Some things to consider on Novik:
The release of her first 3 books at once is a strategy employed to prey upon the minds of readers. Readers are more likely to buy books from a new author if they see serveral books out. If the books are good, and accepted in the genre, this strategy works very well.
The cover quotes ARE what sold the first book. It's Stephen Frickin King. Novik's husband ressurrected an old genre of crime/noir short fiction. He then sent the stuff to King (who is a fan of that genre) to ask for cover quotes. King rejected the request...because he wanted to write a novel for Novik's husband instead. You all know it as The Colorado Kid. After Novik had finished her first novel, she sent it to King asking if he would cover quote for her Dragon series, and he said of course. She also knows Todd McCaffery, therefore knowing Anne McCaffery.
Since she informed me when i met her last summer that her main influences were Patrick O'Brien and McCaffery, her story makes complete sense. In my opinion, it is a brilliant idea the she executed well.
To top this off, she was one of the most humble authors I met last summer. She was just thrilled that so many people liked her novels.
All in all, the quality of the stories, the cover quotes, and the marketing campaign won her this award. I believe I will email her my congrats.
Brandon doesnt need to win an award to be successful - of course, he already is a success. The more novels he churns out at a James Patterson pace, the increased market penetration he will get. It's only a matter of time. Simply being nomintaed twice is an award in itself.