Author Topic: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets  (Read 52529 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2007, 05:48:58 PM »
Manisin marched past the secretary into the meeting room where the others were waiting. "Very well, I suppose it's time for introductions. I am Magnisisn Brechtil Bendorial. You may call me Maester Bendorial. I am your liason for S.N.E.A.K.S. Anything you want to know, you come to me. Anyone who tries to go over my head will be immediately terminated. And I don't mean fired. I give your assignments and missions. No one else is authorized to do this. Freelance work is prohibited, and discovery that you have been moonlighting will also result in termination. You will need to sing this non-competition, non-disclosure agreement."

He passed around a form that was several pages long. Each person was given 5 copies. "Sign each copy and return them to me. Failure to do so results in termination."

He looked down at all of you. Magnisin Brechtil Bendorial, like all elves, was impossible to impress. It was theorized that elves invented social nuances and customs on the spot simply to make people feel even more inferior. Magnisin, however, had a talent for making people feel worthless even when they'd done well.

"As none of you have any experience with this sort of matters, and we still need a team leader, I will have to choose one of you. Normally we decide these things by a complex and thorough evaluation of your skills and interpersonal abilities. Since we don't have time for that, and it's clear that none of you have any punctuality, we'll skip the paperwork for once and I will appoint..." he hesitated, then stretched his arm out, apparently at random, and pointed at an Illuman among you. "..Solon as your team leader."

He quickly ran down the list of the rest of you. "This is a Tinker Mark III class construct known as Dink. The faery is known as Orfeo. Keating is the human, and the changling is Rashiel. The halfling gypsy is called Esmerelda, and that dwarf is called Olan.

"The seven of you should work together and learn to rely on each others' talents and abilities. Remember that it is not your job simply to get in and out, but to test all of the security measures in the assigned facility. Try to do it without dying. A dead agent means we have to find someone else to go in. Are there any questions?" 

((three notes:
-I really did select the leader at random, using perl random number generator.
-Everything reads better when you write in past tense. Maybe that's just my opinoin. I won't penalize you for doing otherwise, I'm just sayin'.
-The game is much more interesting the more you write. Try to shoot for three sentences in a post. If it's going to be empty words, don't force it, but try to put that much content in, if you can.))

Onion of Death

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2007, 06:11:26 AM »
Olan looked over the agreement thoroughly before signing it. He huffed a bit at the part about no looting, but found it to be altogether satisfactory. After signing it, he went back to looking over his newfound team members, particularly at the Illuman.

"Hmmmm... a brainiac. He should be amusing," Jobber whispered quietly within the confines of Olan's skull. At this Olan chuckled a bit to himself, then quieted the demon under his breath.
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum.


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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2007, 06:27:25 AM »
Upon being sat on by Orfeo, Rashial gave another of his common sarcastic faces to nobody in particular.  After a little less than a minute, he turned his head a little, still looking ahead, and said quietly, "Um, my...I'm Rashial--that is, you can call me that.  Or, rather, you can call me Rashial.  Welcome to my shoulder, come back anytime..." He said with an upward inflection, quieting before Maester Bendorial's speech. 

He looked over the form, reading it, said quietly to himself, "Yeah, I'm sure.  No.  Yes...yes."  Signed it, and passed it or put it where it belonged.  He looked at Orfeo, as though waiting for an answer to a question.  Then smiled slowly, continuing to appear as though he were waiting for an answer.
"Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other 'sins' are invented nonsense."
Robert Heinlein

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."
Edmund Burke for a good time!

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2007, 05:50:42 PM »
Magnisin nodded, but the frown never left his face.
"Very well. You have the day to get organized. Tonight you need to break into the mansion of Lord Col in town and try to steal the statuette of Ophelia the goddess. It is an heirloom and supposedly has some kind of power. You may wish to visit the quartermaster. If there is nothing else?"
He didn't wait for an answer but withdrew from the room.


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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2007, 05:21:09 AM »
Solon read all of the pieces of the contract carefully, making sure there were no surprises. After signing them, he stood up, and looked around the room, at everyone else.

"Alright, everyone. As Master Bendorial has already said, my name is Solon. To my great honor, I have been selected to be your leader. I want you all to know that this is not a responsibility that I take lightly, nor one that I will flaunt. I am sure that there are some of you that I will like more than others."

Solon shot a mean look at Keating.

"Be that as it may though, I will not abuse my power to get back at those that I do not like. I want everyone to be able to play to their strengths, in order to do their best for the team. All of you know what you are good at, and what you might need help with. In addition, you might see or hear something that I do not. That means that we have to communicate, so that we can use all of our talents when they are most needed, and we can cover up our weaknesses as much as possible. In most circumstances, this means that I want you to come to me, if you have a problem, a suggestion, or if there is something you think I need to know. However, since we are trying to infiltrate, there may be times when it is essential to be quick and silent in our communication. As an Illuman, I am psychic, and I have the power to read your minds and to talk to you without speaking. However, like the power of leadership, the power to read minds is one that I am careful not to abuse. Since we will be working together, it would be rude of me to read your mind without your permission. So, if you have any objection to this arrangement, you can speak with me now, or privately, before the mission starts. So, unless anyone has something more to say, I think we should speak to the quartermaster, and then talk again, when we know more."
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -Andre Gide
In the depth of winter, I finally discovered that within me there lay an invincible summer. -Albert Camus

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2007, 02:01:28 PM »
Dink listened to what the Illuman said, trying not to look too closely at his head to determine what structures made the mind reading possible. When he was done, he raised his hand. "Solon, I am reasonably confident that my mind cannot be read. At least, no Illuman has previously been capable of doing so, and every case I've heard of verifies the evidence that Struct minds are undecipherable to Illuman psionics."
He looked down, hoping that he had not made the wrong decision in speaking out.


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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2007, 06:27:24 PM »
Solon said, "That's alright Dink, you did the right thing telling me."
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -Andre Gide
In the depth of winter, I finally discovered that within me there lay an invincible summer. -Albert Camus


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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2007, 09:55:04 PM »
When the Illuman stood and spoke, Rashial's eyes strayed from the individual on his shoulder.  He followed the conversation quietly, then looked around.  Looking at Orfeo and smiling softly, then looking back at Solon he said, "He's right...or, that being, you are right, and you're the leader--a good choice.  Or rather..."

Looking rather uncomfortable at speaking out loud, he said suddenly, "Well, lets get on with it," and stood up almost as though his chair had shocked him, "Let us travel to the quartermaster..."  At this point he walked towards Solon in an embarrassed fashion, standing next to him and turning to face the group.

Then, still embarrassed, he said quietly to Solon, "Oh, I'm psychic too.  Or so I'm told.  Or rather, it's been confirmed on some occasions..."  Trailing off to himself quietly as he faded back towards the nearest wall and leaned against it.
"Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other 'sins' are invented nonsense."
Robert Heinlein

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."
Edmund Burke for a good time!

Onion of Death

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2007, 07:39:02 AM »
When Solon asked whether there were any objections, Olan replied:

"I wouldn't hurt yourself trying to pick through my mind friend. A few too many backalleys and fog banks, even for someone with your particular talents."

After a second of thought, and a few muttered words to himself, he added something about "the current inhabitants not taking  kindly to your poking around either."

While saying all of this, Olan looked directly into Solon's eyes (or at least, as much as he could given his height), giving the Illuman the distinct impression that any intrusion into the dwarf's psyche was unlikely to end well for either of them.

Having gotten his point across, Olan headed off to the quartermasters, not bothering to wait for anyone who showed even the slightest sign of hesiatance.
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum.

The Jade Knight

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2007, 08:01:14 AM »
Orfeo looks down at the contracts which had been abandonned, and then up to Solon.

"Hey, I've got some questions!"  He seemed to pay no mind at all to Rashiel.  "So, do we have to sign these, or did that guy 'dispense' with that?  And don't we get to choose if we want this mission or not?  And what's a quartermaster?  A guy who's good with a staff?  Why would we want to visit him?"

Orfeo hopped off of Rashiel's shoulder, and beat his bat-like wings over to hover in front of Solon.  "And what was your name again?"
"Never argue with a fool; they'll bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience."


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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2007, 09:42:07 AM »
Solon looked at Orfeo a moment before deciding that he was asking in earnest. As he walked toward the quartermaster, Solon replied.

"My name is Solon. Perhaps I can answer your questions. They seemed very adamant about each one of us signing the contract. I don't think that you get to pick your missions, either. And the quartermaster is not necessarily skilled with a quarterstaff. The quartermaster is in charge of providing us with whatever supplies they are willing to give us, and hopefully, he will also be able to give us more specific information as to the nature of our mission. That's why we are going to see him. Do you understand now?"
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -Andre Gide
In the depth of winter, I finally discovered that within me there lay an invincible summer. -Albert Camus

The Jade Knight

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2007, 11:19:20 AM »
Orfeo made a contorted face for a moment before responding, his eyes frequently darting up to the runes orbiting Solon's head.

"Well, Mr. Solomon Leader Sir, what is paragraph two of section II of the agent manual talking about, then?  I'm new to this whole heist business, and I want to make sure I understand my obligations before I sign my life away.

"And, to make sure I understand you, Leader Solomon, the quartermaster is there to give us swag?  I think I like this job already!  Does he happen to have ammunition, by any chance?  Arrows?  Bolts?  Six-foot Javelins?"  The smile that lit up Orfeo's face showed that he was clearly pleased at the thought of receiving free stuff.
"Never argue with a fool; they'll bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience."


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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2007, 08:02:22 PM »
Rashial stood leaning against his wall, smiling at the little fairy's childlike enthusiasm, and broke into a small, lighthearted chuckle when his face lit up from the speak of ammunition.

"Handsome masters," Rashial started, still as shadowed as he could possibly be in the room, more confident than he had been speaking before, "I don't suppose we could walk and talk?"

Then he spoke quietly, those listening would probably have deciphered him saying, "I can see that. No.  No. I'm not..."  but upon realizing a few faces were still pointing his way, he jolted up, strutted with confidence out of the shadows and said, "Or in your case, little one, we could fly and talk?"

His eyes darted around the room, looking at all the individuals who were still sitting.
"Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other 'sins' are invented nonsense."
Robert Heinlein

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."
Edmund Burke for a good time!


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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2007, 03:18:09 PM »
Solon looked at the others. "I agree, it seems pointless to talk more when we know so little. Dink, Safire, Keating, if you would?"

With that, Solon turned back to Orfeo, as he walked down the hall.

"I don't think I can answer either of your questions. I have never met the quartermaster, and I have only read the contract once. However, if you come with us, we will see about the quartermaster soon enough."
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -Andre Gide
In the depth of winter, I finally discovered that within me there lay an invincible summer. -Albert Camus

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2007, 09:01:43 PM »
Dink nodded solemnly. He stood and followed the others. After all, he didn't have any better ideas, though he was sure to get them. He was already imagining a control station where Solon and he could sit and get feedback from teams of the others, relaying orders for how to proceed. It would need to have spots for maps and information storage. It could double as a transport, which would mean it would need wheels and a means of locomotion. Some rickshaw poles and he could do that. Or else they could get an ox or something. The only problem was how to make it inconspicuous. As he thought this, he realized he was lagging behind. He started paying attention.

((will post more about the Quartermaster in a little while. Just realized the time.))