Author Topic: I'm bemused  (Read 5518 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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I'm bemused
« on: March 01, 2007, 08:28:39 PM »
So I was canned last night from the video store for (get this) wearing the wrong pants.

Before anybody feels bad for me, remember that this was just spending money, I have a real job still and have no problem paying the rent or feeding the family. In addition, since I certainly have nothing where I really feel at fault, I'm not depressed about this at all. I have to find a new part time job to feed my comics habit, but that's relatively minor.

Anyway, it went down like this.

I was wearing jeans when this stupid cow, freshly fired from Blockbuster for letting employees break rules, came in and talked about how this had all gone down. I think nothing of it.

Apparently, she went home and wrote an email to the Hollywood Corporate, grossly overstating the condition of dress we were in, and outright lying about how the store was in terrible shape. Some VP gets wind of it and orders them to fire me and my coworker.

At this point, it should be noted, with what I feel is no exaggeration or hyperbole (but possibly some redundancy) that I was the single best worker at this store. The Burke, Virginia Hollywood Video is probably the only store in the nationwide chain that has the previously viewed DVDs for sale in complete and meticulous alphabetical order. This is because I took it upon myself, without being asked, to fix it. The store has been rearranged twice in the 4 months I was there, the first time I can claim to have done it almost singlehandedly, with only direction given by the manager. I never closed early. I have done hours of hardware tech support on the computers in the store that no one else there was qualified to do, all at the seven-and-a-half hourly wage I normally earn, even though such work would normally go for at least twice that much. I never missed a shift, and I picked up other people's shifts frequently. I came up with a number of ideas that are already being used not only in Burke but in a couple other area stores. I also fixed up the employee recommendations display so that people actually paid attention to it. My only sin is that sometimes I wore jeans instead of slacks. (Clean, dark jeans with no holes, but jeans nonetheless).

The store manager got wind of all the stupid cow issue on Friday night but was forbidden to say anything. (I'm reconstructing this from clues I gathered and what a co-worker told me, I'll be speaking to the store manager tomorrow). He argues with the district manager about both of us and manages to save my coworker's job, but since I was the one in charge of the shift, I am destined to be the scapegoat. John is unable to look me in the eye for the next several days. Scott (my co-conspirator) actually switches shifts so he won't have to work with me on Monday -- he's not allowed to say anything and he tells another coworker that he might throw up from it. A bit dramatic, but I understand.

Scott gets "written up," the prescribed punishment for being out of uniform. This makes sense. It sucks, because, frankly, Scott puts a lot more effort into his job than most, but I can't weasel out a justification.

Everyone things that the district manager is a real tool and is micromanaging the store for no reason, since by almost all metrics the store has improved roughly 200% since the store manager and our team took over.

The stupid cow actually comes in for a job interview.  It seems she has been angling to take over the store and bring all her blockbuster's buddies with her. The store manager tells her where to stick her application and where she should go to do this activity. This fills most of us with glee.

Last night I come into work. I start busting my hump on a couple outstanding projects the store is trying to complete. The district manager is supposed to come in, which we do not think sounds good, so we act extra good. He never shows up, however, and at 9 pm, he calls us up, and tells me I'm fired. Yes. Over the phone. But he's an even bigger tool than that. I tell him in a calm voice, using no profanity, that I think this is "messed up," and that I believe this course of action is foolish and will damage the store and company -- not because I will do anything in particular, but because everyone will *know* why I was fired, and think it's a total farce. Moral will drop. People will quit. The district manager says "it's out of my hands." I ask him if he mentioned anything like this to his superiors. He doesn't answer me. I eventually manage to shame him into saying that he will tell his superiors what I said, but I dont' believe he will. Or at least, if he does, he will say I was ranting or something.  The district manager is the sort of obedient sheep that doesn't care if something is unethical *cough*like PlayGuard*cough* (sorry, another story there). If he's told to jump, he only says "how high?"

So I hang up the phone, gather the cords and wires I'd been loaning the store, and say goodbye to Adam. Adam is dealing with the crazy Egyptian woman who comes in once a month to tell us how bad our MVP program is, and then renews her MVP for another month. Her conversations with the rep usually take about an hour. I actually help Adam, because I'm tired of this woman and don't wish her on anyone. When Adam is done he asks if I have the district manager's phone number. I actually do, and he dials the phone and tells him that he's walking out because he thinks that the store is being micromanaged and the employees treated unjustly. This makes me feel awesome, because no one has quit for me before. Granted, Adam had given his 2-week's notice the night before, so he was going to quit anyway, but this makes it 2 weeks sooner.

The manager left on duty confides in me that they had figured this was coming and were angry they couldn't say anything. He also reveals that there will be mass dessertion quite soon -- including the store manager. No one likes where the environment has gone.

So that was my week. Loverly, isn't it?

I had kept hoping that I would get written up and that things would go back to normal. The job was fun for a few months. Until the district manager started pushing unethical sales tactics on worthless products and meddling when the store manager had things well in hand.

So, if you can, I encourage you to not go to Hollywood Video for your rentals. Use NetFlix or BlockBuster instead. The Hollywood corporate office is screwy, and there are a couple practices I feel are dishonest. I'll be happy to expand on those if you want.

Anyway, as the subject says. I'm not grumpy. I'm not depressed. I almost think it's hilarious that these people operate this way. The store is going to lose money, almost certainly, what with the best crew they've had in years (this is not an exaggeration, I can tell you true stories that will substantiate it) desserting en masse. Yet the schmuck who made this call in the corporate office is probably not going to admit his error, but blame it on whoever the new store manager is.

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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 08:45:25 PM »
Oh man, this makes me feel awesome. I have similar sentiments about my job. Which is Target and works on a grander scale and anything I might do wouldn't really be looked at too closely unless someone higher up were to point it out. Right? Amiright?

But it's a similar situation. I've been busting my hump for the past year for these guys, and all they do is give me more work, harder work, heavier work, other peoples jobs and little to no justification or reparations. I haven't gotten a raise because I "changed" jobs. I went from working on the sales floor to being in the backroom. And in my opinion is a much more difficult task, since it usually means 40+ hours a week and back-aching labor. Having worked on the bulk side of backstock for months now hasn't helped my health much. In fact, I'd say it's helped to deteriorate it.

An for instance: During the week before Thanksgiving, this is called Reindeer Run, wherein we get the store looking top-notch to be ready for christmas when we get POUNDED with merchandise. I ended up working about 60 hours that week, staying until noon or 1 pm for about 3 or 4 days straight, losing out on sleep, time to myself and with friends to help out these mongrels to make themselves look good.

That's not the worst part. This is: The light-duty backstock team lead gets credited with doing a FANTASTIC job for something or other. No one ever acknowledges myself or my team leads hard work. Nope. We're just thrown aside expected to work ever so diligently.

And what happens when we screw up? We get a-talkin' to. Yeah.... I feel ya man.
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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 08:55:39 PM »
Eww. Shmucks indeed! How annoying that you have to search around for another job. I mean, yeah, I know this is primarily to support your comic addiction. But it was helping with some debt too, which is a good cause. And besides, extra spending $ is where it's at!

ANyway, I never rent from a regular movie place anymore. But you can consider them boycotted anyway. ;)
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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 09:24:01 PM »
I had a problem like that at Target too Gemm, but I was given stuff by the level 2 and 3s because no one else was doing them and so we split the work so we could go home.  Though when I was there they did some dishonest things like keep us there 2 hours past when we were scheduled to close (which is illegal) because the night crew always threatened to quit if asked to do their job.  So I walked out and about 5 others followed, I did enjoy the job because I got overtime every week (at Target pays every week) and I was in electronics and had been trained by the level 3s and 2s to do some of their work as well as back-stock and there were a lot of cool people that worked there.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 09:28:01 PM »
There are far too many bozos running companies in this world. It's almost enough to make me turn cynical.
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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 09:56:24 PM »
Well, you have my vote.  I usually switch between Hollywood and Blockbuster, but now I'll just stick with Blockbuster.  True, this will only hurt Hollywood by about - oh, $10 a year, but it's the principle of the thing!
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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 10:06:04 PM »
Thanks. Honestly, it's been... three years I think... since I actually paid to rent anything. So I'm not sure how much my own disgruntlement will hurt anyone.


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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 10:25:50 PM »
So, if you can, I encourage you to not go to Hollywood Video for your rentals. Use NetFlix or BlockBuster instead. The Hollywood corporate office is screwy, and there are a couple practices I feel are dishonest. I'll be happy to expand on those if you want.

My first reaction to this was: "So, you're saying Blockbuster isn't just as messed up?"

In my experience, most large corporate environments are like this. I'm not sure how supporting one corrupt corp over another will change anything. Just call me Mr. Cynical.

Funny story though.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 10:27:48 PM by Tage »
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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2007, 10:40:26 PM »
i'm not saying that at all. I'm saying Blockbuster hasn't been a jerk to me personally.

at least, not recently.

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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2007, 10:49:05 PM »
I told my boss at the wine store when I got fired over the phone that I wish she had the courage to do it in person and that I thought she wasn't much of a person for not being able to look me in the eye and fire me considering the work I had done for her. When I got off the phone I thought she was going to cry. But you know what? People should say that, they should expect enough human courtesy from their employers. I am not a machine.
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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2007, 12:09:42 AM »
When I was a teenager I got a job at Burger King. I didn't work a lot because I was in sports, so usually just on Saturdays. I forgot to ask for one Saturday off because I had the ACT exam. I called them right when I found out they had scheduled me for that day and told them I couldn't work that morning. The manager said she would try to find someone else and advised me to as well. She alluded to the fact that I would fired otherwise, but not explicitly so I wasn't sure. I tried to find someone but everyone either had the day off for one reason or another, was closing (and since I wasn't 18 I couldn't switch with them for their later shift), or was already working that morning. I didn't know what else to do--I couldn't miss the ACT exam. So I missed work.

Well, they didn't say *anything* to me about it. They didn't schedule me for any hours that week. I thought it was punishment for missing. Then the next week I just wasn't on the schedule. When I went to get my last paycheck, the manager still didn't face me, but rather sent another employee to give me my check.

What's worse is if I hadn't said anything, I could have called that day, pretended to be sick, and not gotten fired, but because I was truthful and had tried to give them as much time as possible to find someone else, I was fired. And then of course not being given the respect of being told to my face I was fired, but having to figure it out on my own, made it even worse.

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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2007, 12:38:35 AM »
I have this theory (or conspiracy as I call them) that states any corporation believes it can be without any of their current employees because there is always someone else looking for work and willing to do anything for a paycheck. Therefore, on their principles, they are likely not worried about their lesser employees well-being if it isn't benefiting the company. When this happens, employee is then fired, replaced, and the cycle starts over.
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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2007, 04:08:14 PM »
I think a lot of individuals in corporations think that, but continuity is a very useful thing. Keeping turnover low brings benefits to the smooth operation of a company, some of which translate directly into the profit margin -- things such as following procedures properly so fines aren't accrued, not wasting resources unknowingly, etc.


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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2007, 04:29:16 PM »
This just goes to show that SE should be in charge. Don't forget that he has his ninja monkeys to keep people in line, too. And I don't suspect that ninja monkeys wear pants. It's entirely optional for them. You certainly don't tell a ninja monkey what to wear.
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Re: I'm bemused
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2007, 04:31:59 PM »
That's true. No ninja monkey has ever been fired for wearing the wrong pants. One was almost fired for not wearing pants, but then the supervisor realized who he was talking to.