Author Topic: Let the Games Begin!!!  (Read 51490 times)


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2007, 07:11:44 PM »
I like everyone else ideas so far. :)

If I could choose someone or something, they definitely would be a super hero.  Forget beasts that must be tamed, I could get killed.  I want something that is already civilized.

That hero must start out with humble beginnings so they wouldn’t have a swell head.  They’d need to be able to understand the feelings of everyone else who lacks unearthly abilities.  They must care about the others they come in contact with.

They would have to be tough but soft.  I know that sounds confusing, but they would  have to genuinely care about others, and yet be able to handle the powerful villains who are obsessed with power and greed.  Their heart must be pure and full of light.

Since the super heroes who go through trials seem to capture the heart more, I would want one that struggled to overcome.  They must not give up easily, but hang on through the dark times until the sunrise comes.  That sounds a lot like Luke Skywalker.   Does he count? 

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2007, 01:44:01 PM »
That hero must start out with humble beginnings so they wouldn’t have a swell head. They’d need to be able to understand the feelings of everyone else who lacks unearthly abilities. They must care about the others they come in contact with.

You obviously haven't heard about Hal Jordan/Green Lantern/Parallax who tried to destroy the universe because a bad guy killed his girlfriend.

They would have to be tough but soft. I know that sounds confusing, but they would have to genuinely care about others, and yet be able to handle the powerful villains who are obsessed with power and greed. Their heart must be pure and full of light.

Like the Punisher, who is out to kill all criminals

Since the super heroes who go through trials seem to capture the heart more, I would want one that struggled to overcome. They must not give up easily, but hang on through the dark times until the sunrise comes. That sounds a lot like Luke Skywalker. Does he count?

I think you're too picky.



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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2007, 03:26:00 PM »
Forget beasts that must be tamed, I could get killed. 

Awwwww, maaaaan! You ruin all the fun with your rational approach to such an irrational thing as dating!  ;)
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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2007, 11:45:07 PM »
Hmmmph! I think it's brilliant, Chris!  But then I'm partial to superheroes myself...or villains, whatever. He'll always be 'my' superhero no matter what he does. So there!--everybody out there in the world! Yeah, I'm talking to you!

Would that be bad if I won my free book?--'cause whenever I see my amazing reasoning (which is very ironic because love is never very reasonable), I'm just so very proud of myself!

Just kidding guys, sheesh! I LOVE all the answers so far...though some of them DON'T count! C'mon! You've got to give your own reason for falling for some crazy creature NOT some crazy debate against someone else's! And I'm not changing the rules either! So forget it!
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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2007, 01:50:57 PM »
hey, i *posted* my reasons. I just think the other ones are invalid, making mine much better


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2007, 06:31:22 PM »
Very sound reasoning SE.  You only have to hope that g-babe agrees with your invalidations.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2007, 12:33:05 PM »
G-Girl does!

Oh, wait. You're talking about guitarbabe. Ideally she will as well.


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2007, 06:10:14 PM »
And Nessa! She's a judge too!

Whoo, thank goodness it doesn't all depend on my judgment...
"You’ve got more issues than National Geographic!"

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2007, 11:23:45 PM »
So...I've been doing some thinking about this "Anything else?" category and have come to the conclusion that I need to make a "man" comment.  Additionally, I hope that the intermingling of another author's brain child to this mix won't elicit too many jeers or cat calls.  I have decided that I'd like to date...a Kandra.  Yes, a Kandra.  That way if I got tired of the "same old thing" I could just have her eat another girl and it'd be like starting all over again.  :)

Like I said, a "man" comment.  Try to hold the tomatoes.  I'm allergic.

And dang if that penguin avatar didn't make me laugh out loud for a solid three minutes, SE.  That was genius.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2007, 04:47:23 PM »
Ok, people!!! We need more submissions. This really is a fun book worth reading (and winning!!). I just re-read it again this weekend and it's funny and a great story. Come on! EVERYONE should post something here, it's not that hard!
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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2007, 01:13:32 AM »
Ah Nessa, you're so sweet!

I'm so glad you got a chance to read it. That's awesome!

Guys, win it for your wives or girlfriends. Girls, win it for you! Don't worry, no one will make fun of your entry...ha ha, well, I won't! Big jerks anyway!

Pretty cool answers so far...and the deadline is getting closer if anybody else wants to take a stab at it...
"You’ve got more issues than National Geographic!"

"You’re like a soggy brown banana, the only use for you now is to get cooked."

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2007, 03:24:14 PM »
'Yes! You're the loneliest jerkiest jerk!"


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2007, 08:51:44 PM »
If you date a super hero and even if he doesn't go evil or you don't get killed/kidnapped/brainwashed by his archnemesis, it's still a pretty crappy route to go.  Come on, he's never there when you need him because he's off saving the world ("What's more important to you, the world or our relationship?" "Duh."), and you have to lie for him all the time in order to protect his secret identity.  Who wants to date a guy that makes you lie all the time?  Actually, for most of these guys you're going to have to lie a lot.

That's why I choose the fairy.  I'm not talking a Tinkerbell type here, but one of those Faerie princes that will take me off to a magic land where I'll be blissfully happy in a fairyfood-induced haze.  And I'll be able to buy anything I want with his fairy gold.  I may even get butterfly wings out of it.

But if we've actually learned anything from Hollywood, then we know that the best way to go is to date an angel.  Come on, he's perfect.  And he has wings which are uber-cool.  Well, at least until he gives up heaven in order to be with me, but even then, he's still perfect.
If I had any clue, would I be here?

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2007, 01:09:06 PM »
the problem with fairies: Loss of all contact with any other friends or family. They take you off to their little mound, and if you ever come back, it's been 200 years. How worth it is that?

Angels? Ok, so they show a lot of devotion. But uh... doesn't that mean when you go to heaven the angel won't be there? Yeah, I'm not for that.

Giggly Girl

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2007, 09:55:51 PM »
Before I state my reasoning I would like to first make clear that I have heard a wise person say that you marry who you date, and if I am required to date one of these creatures, then obviously I will marry one because there are no humans/mortals to date, so that is why I’m dating one of these guys.

          The werewolf does not appeal to me for several reasons.  First off, dogs won’t leave you alone, they track and tackle you.  I have never enjoyed it from the neighbor’s dog; I wouldn’t want my date doing the same thing.  Second thing, to disappear for a week or so at a time doesn’t sound nice—let alone at the full moon when it can be really romantic—think of it, I could never become a true Aggie (never mind that I don’t even attend Utah State).  [For those of you not familiar with Utah State, you become a “true Aggie” by kissing below the “A” at a full moon—they might be particular about it being at homecoming time, but I’m not sure.]  Then thinking in the future, if we got married it could be a toss up if I have one child, or a whole litter of puppies—think of having five or more puppies, and then think about watching them all, teaching them the proper manners and not biting the neighbors.  (Can you imagine explaining to the neighbor why their son or daughter is not a werewolf—it sounds awful.)  The raising that many at one time might not be that bad, but what if I have the kids while I’m human and it’s a quintuplets, and then it’s a full moon and their at the hospital…can anyone else see this as a problem?

          I don’t like the idea of dating a vampire.  For one thing, I don’t react well when mosquitoes bite me, in fact I swell up.  It is teased in my family that I have “sweet blood”.  I can’t recall any vampires that have very much self control—let alone for “sweet blood”.  Which brings up my next problem, when I get bit I will have no color in my face—and there goes all the joy of my friends teasing me and my face turning bright red.  Honestly, that sounds worse then actually getting bitten.  Another problem that I see is that vampires are active in the night and not during the day.  I personally am a morning person.  I could not date someone who would deprive me of my glorious mornings.  Also, think the long run—teaching you children to not bite the neighbors.  I really can’t explain how I know how much children like to bite—but I know they do.  One other thing, a vampire cannot hold a respectable job, so who would be bringing in the bacon?  That better not be me!

          A fairy sounds romantic…until I think of Thumbelina, Tinkerbelle, and all small fairies—they are too small for me to date.  He could follow me around and I wouldn’t know—I don’t like being followed.  (This doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll follow me, but I wouldn’t like it either way.)  Also, if we were dating and he decided to take me somewhere and we flew—chances are I’d have messed up hair before we got to our appointment—that wouldn’t be cool.  Another problem, he has wings, that means chairs without backs—basically bar stools.  I like back support—I’d be sad without it.  Also, no sitting next to each other on the couch while watching a movie—he wouldn’t be able to handle it with his wings.  Sad!  Also, if I become a mother of fairies, I wouldn’t become one, which means that when their father is gone at work (whatever fairies do) my children will fly all around me and I won’t be able to do anything about it.  That would be depressing and a harder motherhood than what I plan to sign up for.

          I wouldn’t date a zombie because he doesn’t pass the first test of dateable material—he has to be alive.  Honestly, if they aren’t alive, then they aren’t marriage material.  Also, to go on the shallow end of things—I hear they’re ugly, and I wouldn’t want an ugly gene going through my posterity.

          I would date a superhero.  He would have some sort of respectable job and fight crime on the side.  He is honest and busy, which means he won’t be calling me every five minutes.  I have a life right now too—between school, work, homework, family, and everything else I do—I don’t need a puppy dog chasing me.  He would be handsome—ever heard of an ugly superhero?—I haven’t either.  He would know the safe places of town, the nice places to go out, and he would bring me home at a decent hour so that he can go fight crime.  It really doesn’t matter what his super power is, whether it is strength, flight or anything, it doesn’t matter.  If we got married our children would know the importance of giving back to the community.  They would have an awesome role model to look up to.  He might not be home all of the time, but that isn’t too big of a problem because he would understand the importance of Quality time, not just quantity. 

          Other non-datable magical creature:
     *Centaurs would not be enjoyable on a car ride.
     *Elves would take me away to their magical kingdom and I’d never see my family again.
     *Wizards can be sneaky, same with magicians.  Besides, I don’t need added magic in a friendship—being friends has    its own magic.
     *Fire witches—I’d get burned. (Depending on what book you read, there are male fire witches.)

So to sum it up, the only one that qualifies as dating material is the superhero.