Author Topic: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon  (Read 2458 times)


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TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« on: January 18, 2007, 04:13:17 AM »
So for fun, I’d thought of a forum game for the RPG section. I call it the Time-Waster’s Guide Ever-Changing Dungeon. It consists of members posting descriptions of one room in a vast dungeon that encompasses the imaginary universe.

Each post consists of the following five elements:

Name: Please give you room a cool name.

Start: list here which exit you are building off of from a previous post. For example: if the previous post had an exit called “down the rabbit hole” your start section should say “down the rabbit whole.”

Description: describe your room. What’s in it, who’s in it, physical dimensions, and obvious features. Please refrain from being long-winded and only include the stuff a game-master would read out loud to the group of players.

Event: put everything that could happen to the characters while in the room. List details about creature or traps and every thing you can possibly think of the player characters doing in this room.

Exit: list the exits from the room. Please limit the number of exits you include to one or two.

Don’t worry about game system or statistics. Mostly, I like the idea of this just being a thread where people can generate ideas or just practice writing descriptions. People can adapt the individual rooms to what ever game they are play. Likewise, don’t worry about what characters may be entering the room. Sure you could plant a trap for a greedy character or place the long lost parent of another character in your room, just please don’t plan it for a specific character played by a specific person. Leave things adaptable.

Other things you might consider. Just call characters PCs and gamemasters or dungeonmasters GMs for consistency. You may also give hints as to what lies ahead, but please don’t try to railroad the next person. Please be both creative and cooperative.

Please only have one post per exit.

If you wish to comment on a room or on this thread, that will be done in a seperate thread that will be created later.

I’ll get things started.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 04:17:23 AM by 42 »
The Folly of youth is to think that intelligence is a subsitute for experience. The folly of age is to think that experience is a subsitute for intelligence.


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Re: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2007, 04:15:15 AM »
Room: Orc in a Hole

Start: I’ll get things Started

Description: As you joyfully wander your way through glades of Happy Unicorn Forest you come across a head poking of the ground. The head is that of an orc who pipes up cheerfully saying “Hi, my name is Hewbert. I’m starting a dungeon where adventures can meet their untimely demise. Or loot for big rewards. Right now it’s just a hole in the ground where I’m standing, but I hope it will get bigger. What to take a tour?”

Event: The PCs may talk to Hewbert who is happy to tell them about his wonderful starter dungeon. He explains that there is more dungeon underneath him, but the PCs will have to help him out of the hole. The PCs can then go down the orc hole. If the PCs ask, Hewbert is willing to join them. Hewbert doesn’t like to talk about his past but will talk a lot about what he hopes in the future. The PCs may also kill Hewbert which isn’t such a bad thing to do since he will become a assassin and a future ruler of a large Middle-Eastern country. Hewbert, sadly, only has a rusty short sword and large wooden shield to defend himself. If the PCs choose to ignore the Hewbert, they may continue into Happy Unicorn Forest.

Exit: Down the Orc Hole
       Continue Into Happy Unicorn Forest

« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 04:01:44 PM by 42 »
The Folly of youth is to think that intelligence is a subsitute for experience. The folly of age is to think that experience is a subsitute for intelligence.

Eagle Prince

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Re: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 08:30:44 PM »
Room: Glade of the Unicorn Prince

Start: Into Happy Unicorn Forest

Description: The forest breaks into a beautiful open glade.  The small, sparkling creek that weaves through the trees is fed by a glacier high in the mountains, and it tastes sweet and cool.  This place seems to be protected by some kind of blessing, as the plants never seem to age or sicken, and fatigue seems to vanish from the weary.

Event: Evil PCs and monsters are soon attacked by a powerful, half celestial unicorn that lords over and defends all creatures of this forest.  Good-hearted PCs are instead greeted by the unicorn, who lets them rest away their troubles in his forest.  Any good creature who rests in the glade is cured of any poison or disease, heals all damage, and is otherwise fully rested, ready for more adventuring and slaying of evil things.

Exit: Orc in a Hole, Hamlet of Shades
I am the Immortal One hidden from the dawn; I am the Emperor-King after day has gone.

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2007, 02:30:59 AM »
Start: Hamlet of Shades

Description: This is your typical unassuming shack selling discount eye apparel and bad beach Towels. While that may seem out of place in an enchanted forest, the local 123 Union of Enchanted folk assure you that it is essential to provide employment opportunity to the less fortunate of the Enchanted community. The Hamlet of Shades is a 25x25 foot building with a low counter on one end with racks of dark coloured glasses throughout. On one wall is an ornate full length mirror.

Event: Annoying Sales Thing there is an 85 percent chance that players will be accosted by an annoying, bored sales thing behind the counter. A pair of Gaudy pink and purple oversized novelty glasses are actually glasses of far seeing. A slick pair of Ray Bans actually provide a +2 bonus against all ray based spells, and a pair of Rose coloured glasses provide the wearer a unique outlook on life.

Exit: Into the looking glass.
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Eagle Prince

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Re: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 11:24:11 PM »
Room: Through a Glass, Darkly

Start: Into the Looking Glass

Description: This land of perpetual twilight is a shadowy reflection of the real world.  The people of the Hamlet of Shades now resemble phantoms, and their darkest desires visible in their countenance.  Even the strongest stone buildings wish to crumble back to the earth from where they came.  Everything is the same, but only a shadow of its former self, frightening and sinister.

Event: Anyone from the real world who comes here has a chance to lose themselves to their darkest desires, and each day fighting it off beomes harder.  Characters wearing Rose Coloured Glasses are immune to this effect.

Exit: Hamlet of Shades, Forest of Twilight
I am the Immortal One hidden from the dawn; I am the Emperor-King after day has gone.

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 12:15:17 AM »
Room: Spooky Glade

Start Through a Glass, Darkly

Description: Here the Trees grow to a monstrous height around a clearing or blue black grass. There are toadstool houses here twisted and deformed. Other toadstools in the glade smell delicious! On the western edge of the glade a brook oozes into the darkness, a path meandering along its side. One tree looks particularly climbable , and weird spooky noises echo through the canopy.

Event: Any good character has a 45% chance of encountering a 1d10 Dark Sprites for every 15 minutes he stays in the clearing. Eating a toadstool has the effect of a flesh to stone spell.

Exit: Spooky path, Crooked Tree ladder
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