Author Topic: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...  (Read 2495 times)


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Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« on: February 20, 2008, 12:42:00 PM »
... to check out this neck of the woods.

What can I say? I didn't even know that Mr Sanderson existed until he was announced as the chosen author of A Memory of Light (last Wheel of Time book). In my defense, this has a lot to do with the deplorable fact that none of his books seem to have made it to Australian shores yet.

So anyway, I decided to do my research and swiftly devoured all the free material available on the web (again due to the fact that the books are unavailable in dead tree format here yet. Yes, I harrassed the nice book-shop lady about this. Mistborn will take about half a year) and now my senses scream for more.

So, as always when I want something and find I cannot get it, I join an online community dedicated to it. Happily this community is dedicated to many things, so I've saved myself a lot of time (which I will waste accordingly).

So anyway, I'll begin poking around. I bid you all Happy Wednesday and Merry Midweek.


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Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 01:53:26 PM »
I'm in W.A. for the record, was in Borders yesterday and they did actually have a copy of Mistborn 1 in Paperback, also have the book "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rofthuss which is an amazing book which BranSand also recommended.

so yeah, you can find mistborn at borders...
Clyde Bruckman: You know, there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified way than auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Mulder: Why are you telling *me* that?
Clyde Bruckman: Look, forget I mentioned it. It's none of my business.


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Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 08:49:44 AM »
You mean to say that all I had to do all this time was walk the extra 100 metres and go down an escalator and I could have had all the Brandon Sanderson material in portable dead-tree format that I required? I feel like I was lied to and betrayed by my favourite bookstore  :'(

I've heard of 'The Name of the Wind' and had it recommended to me by several people of excellent taste. I've also heard it has plotholes you could aim a plummeting sperm whale and a bowl of petunias through. It's on my to-read list. But then, so is 'War and Peace'. I'll get to it someday  ;D

I have a friend who has lived/is moving back to WA. Are you in Perth or ... actually, is there anything in WA besides Perth and a whole lotta camels? I'm from Queensland, so I'm not expected to know these things  :P

I just realised that I've ended every paragraph so far with an emoticon. It must be a curse.  :-\


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Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2008, 11:15:27 AM »
Yes, I'm in Perth, it is in fact the only habiltable place in this side of the continent I think...

I personally never notcied any plot holes in the name or the wind - I guess I wasn't really looking for them because it's such a great and well written and involving book that before you've noticed it you've read a gazillion pages already...

And my friend who has also read it found it to be very enjoyable to and she does law & lit so I'd say it's fairly safe to read.

To me, Harry Potter = Plotholes... and apparently forgetting that Marcus Flint I think it was if you follow through the books was at Hogwarts for 8 years... among other things... such as some down right cheap-ass plot tools at times... oh, CoS, how I miss those early days...

I'd be interested in what plot holes your friend thought TNoTW possesed though.

By the way, The Lie of Locke Lamora is also fabulous (and at borders)

but thus far borders did only have Mistborn Uno, i think that's because they generally order in a lot of Miscellany from overseas though so it's not necessarily reliably stocked now.

... and I should warn you - the titles for 'Students of Deception' ? only get worse as you go along... T_T
Clyde Bruckman: You know, there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified way than auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Mulder: Why are you telling *me* that?
Clyde Bruckman: Look, forget I mentioned it. It's none of my business.

Natalie Perkins

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Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2008, 05:08:06 AM »
For a first time author, I think J.K.Rowling did pretty good.
The books are in the kids section of the library anyway. I doubt a 2nd grader is gonna notice something as vague as the whereabouts about Mr. Marcus Flint.

Sorry, I have a tender spot for the series that made me actually like reading. It deserves respect. Hehe.
‘Never trust a teenage boy in a room of teenage girls to be on time.’ (Wievorann Ch.6)


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Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2008, 06:16:35 AM »
I do respect the HP series - but part of respect is respecting things for a reason not just liking them blindly - I know that the HP books have flaws, I still respect them though - I do not necessarily respect the author as much as I could have because I do believe writers no matter who they are writing for owe it to their readers (and their editors owe it too-) to make sure there work is sound and watertight.

The Name of the Wind, which I mentioned is also by a first time author.

The tough thing is - using widely read books like HP does tend to set yourself up from occassional fire from readers.

Clyde Bruckman: You know, there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified way than auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Mulder: Why are you telling *me* that?
Clyde Bruckman: Look, forget I mentioned it. It's none of my business.


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Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2008, 09:09:15 AM »
I've heard unconfirmed reports of areas south of Perth that are quite pleasant. Look on the bright side: you don't get paid out as much as Tasmanians.

My source on TNoTW wasn't specific. It was just mentioned in passing. The only kinds of plotholes that bother me are the ones that jump out at you as you are reading, not the ones that occur to you during the post mortem or during exhaustive re-reads (no one who doesn't keep a diary of these things could have noticed that Marcus Flint was at Hogwarts for too long, and how do we know he wasn't kept down for being fick?) So if you didn't notice any, then I sure won't.

I don't know a thing about the titles. What do they signify? My thought process in choosing ran thusly: I like online mafia, it is a sneaky game, therefore I will pick the one about deception. So should I have paused and done some research before so casually sealing my fate?

HP ... ah HP. I was born with a book in my hands, but HP was my first experience of actually being able to talk about what I was reading with most of my friends. And I don't think it is very fair to criticise minor failings in JKR's continuity considering the momentous amount of stuff she was juggling. Well plotted series, in my most humble opinion.


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Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2008, 03:34:20 PM »
I think her editor should have caught some things though - it's kind of their job.

And yeah, the greatest part of HP is how familiar everyone is with it.

and yes, I myself don't really understand the great title mystery and why they seem to get increasingly more degrading - I'm hoping they're like quadratic equations though and that there might be an upturn somewhere coming up in the future...

But deception = cool.
Clyde Bruckman: You know, there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified way than auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Mulder: Why are you telling *me* that?
Clyde Bruckman: Look, forget I mentioned it. It's none of my business.