppose this story starts off like any other story. It was a rainy night, in a dirty town. I was at my favorite watering hole, the Sunken Sailor. Whiskey on the rocks. A bitter drink for a bitter man. My name is Charles Stone. I'm a PI, Private Eye, whatever you want to call it. A lot of people call me Bedrock. Why? I dunno, guess they think I'm a solid kinda guy. All I know, my night was going swimmingly, until he showed up.

     He came in through the front door, drawing everyones attention. Dripping water formed a puddle under his feet. First thing I noticed was his head, shining in all its balding glory. Two beady eyes peered from behind a pair of small glasses, broken in the center and missing one lens. Through the smokey haze of the dirty bar I watched him scamper over to the closest drunk. He had a twitchy bearing, as if every noise spooked him. He spoke to the drunk, briefly. Apparently he didn't get what he was looking for. Hop skipping to the next patron, he mopped his lustrous head with a dirty handkerchief, smearing grime across his forehead.  Darting eyes attempted to watch everyone in the bar while he hurriedly inquired with his newest acquaintance.  The bar bum hitched his thumb over his shoulder, straight at me.

Great, now I'd have to be polite.

As he hurried over to me, he attempted to straighten what little hair he had left, as though to compensate for his disheveled state. As he neared, I noticed scratches crisscrossing his fantastically polished pate. All along his neck, arms, and it appeared his legs as well.  Small tears covered his muddy clothes, and a water logged notebook stuck up awkwardly from his pants pocket. He stopped in front of me, silent for a moment. He adjusted his glasses with ink-stained fingers.
     "Ahem..." he started. "I'm told you are Charles Stone?" His voice reminded me of a strung out librarian.
     "You were told correctly...unfortunately." I muttered.
     "Ah,, what was that? you trailed off at the end."
     "Nothing, my streamlined friend, nothing. What can Charles Stone do for you?" I asked.
     "Ah... yes. of course. yes...well, my name, good sir, is Howard Tayler, I am and author and an artist...uh...yes, um, I have need of your reportedly exception detective skills."
     The entire time he spoke his eyes flicked rapidly around, searching for some unknown danger, and wringing his hands. Something had spooked this man something fierce. Perhaps this case would be interesting after all.
     "What is it exactly that you require of me?" Who knows, I thought, Maybe this could be my big break.
     "Well, uh, you see, Mr. Stone, uh...well...I was attacked earlier this eve, and uh...need your help finding the fiends who perpetrated this  heinous uh...crime. yes."
     "Well, lets see Howard. What can you tell me about these attackers?" I took a long drink from my Jack, waiting for his answer.
     "Uh, yes...well. uh....they were monkeys, if I recall correctly."

     Why do they call me Bedrock? maybe its because it takes a whole lot to make me crack.  Howard Tayler cracked me up so thoroughly I nearly choked to death on an ice cube I started laughing so hard. Good thing for me he was a sport and clapped me on the back 'til I coughed it up.

P.J. Becker

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Re: Writing Prompts!
« Reply #44 on: May 04, 2009, 01:01:41 AM »
Here's another one. Prompt: Write about a passionate egg.

     Gregg P. Yoke had known Meggan Whites since their first day next to each other in the crate. It was love at first sight.  He realized life was short when the clouds opened up and God reached down to grab Meggan. He watched as she was cracked in half and her innards cooked into a delicious scrambled masterpiece. God grabbed Gregg next.

     At least I can join her in blissful gourmet sleep, He thought. "Journeys end in lovers meeting! I come to join thee sweet Meggan!"
