Author Topic: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread  (Read 108007 times)

Andrew the Great

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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #600 on: January 20, 2009, 07:05:23 AM »
I don't think they do. I just remember that they talk about how the inquisitor is faster than should be possible, even with allomancy and that the general consensus was that it sounded a whole lot like feruchemy. The feruchemial metal for speed is steel, so the logical connection is that the inquisitor was steeling feruchemy with a steel spike.

Now as to whether this is a consistency problem that Brandon didn't notice or whether it is proof that hemalurgy can steal both allomancy and feruchemy (or whether I'm reading way too far into this and there really isn't a problem at all) remains to be seen.

Wilson - That makes sense, but if you remember, when Sazed taps speed he taps a Steelmind. I don't know that it's possible for a pewter spike to give the feruchemiel power of steel, though you are right, it does say physical powers rather than just strength.
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little wilson

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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #601 on: January 20, 2009, 07:11:02 AM »
Sazed is working off of Feruchemy, and Steel stores speed for Feruchemy. But in Hemalurgy, steel steals Allomantic Physical Powers (I think). The only way to get F. Physical powers (which speed is) in Hemalurgy is to have a pewter spike.  At least, that's the way that I see it. I could be wrong.

EDIT: In case this doesn't sense, I'm working off the idea that the Feruchemical Physical powers are the powers that are given by the physical metals. But those physical metals are physical in Allomancy. I'm just assuming that those same metals are Physical in Feruchemy as well. So the Feruchemical Physical powers are these: Weight, Speed, Senses, and Strength. In order for a Hemalurgist to get these F. powers, they would need a pewter spike, because pewter steals F. Physical powers.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 07:15:32 AM by little_wilson »
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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #602 on: January 20, 2009, 07:36:46 AM »
Right, I'm getting the logic. It's just a little weird to me still that pewter grants steel's power. I can see how it would work, it's just weird.
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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #603 on: January 20, 2009, 06:58:59 PM »
With having to steal Allomancy, Feruchemy, enhanced normal human traits, and who knows what else, each hemalurgical metal has to have multiple related things it can steal.  Making the groupings solely by the metal involved leaves nowhere to put the non-metallic-art thefts.  Instead, Brandon grouped them by Allomancy vs Feruchemy vs non-metallic first, and by group for the metallic ability stealers.  All four Allomantic physical abilities are stolen by steel.  All Feruchemical physical abilities are stolen by pewter.  The specific ability stolen depends on what the killed person had and where the spike is placed.

Also, I specifically remember Elend and Vin inspecting the Inquisitor's body and commenting about how he has a pewter spike in addition to the spikes they're used to.

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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #604 on: January 20, 2009, 07:34:56 PM »
Also, I specifically remember Elend and Vin inspecting the Inquisitor's body and commenting about how he has a pewter spike in addition to the spikes they're used to.

I remember that too. I don't have HoA with me right now (my brother's reading it), but I swear I recall them mentioning something about a pewter spike and how they hadn't seen that in the Inquisitors killed before.
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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #605 on: January 20, 2009, 10:16:17 PM »
Yeah, it all makes sense.  Remember that Hemalurgy's raison d'être is to steal other powers.  If you keep that in mind, then the assignment of the different types of metals makes more sense.
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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #606 on: March 20, 2009, 07:31:31 AM »
(Don't know if this has been mentioned) In one of the captions at the top of the chapters also mentioned that what allomantic power and probably feruchemical power gained was based on where the spike was placed within the body.
It mentions this in the caption of page 249 of the third book and page 283 also of the third book.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 07:41:57 AM by deathly5 »


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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #607 on: July 21, 2010, 09:23:40 AM »
I haven't read all the posts but I just wanted to mention that the Word Hemalurgy comes from the root word, whether its Latin or Greek i'm not sure,  "Hemal"-urgy means blood.  As we know the inquisitors are made through the stakes, and blood and so forth.  For example take the word Hemorrhage, "Hemo" which means a loss of blood, and Hemoptysis, which means to cough up blood.  Probably been said but if not I thouth it was interesting


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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #608 on: July 21, 2010, 02:45:45 PM »
Yeah, it has. This topic has been dead for a while now, which is rational since there isn't much to theorize about Hemalurgy anymore, with MB3 long since released. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #609 on: July 22, 2010, 10:38:00 PM »
One thing that perplexes me is that Atium is the wild card, it can steal any other power or attribute stolen by Hemalurgy.  So what do the Atium alloys steal?
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Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« Reply #610 on: July 23, 2010, 08:38:00 PM »
One thing that perplexes me is that Atium is the wild card, it can steal any other power or attribute stolen by Hemalurgy.  So what do the Atium alloys steal?

Well, I recall Brandon saying Atium steals things more efficiently too, (less wastage, more staying power when a spike isn't impaled) so I assume an Atium alloy would just steal the same power but somewhere between the efficiency of the two alloyed metals.