Alright, long post. With the html copy of Final Empire so nicely offered from Tor, here is the list of everything Reen says in Vin's head, along with what chapter it occurred in. Of course, I don't have page numbers, because it's html, but there you go.
Chapter 1
And Vin liked solitude. When you're alone, no one can betray you. Reen's words. Her brother had taught her so many things, then had reinforced them by doing what he'd always promised he would—by betraying her himself. It's the only way you'll learn. Anyone will betray you, Vin. Anyone.
Chapter 2
You think some crewleader is going to want a liability like you on his team? he had said. I don't even want to have to work with you, and I'm your brother.
Chapter 3
In her mind, she thought she heard a voice whispering to her. Reen's voice. Fool! Ruthlessness—it's the most logical of emotions. You don't have any friends in the underworld. You'll never have any friends in the underworld!
Vin frowned. Then she eyed Kelsier, who smiled. He knew that he had her. He had shown off his power, had tempted her with it. The only reason to be subservient to those with power is so that you can learn to someday take what they have. Reen's words.
Chapter 4
If you let someone get close to you, it will only hurt more when they betray you, Reen seemed to whisper in her mind.
Never trust a man who tells you good news, Reen had always said. It's the oldest, but easiest, way to con someone.
Chapter 7
Vin almost smiled back. Reen's training came to her rescue. The man who wants you to trust him is the one you must fear the most. Her brother's voice almost seemed to whisper in her head. It had grown stronger since she'd met Kelsier, as if her instincts were on edge.
Chapter 8
Vin took a seat in one of the stiffly upholstered maroon chairs, tucking her feet up beneath her. She knew what the problem was. Kelsier had been showing her too much respect, making her feel too important. She was beginning to think that she deserved to be part of his secret confidences. Reen's laughter in the back of her mind discredited those thoughts, and she sat, annoyed at both herself and Kelsier, feeling ashamed, but not exactly certain why.
Chapter 9
You don't want them to think of you as a girl, Reen's voice warned. Yet, for once, she found herself wanting to ignore that voice.
Chapter 16
They're fools, Reen's voice whispered. This entire plan will end in disaster—and your death will be your own fault for not leaving when you could.
Chapter 18
Anyone will betray you, Reen whispered. Everyone will betray you.
Chapter 20
Is that a good enough reason to let them get you killed? Reen's voice asked.
Chapter 30
However, a voice from within—a voice she had nearly forgotten—began to speak. Of course he left you, Reen whispered. Of course he abandoned you. Everyone will betray you, Vin. What did I teach you?
I never came back for you, Reen whispered. He won't either. The voice felt so real—it was almost like she could hear him beside her.
Chapter 31
You should just be angry at yourself, Reen's voice whispered. You're the one who let them get close. Now they're all just going to leave you.
Chapter 34
Then he towed her away. Vin continued to struggle weakly, but she was growing numb. In the back of her mind, she heard Reen's voice.
See. I told you he would leave you. I warned you.
I promised you. . . .
A whispered voice came from the back of her mind, speaking in Reen's voice. Go back.