Author Topic: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)  (Read 8937 times)


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Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« on: July 10, 2008, 02:28:15 PM »
Hello fellow Mistborn fans,

I know that there already is a post about turning Mistborn into a video game, but I had to create my own post for several different reasons.  The first is to obviously get people to read this and post their thoughts/comments on what I am writing.  The second is so I can keep track if anyone volunteers for what I am about to propose.  I don’t think that I would be able to do this if I just added on to the post created by Morinar.

Now to talk about the game….

Reading people’s comments from Morinar’s post made me realize how hard creating a game like this would be.  With such a fan base behind this series it would have to be done in such a way that all fans will be happy and content with what they are playing.

Several people brought up very serious issues like how would the controls be set up, how Steel and Iron would be handled, which system would this game be on (PC or console), and the list goes on and on.

Let’s start with the beginning of the game…

The game takes place in a slightly alternate universe of what happens during the ending section of Mistborn 1.  While the rebellion is in full swing, the three most powerful houses attempt to wipe each other out.  I don’t know which three houses, but it doesn’t matter now.  They do this to become the most respected, wealthy, and powerful house in Luthadel. 
The game is slightly AU in the sense of how Mistborns are handled in Luthadel.  Mistborns are much more common during this epic battle for power.  However, each house has access to only certain amounts of each metal.

Upon entering a game, the Mistborn will have to choose the contents of their vial.  With the scarcity of the metals, this is where each player must think how he/she is going to play.  Each Mistborn will only have access to one vial.  They can fill it however they like, but keep in mind, the faster your metals burn, the faster you will find yourself defenseless against the other players. 

To go into further detail with the vials, imagine that the vial hold 50mL.  If the Mistborn wants to be a group supporter, he may choose to have 5mL of copper.  He may also prefer to fight from a distance so he chooses to have 15mL of steel and 15mL of iron.  Of course every Mistborn wants to be a good fighter, so he will fill the rest (15mL) up with pewter. 

Each metal obviously burns at different rates.  While this Mistborn is burning his copper, thus hiding himself and his group from enemy Seekers (a Mistborn that is burning bronze), the copper may burn at 1mL every 20 seconds.  So with his current supply of copper, it will last him at most 100 seconds of continuous use (assuming that he does not flare it, which of course would make the supply last a shorter amount of time).  If iron burns at 1mL/10 seconds then his supply would only last 150 seconds of continuous use.

You should get the general idea of how each character will be unique and offer something special to his teammates.  This style of play with make each player dependent on one another since no one will have the exact same amount of the different metals.  If you are the type of player who is a Rioter, you may want to stay close to a Thug for protection against others.

<<<<Continued to next post>>>>


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2008, 02:29:30 PM »
<<<<continued from last post>>>>

Back to the game design….

Since I have very little experience creating games, I will be making this game on the PC since it will probably be the easiest.  Also, I believe that this game would make a very fun and attractive Half-Life 2 mod.

I say this because most of the basic metal abilities are there.  For instance, the ability to push and pull metal (steel and iron) is similar to how the gravity gun works.  This engine would allow melee combat (for the Thug in you), ranged combat (for Coinshots) and everything else in between. 

Now I will give you the most common powers from Mistborn, and a similar mod or enhancement that Half-Life2 has which could be used:

•   Pewter (Thugs) – When burning pewter increase the damage from each of their swings, alter the coefficient for gravity for their jumps so they can jump higher, increase their max speed so they can run faster.  Also give them more HP since they are tougher to kill.
•   Steel (Coinshots) – We will have to create a custom weapon (since this will be played FPS) that looks like a coin that the Mistborn can send flying.  Obviously this is similar to any weapon in Half-Life.  Since this engine already has a gravity gun, it should not be that hard to mod the coding and allow the Mistborn to only push certain things (metal).
•   Iron (Lurchers) – Since the gravity gun can also pull objects towards the user, it shouldn’t be that hard to allow the Mistborn to only pull metal objects
•   Tin (Tineye) – (Increases in senses). Although not 100% useful for combat, it would be cool to have this metal.  Maybe allow the Mistborn a binocular sort of ability to see farther away.  I don’t know if allowing them to hear things better would really have any special effect in combat. Flaring Tin will increase your senses allowing you to break from crowd control abilities such as a stun or slow. Also possibility while burning tin to identify mission objectives, IE showing you if the flag is around you in a capture the flag mission, as if your could see/hear/smell the flag and/or people running the flag.
•   Bronze (Seeker) – Can see other Mistborns that are burning metals either through a wall or on their mini map.  If you have played ‘The Hidden’ it would be cool to do something similar to how their Hidden can see an aura of health around each player.  Only instead of health, they could see several different colors depending on which metal the other Mistborn is currently burning.
•   Copper (Smoker) – These guys can prevent the Seekers from seeing them.  They also prevent Rioters and Soothers from performing magic debuffs on them.
•   Brass (Rioter) – (Spell Caster) Riots the emotions of the allies around them to grant them buffs making their hits harder, their muscles stronger, or their wounds less daunting.  I do not have an example of this, but it should be able to be created for this game’s purpose.
•   Zinc (Soother) – (Spell Caster) Sooths the emotions of the people around them. Such as removing the fight from an enemy player, making them unsure of what they are doing, and stunning them for a few seconds. Or possibly a Damage over time spell, all relating to emotions.  I do not have an example of this, but it should be able to be created for this game’s purpose.

As for the kaymapping in the game, this is what I have….

•   WASD – The typical movement keys
•   R – Will ‘load’ your hands with a few coins to push at a target
•   1 – Places the Mistborn in melee mode (fists will appear on screen)
•   2 – Places the Mistborn in ranged mode (hands with coins will appear on screen)
•   Q – Loads up the last used weapon (different metals or fists)
•   3-8 – Hotkey for each type of metal
•   SHIFT – Flare the currently queued metal
•   LEFT CLICK – Pushes Metal/melee attacks
•   RIGHT CLICK – Pulls Metal/melee blocks
•   MIDDLE SCROLL – Hard much power is behind a push/pull (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%)
•   MOUSE – Move the mouse to make your character look, this will also allow you to choose which blue line (when burning Steel/Iron) the Mistborn will affect
•   SPACE – Jumps
•   CTRL – Crouches

I understand that a lot of work will have to go into this project, which is why I am going to propose a sort of ‘open source’ project on this. 

I would love the help from anyone who has previous experience with Source SDK (or would like to learn how to use it).

If you have anything constructive to say, like a new idea or you would like to volunteer yourself to create the coding to make one of those powers come to life then post here!

A few friends and I will be creating the first level for this game.  It won’t be anything over the top, but we need something that will be fun for Mistborns.  After the level is created we will start knocking out the ideas posted on this forum.

Thanks for reading, and lets try and make this a reality.


Possible Roles that volunteers can have:

Website - One of my friends is a good website developer.  He said that he can take care of this

Character design - This will be a tough one...anyone have experience with Maya or something that can help us out here?

Coders - Obviously without these guys this mod will be impossible - This will probably be the tougher of all of the assignments.  So far Miyabi is the only person who has volunteered for this.

Equipment design - This will be mostly animations that the player sees whenever they choose 'Melee' or 'Load' coins into the player's hands

Mappers - Clearly the Mistborns need a place to battle each other.  While not that hard to create a level (I think), it is one of the more important parts of a multiplayer game.  A bad level means a bad game.  I will probably handle most of this, but of course I can always use help from anyone who has experience creating level with Source SDK.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 04:12:53 PM by holt »


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2008, 03:15:05 PM »
very very interesting ideas, i do play HL2 and i think it could be done.
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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2008, 05:44:44 PM »
Very very interesting. The only change that I'd like made that I didn't see was that the mistborn need to be able to make themselves move with steel/iron, not just move stuff toward them.
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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 06:20:01 PM »
My only issue would be that you are creating an environment where everyone will be Mistborn.  Here's another possibility.

Have an experience system similar to that of Fable.  So you get general experience, and experience specific to what you are using.

Now here is where this will benefit.  If someone is a Misting, they only have to focus on their stuff like Stamina, Strength, etc., and their ONE ability.  This will cause them to be really good with that one ability, and they will be much stronger than most Mistborns with that ability. (Which is actually Canon -true to the story- for the most part.)

EDIT :  Also, because of this experience system, a Mistborn will get stronger faster in the things they use most, which would also suit Canon.

IF however, you are a Mistborn, you will have to focus on not only Stamina, Strength, etc., but also ALL of your abilities.  Therefore, it will take a long time to level up a Mistborn, and will keep their numbers down to a manageable level.

As far as scarcity of metals go . . . I'm no buying into BASIC metals being rare.  I think you should just be able to buy them.  BUT I DO like the idea of filling your own vials.  That seems like an amazing idea to me.

All of this said. . . I can help with the programming and maybe some images.

PS:  Are we going 3d?


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2008, 07:07:34 PM »

Have an experience system similar to that of Fable.  So you get general experience, and experience specific to what you are using.

I am glad that you like the idea miyabi.

However, my friends and I have already thought of an experience system like this.  I just forgot to put it on the OP.

Basically how it would work is that when you begin the game, you can put whatever you want in your vial.  I guess that the basic metals don't need to be rare, but regardless of the fact, your vial can only hold so much.

If I put in the metals needed to be a Thug, Coinshot, and a Soother, then everytime that I burned those metals or got a kill with them, I would gain experience towards those metals.  Let's say that I use steel alot (Coinshot).  If I use it to constantly move across levels and kill other Mistborns with it, then eventually I will level that metal up.  Meaning, I can push it harder (more damage) and farther than someone else who is not on the same level as me with that metal.

So technically you have thought up the same idea as us.  However, instead of being a Misting and having to only be a Thug, I am a Mistborn and I can put alot more pewter in my vial than the other metals and focus on leveling up pewter.

Also, the general experience that a Mistborn gets can benefit him in many different ways.  Getting a large vial, for example, or having multiple vials...

All of this said. . . I can help with the programming and maybe some images.

PS:  Are we going 3d?

We would love to have your help with programming and image creation.  I am not sure as to what you can start on, but if you can think of something, then by all means go ahead.  I think that the first metals (and by far the most complex) should be the steel and iron (Coinshot, Lurcher).  After those metals are done the rest should be pretty easy.

I do not know much about Source SDK or mod making so I dont know how to even start coding for something like this, but if you want to just play around and see if you can figure something out, then by all means go ahead.

And of course this is going to be 3d it is a Half-Life2 mod ;)

The only change that I'd like made that I didn't see was that the mistborn need to be able to make themselves move with steel/iron, not just move stuff toward them.

Of course this is going to be an end goal for this game.  It wouldnt be Mistborn without it.

Thank you to all who have posted and show interest in this game.  Keep the suggestions and the volunteering coming!


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2008, 07:26:37 PM »
And of course this is going to be 3d it is a Half-Life2 mod ;)
Is going to have to get HL 2 and figure out the Modding system.

The whole push/pull thing is just about some simple physics, but yes I agree that they will be the hardest to make work properly.  It will be something along the lines of.

Pull(X,Y) = (((Pull Level * Strength)/.5xDistance),((Pull Level * Strength)/.5xDistance) + (PullX,Y)
Start Point(X,Y) = (CurrentX, CurrentY)
(X,Y) = ((Start PointX + PullX),(Start PointY + PullY))
GravityZ = ((Start Point(X1,Z1) + End Point(X2,Z2))/(X1+X2,Z1+Z2)) - Gravity(X,Z)

((Of course that was NOT using actually coding terms, I was just setting up an algorithm.))

That's BASICALLY how pulling would work.  Pushing would be similar.

This is just basic though, I mean, if we want to make it to where other objects react to our push/pull that will be a bit more complex. . . Hmmmm.  I'll think of how that would work.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 07:28:16 PM by miyabi »


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2008, 07:52:20 PM »
The whole push/pull thing is just about some simple physics, but yes I agree that they will be the hardest to make work properly.  It will be something along the lines of.

Pull(X,Y) = (((Pull Level * Strength)/.5xDistance),((Pull Level * Strength)/.5xDistance) + (PullX,Y)
Start Point(X,Y) = (CurrentX, CurrentY)
(X,Y) = ((Start PointX + PullX),(Start PointY + PullY))
GravityZ = ((Start Point(X1,Z1) + End Point(X2,Z2))/(X1+X2,Z1+Z2)) - Gravity(X,Z)

I have no clue what you just said there, but I believe that I recognize a physics equation for the gravity.  lol..that looks pretty sweet to me.  One question though...the 'Strength' variable, is that the strength of your push/pull from the middle mouse wheel (25,50,75,100%)?

This is just basic though, I mean, if we want to make it to where other objects react to our push/pull that will be a bit more complex. . . Hmmmm.  I'll think of how that would work.

What do you mean by this?  Do you mean if I push a barrel or something through the air and it crashes into another barrel..will they both fall over?  If so, I believe that this engine already handles physics like that, we would just have to provider the coding to send the barrel flying and HalfLife2 will handle what happens to the rest.


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2008, 08:12:07 PM »
The whole push/pull thing is just about some simple physics, but yes I agree that they will be the hardest to make work properly.  It will be something along the lines of.

Pull(X,Y) = (((Pull Level * Strength)/.5xDistance),((Pull Level * Strength)/.5xDistance) + (PullX,Y)
Start Point(X,Y) = (CurrentX, CurrentY)
(X,Y) = ((Start PointX + PullX),(Start PointY + PullY))
GravityZ = ((Start Point(X1,Z1) + End Point(X2,Z2))/(X1+X2,Z1+Z2)) - Gravity(X,Z)

I have no clue what you just said there, but I believe that I recognize a physics equation for the gravity.  lol..that looks pretty sweet to me.  One question though...the 'Strength' variable, is that the strength of your push/pull from the middle mouse wheel (25,50,75,100%)?
Well, it would have that factored as well as the factoring of how high their strength level is, after all, your physical strength has A LOT to do with how well you can push against someone else.
This is just basic though, I mean, if we want to make it to where other objects react to our push/pull that will be a bit more complex. . . Hmmmm.  I'll think of how that would work.
What do you mean by this?  Do you mean if I push a barrel or something through the air and it crashes into another barrel..will they both fall over?  If so, I believe that this engine already handles physics like that, we would just have to provider the coding to send the barrel flying and HalfLife2 will handle what happens to the rest.
This would be like. . . . I push on the barrel, I go one way, the barrel goes the other.


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2008, 10:01:21 PM »
I really like the idea! I'll have to get HL2 and check it out.
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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2008, 10:11:45 PM »
OK!  So, I'm going to make another thread after a while to keep track of who's doing what and assignments,
but for now we can put it on this post here.

Character design -

Coders - Miyabi

Equipment design -

Mappers -

NPC design -

Writers -

So yeah, I vote we need to get a lot of people in order to do this correctly.

Other things we need:  Brandon's permission and server space.

((I'll work on asking Brandon about permissions.))



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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2008, 10:27:26 PM »
OK!  So, I'm going to make another thread after a while to keep track of who's doing what and assignments,
but for now we can put it on this post here.

No need to create a new post.  I will just keep updating the original post with the current information as to who is doing what. 

Right now it is just you who is working on the coding and myself who is designing a level.  Hopefully we will get more people involved and actually need to have a new thread.  But until then I think we should keep it all confined to one thread.

I think that we should wait to contact Brandon until we have something actually made.  Right now we are just in brainstorming phase with nothing to show for it.


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2008, 10:30:25 PM »
My thought is though that I don't want to do a bunch of stuff and then like. . . NOT have his permission. . . that would like. . . . suck.

Sweet, we can keep it all in this thread for now then.

EDIT:  We still need to figure a way to host the game.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 10:41:05 PM by miyabi »


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2008, 11:15:49 PM »
Sorry for double posting, but I think that this would be a very good place for us to go.  There is a lot we could use here.


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Re: Mistborn Video Game Proposal (Long Read)
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2008, 12:12:26 AM »
would this be in third person perspective or first? HL2 is in first but it seems a game like this would be best in third...
lol i am probably talking about something that is more like a final detail that will show off my noobishness of all things related to programming...
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!