1. What did you want to be when you were little?
I wanted to be a marine biologist - specifically, I wanted to study orcas. I love 'em. And yes, this was before I saw 'Free Willy' as a child. That only made it 'worse'.
I wanted to do this all the way up to Grade 12 and had even looked into what University I would go to. I later decided to do something different.
2. What do you want to be? (Doesn't have to be what you're doing right now)
Ideally, I'd like to get into journalism, voice/host for documentaries, or anything really relating to media and marine science. Or just science in general. I think that would be fantastic.
3. What are you doing?
I'm the morning news anchor/reporter at a small market radio station.
Which is actually a lot of fun, I love my job.
4. What are you going to be? (For those studying for a certain career or changing imminently)
Well, I am settled into the start of my career in news media - but to be honest, I'd like to extend myself to possibly writing for magazines or newspapers, etc. which is a different kind of writing than I do now. (They call it "Writing for the Eye" versus "Writing for the Ear".) Being Canadian, I'd like to upgrade my French into more than just a smattering leftover from high school.