Author Topic: WoT Myrddraal questions  (Read 5254 times)


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WoT Myrddraal questions
« on: May 05, 2011, 04:54:44 AM »
Hey Brandon,
   I've got a couple of quick Myrddraal questions if you have a minute. Do you know if there is a correlation between the percentage of humans who are born with the ability to channel and the percentage of Trollocs born who are Myrddraal?
   I know Robert Jordan said Myrddraal were a throwback to the human stock used to create the Trollocs, and it would be awesome if the human part of that particular Trolloc would have been able to channel, but due to the cross-species breeding, used in the creation of Trollocs, the result is a Myrddraal rather than a channeling human. Is this the case?
   Although Myrddraal obviously cant channel, is it possible they share some characteristics with channelers? We don't yet know the process whereby a Myrddraal links with Trollocs (presumably a dread lord is involved), but we know it is closer to that of an Aes Sedai and her warders than the link formed between two Aiel sister-wives. The bond seems to allow a degree of compulsion over the Trollocs in their bond, and the Trollocs die if the Myrddraal dies. Taking those similarities into account, is it possible that Myrddraal share the weakness that all Aes Sedai have whereby they are able to be bound to the Dark One against their will? Is it possible that baby Myrddraal ;) are subjected to a ritual before being sent out into the world that binds them to the Dark One for life? Is it possible that if the Dark One is killed or re-imprisoned, that Myrddraal will be free of that bond and be given free will to chose which side they will chose to fight for toward the end of the Final-Battle?
   I'll understand if you say "wait and read" for the last questions, but can you answer my first two questions at the least? Any commentary along the lines of these thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
   Thanks for all your work Brandon. I read everything you write and love your podcast even though I have no personal interest in writing. Keep up the good work. We really do appreciate you. I can't wait to see you in Dallas again!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 02:06:25 PM by brendon2424 »


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Re: WoT Myrddraal questions
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 06:05:48 AM »
This is a pretty cool theory, and I'm really curious what the answers will be.  I'm guessing Peter will see this thread, and become interested and then ask Brandon (unless Peter already knows, in which case we might just be finding out a lot of this in the last book).

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Re: WoT Myrddraal questions
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 02:42:57 PM »
I seriously doubt Brandon or Peter have time to answer this question.

I do suggest, though, that you look elsewhere for the answers.  I know that the first theory (e.g. if Myrddraal would have been channeling humans) has been asked before.  I vaguely remember that the answer was "No," but seriously, don't take my word for it.

As for the second part, that's speculation.  I can't help but suspect that by their very nature, Myrddraal are evil in the same way the Dark One is.
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Re: WoT Myrddraal questions
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2011, 05:21:27 AM »
   Ok, I did some  research and although I had never heard of anyone posing my theory (and I've been around the WOT forums for many years now) I found a similar, and very interesting post here,, I couldn't find where it had been conclusively determined either way. It seems that the popular belief among people who have pondered this is that Myrddraal are born because of the "channeling gene" from the human stock used in the creation of Trollocs. I like this way of looking at it. The people discussing it agree however that Myrddraal cannot channel contrary to the OPs hypothesis, which I already knew.
   My later questions are of course just speculation as happyman points out above, but I think it would be cool if some of the Myrddraal switched sides, although I'll admit even I would be a little surprised.
   I can add a few facts to these theories though. I had the opportunity to ask Brandon two questions during his Q/A when he was here in Dallas for his book signing for The Gathering Storm. When I asked if Myrddraal could channel Brandon gave a one word response. "No" When I asked if, in the event the Dark One were to be re-imprisoned or destroyed, would all remaining Myrddraal and Trollocs drop dead due to a link of sorts being cut, Brandon replied, "No, but other things would happen."
   Obviously, this is painfully vague. Of course other things will happen, but did Brandon mean other things would happen to the Myrddraal? I still don't know. I'm pretty sure their abilities such as traveling where shadow meets light are innate and will not be going away. Maybe the bonds between them and the Trollocs would go away? I'm resting pretty assured now that Myrddraal exist because of the channeling human stock, but I cant wait to see if they are unwillingly bound to the Dark One. I suppose we will have to read and find out.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 11:12:45 PM by brendon2424 »


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Re: WoT Myrddraal questions
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 08:55:21 AM »
Sorry to say this, but you are not the first. It was new to me, but when googling Myrdraal, the first link is aWoT Wiki page (, which states:
Myrddraal are genetically Trolloc offspring, but are throwbacks to their human origin; for some reason, throwbacks to the animal side of Trollocs' genetic heritage never survive. Their names, where known, are in the Trolloc tongue. One theory holds that myrrdraal are created by the channeling gene, this would also explain why they are needed for turning a channeler to the Dark One.

Still, great theory!


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Re: WoT Myrddraal questions
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 07:30:03 AM »
Someone managed to get an official comment on this after TGS, although I can't tell from the report whether it's from both Brandon and Harriet, or just from Harriet:
Myrddraal are not Trollocs who can channel.  Their powers are totally independent from the One Power.  They really are just throwbacks to the human stock.  Harriet added that there are also animal throwbacks, but they just die.

It was a somewhat popular theory for a long time though, which is why it got asked.


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Re: WoT Myrddraal questions
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2011, 02:01:44 PM »
Ah, I knew I'd seen it resolved somewhere.  That's what I remember, as well.  Thanks, Morsker!

Pity the theory itself died, though.  It was pretty clever.
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Re: WoT Myrddraal questions
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2011, 07:25:44 PM »
If you're interested in reading... [Pirate ebook discussion is not allowed on the TWG boards. —Peter]
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 06:05:07 AM by EUOL »