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How Annoying Is This?

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Please post in this thread to see what I'm talking about.

[hide]So in the Harry Potter Spoiler thread we're seeing what happens when people use the hide feature to conceal spoilers--they hate it. The way this works is, you write <hide> at the beginning of your comment, and </hide> at the end, but with brackets instead of arrows, and then no one can see your comment until they've posted in the same thread. This is fantastically annoying, and many of you have complained, but it also has a lot of good things going for it as well: for example, if someone clicks on the "Most recent posts" link at the bottom they'll see the 10 most recent posts out of context--meaning that they'll see a spoiler without seeing the spoiler warning in the thread title first. Hiding certain comments until after you've posted in the thread is a nice courtesy to people who use this feature.

So, I'm asking you all: how much do you really hate this feature? It's unlikely we can do anything about it in the near future, other than just not use the <hide> tags, but I want your feedback anyway. Should it be abolished forever? Is it wonderful? Is it tolerable once you understand that it helps certain people? Let us know.[/hide]

I'm going to assume you're using hide tags, and I'll go ahead and say now that it's extremely annoying.

Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock:
What are you doing? What're you hiding? Is it some secret that could blow the lid off the case? I'm gonna explode with paranoia!

I think we need a better way. Like if you want to read the spoilers, you just have to highlight the text in the post and you'll see it. This way it's easy to see what's there and at the same time, they can't blame anyone if they see something they didn't want to. It's annoying to have to post just to see the stuff that's hidden.

Are they perfect? No.  Are they better then nothing? Yes.

Feel free to complain all you want but for the time being they're staying, an admin vote put this to rest.

The reason we have what we have is all due to time, I don't have enough of it and this is the only pre-made spoiler tag like feature for this version of SMF.  Considering all the other stuff that needs to be done for this site this is really a low priority since all you have to do is spend 5 seconds to post something to be able to read--that's not really an inconvenience at all.

Nor is anyone required or forced to use the Hide tags but it's polite to do so because it hides the content from the Recent Post feature and the RSS feed and I think being a little courteous is worth 5 seconds of my life.


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