I refuse to discuss the six clock issue, except to say that, as far as this movie is concerned, I've seen it 9 times now, and and I will see it at least three or four more times. For me, it transcended the experience of merely being a movie. I got lost in it (9 times) in a way I don't get lost in movies any more. Modern movies don't take me anywhere magical anymore - SPEED RACER was one of those movies that honestly made me question why I even go see movies, and it wasn't even the worst I've seen this year, and doesn't come close to the worst I saw last year ("NEXT."). Indy reminded me of why I love movies, and it takes me a place that is truly wonderous. . So my six clocks still stand, though I knew that many would disagree, and I am osrry if I raised anyone's expectations too high - but for me to rate it lower would be like lying.
As far as the "no way" moments, one of the two that everyone out there is making a big deal about, I just don't get the problem. I'll just say that it's the one involving Mutt in the jungle, and I FREAKING LOVED IT! it was fun. It was a salute to the classic serials - which is THE WHOLE POINT OF THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE.
Oh, well. To each they're own. But I stand by the review.