Author Topic: Time  Line  (Read 8857 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Time  Line
« on: May 24, 2004, 10:10:48 AM »
All dates are from the current day ( -2545 means 2545 years ago). I have some ideas for a better dating system,but I haven't incorporated those yet.

The Mythological Past: Az-Mozeth creates the world. Di-Anthnik begins to try and take it. They begin creating Anhouim and Demons, which begin their creations.

-8000: the angels and devils create humans and darklings, respectively.

-7000: Humans migrate to the southern continent. Contact is lost with their northern neighbors. They soon discover that darklings live on the southern continent. Whether these Darklings were here already or followed the humans is never discovered.

-4500: The Great Catastrophe. A century of storms, earthquakes, and upheaval begins. Scholars claim that perhaps the continents were connected before this time, by a landbridge the connected northern Parthann to the demon cliffs to the lands beyond. The geographical face of Azmoth is changed permanently at any rate. No known written records exist in any form from before this time. Scholars also argue that at this time, Di-Anthnik tried to enter the world, but Az-Mozeth stopped him.

-4380: The Great Catastrophe ends. Humanity is again in a stone age, with no knowledge of metallurgy, magic, writing. They barely have the remnants of how to raise their own crops. Most humans live in small, local, nomadic tribes as hunters and gatherers.

-4200: Writing is re-invented. It is claimed that it was re-introduced by the angels. Some of the first records of this time indicate that some believed the Darklings gave it back to mankind, and that writing was the source of the Great Catastrophe.

-3000: Tyl is founded on the Treib River.

-2900: Tyl begins conquering nearby villages and towns, establishing their dominance. At first they fight only in self defense. Later, they begin conquest, subjecting one or two villages a decade.

-2545: Tyl controls the Treib river from the mountains to the ocean. They rename themselves Tyleria. And begin conquest in earnest.

-2111: The Tylerian Empire stretches from the mountains in the west to the borders of what are now known as the Free Cities.

-1909: First collapse of the Tylerian Empire

-1822 to -1772 Reign of the Darkling Emperor

-1702 Reunification of Tyleria

-1597 Second collapse of the Tylerian Empire

-1513 Second Reunification

-1414 Third collapse of the Tylerian Empire

-1220 The Fourth and current Empire of Tyleria formed.

-60 Parthann and Bask shipwrights design a ship that can more readily tackle the intense weather of the ocean. The numbers of ships lost at sea drop dramatically.

-59 Tyleria, using their newest ship The Queene begins an exploration of the Demon Cliffs. 8 months later is reported lost at sea, with no survivors.

-50 The first ship sails north across the Sea. It returns with information about a new continent the next year

-47 The first colony on the northern continent is settled by Parthann. Bask later discovers an island in the north that is an excellent refitting location.

-40 By now, Tyleria and Tarth have both established colonies in the north. Bask's financial power has increased exponentially due to it's two island colonies. Their older island in the middle of the ocean has become the prime refitting spot for all nations, and their northern island has turned out not only to be a stop for both Parthann and Tarth, but a good source of natural resources: wood and minerals.

-39 Several independent colonies are established with no southern national affiliation near the Shodu Bay


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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2004, 05:19:47 AM »
Here's a rough timeline for Parth.  Things will change as we develop more nations and I actualy write the history.

-4250: Desert Kingdoms start forming along the Ilne River.  These are nothing more then Desert Nomads who settle down and claim land for themselves.  Some annex small groups of people who were already living along the river, other kill those that resist.

-4200: Writing is re-invented. It is claimed that it was re-introduced by the angels. Some of the first records of this time indicate that some believed the Darklings gave it back to mankind, and that writing was the source of the Great Catastrophe.

-4000-3500:  As populations grow many of these kingdom wage war to gain more farmland.  Many nations are destroyed.

-3500:  The first Darkling horde from the wastes forces an uneasy alliance between the southern kingdoms.

-3480:  Many fleeing the horde Flee north settling at an Oasis, the settlement is named Tel-Aken.

-3450:  End of First Darkling horde.  The Southern most cities combine themselves into a single nation named Neala after the High Priestess that unified the city-states.

-3323:  Caeral the Angle-Blooded is born in the Delta city of Kash

-3303:  Second Darkling Horde pushes many of the still nomadic people to the river.

-3295:  Caeral forms an army out of the Nomads and several kingdoms to fight the advancing horde lead by the half-demon Bathakarl.

-3293:  The southern kingdom of Neala joins Caeral's alliance

-3290:  Battle of shinning Sands-the Darkling horde decimates the human alliance. Scattering the army.

Caeral vanishes

Many battles take place by the last humans in the regions and the darklings.

-3288:  Caeral returns wielding Paeal, a magic glass blade that shimmers with the light of heaven, and the Religion of High Priestess Neala starts preaching the religion of Parth.

Careal reunites the scattered armies of men.  The tides of fate now turn towards man, with a renewed vigor and faith the alliance begins drives the horde from the Ilne area.

-3278:  In a final end all battle the human army slaughters thousands of Darklings ending with Bathakarl's dead by the sword Paeal.  The massive death of Darklings sealed by the blood of a deamon turn the sands a dark read.  This area is forever known as the Bloodsand Desert.

-3275:  Caeral and the ageing Neala convince the small human nations to form into one.  The Sullinate of Parth is formed.  The Nomad chiefs return to their homeland after swearing loyalty to the new nation.

-3270:  Tel-Aken and two other northern cities join to form the kingdom of Trinth.

-2900: Parth and Trinth join together via marriage; the Kingdom of Trinth becomes part of Parth.

-2750:  Parth scouts mark a path through the desert to the grasslands by the Highlands.  This path is along several oases is named the Emperors road.

-2740: Mountain town of {no name} is settled near a lake at the border of the grasslands.

-2730--2600: Several cities are formed in the grasslands.

-2641: Iron is discovered near {no name}.

-2467:  Third Darkling horde wrecks havoc along the Emperors road destroying most of the cities along its path.

-2402:  Third Horde is routed and it flees back to the wastes.

-2400: several settlements are reformed along the Emperors road and in the grasslands.

-2396:  Contact is made with the Tylrian Empire.

-2287: The Ilne floods are much greater then normal; the floods destroy many settlements and bring sickness.

-2003:  Discovery of Iron Glass.

-369:  Great Drought begins.  The Ilne only floods between 1/4-1/2 the normal.

-345: The Emperor of Parth dies leavening no heir.

-336:  Political War breaks out between factions in the Empire over who should be Emporer.

-334:  The descendents of the Trinth kingdom royalty split from the kingdom, their base is the ancient city of Tel-Aken.  Soon several other nobles and cities join them.

-333:  War breaks out between the dissidents and the Empire.

The Dissidents rename their lands Tarth.

-325: Great Drought ends.

-317:  The Trinity is formed as the new ruling head of Parth, the nation renames itself Parthann.

-290:  The war with Tarth ends, however there is a cool relation between the two nations.  Both begin amassing troops along their borders.

-186:  relations warm with Tarth, many commoners call for reunification.

-185: Talks break down for rejoining the two nations.  To avoid another conflict (this time from the common man) the Trinity calls Tarth Parthann's Sister Nation; and that the 2 nations have the same blood but like family they have different personalities, and that they will always support each other in times of need.  Tarth's rulers soon follow suite.

-173--170:  8th Darkling hoards attack by moving up the river Ilne.  Parth and Tarth quickly depose of them.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2004, 05:21:44 AM by Spriggan »
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2004, 06:03:28 AM »
There are still some things I need to add, like the Free Cities becomeing "free".  I haven't decided yet as to when they leave but it will be a gradual process over like 500 years.

Probaly need to add some war with Tyl sometime in there as well.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2004, 12:21:09 PM »
I will write up a timeline for Silkur and Bregtoran, but I'll have to do it at home as it requires more time and attention than I am able to give while at work.

Bask's will be coming along as I write Bask up.


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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2004, 01:56:14 PM »
I think we need a war or 2 between Parth and Tyl, the first one probaly around -2000 and the other when ever.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2004, 02:21:53 PM »
are you having that the old Parthite empire stretched all the way to include what is now the free cities than? We could have wars out that way.

I agree. What good is having several empires with out a few wars between them?

Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2004, 02:25:46 PM »
Here's the scoop on Silkur and Bregtoran:

ca. -4380 to 4280      
Exodus from present day Bregtoran.
Before the Great Catastrophe Bregtoran comprised of fertile lowands with numerous small river valleys.  With earthquakes and general geologic movement associated with the Great Catastrophe the land was thrust up and more or less levelled, drying the rivers and scouring the land significantly.  Darklings began to move from out of the south into the land in great numbers, and the humans fled as a result of the changed landscape and the presence of enemies.  The lands of present-day Silkur were spared the upheaval, and by the time the darklings ventured that far north, the humans were prepared to resist them.

ca. -3200
The first walled cities arise in Silkur
Up until this time humans in Silkur mostly relied on scattered susistence agriculture.  Some people were nomadic, or semi-nomadic.

Silkur Na Fal is established.  Within 100 years it will become the largest city in Silkur.

ca. -2800
Bands of humans begin exploring into what is now the steppe of present-day Bregtoran.

Silkur Na Fal is destroyed by a tremendously violent storm.

ca. -2700
Permanent settlements appear in the Bregtorian steppe.  This is the beginning of the division between present-day Silkur and Bregtoran.

Reconstruction of Silkur Na Fal is complete.  Huge new walls crafted of whitestone surround the city, designed to keep it safe from ocean-born storms and other threats.

ca. -2500
Reclamation of the Bregtorian steppe from the darklings is completed via a steady military and colonial campaign of interested and adventurous humans.  The Troeggskov, or great central forest of Bregtoran, remains uncolonized by humans for environmental and cultural (superstition) reasons.

Earliest recorded mention of Silkuree fighting schools.  All modern schools are held to be descendants of this proto-school.

ca. -2100
Bregtorians begin to explore the Troeggskov in earnest.

ca. -2050 to 1900
The Troll Wars.  Coinciding with the rise of the first Bregtorian vorralcolm, humans begin a campaign to rid the Troeggskov of the trolls, its current inhabitants.  Years of violence, with occasional breaks in conflict, result in the eventual defeat of the forest trolls around -1900.

-1733 to 1731
Reign of Gemek Fellhand over Bregtoran.  The first of the great vorralcolms, Fellhand united all of Bregtoran under his banner.  His reign was rife with corruption, and he was assassinated by a lieutenant, after which his empire quickly crumbled.

-1167 to 1150
Reign of Orom hul Crod over Bregtoran.  The elderly vorralcolm was able to gain control of all of the Bregtorian Steppe, but was unable to subdue the Troeggskov.  He died of old age, and as with other vorralcolms the lands united under his leadership quickly fractured after his death.

-894 to 885
Reign of the vorralcolm Bladequeen Vanika, who ruled all of Bregtoran until a Parthite lover betrayed her and killed her in her sleep.

Contruction completed on the Serrafon, the great lighthouse of Silkur Na Fal.

ca. -750 to 550
The Two Hundred Dark Years.  Darklings attempt to return to Bregtoran en masse, with repeated invasions over the span of two centuries.  Many Bregtorians are displaced during this time, and at times the darkling presence reaches even into parts of Silkur.  After roughly two hundred years the darkling incursions stop, and their presence in Bregtoran and Silkur is returned to "normal" levels.  

Yurin Tellara founds the southern Silkuree fighting school that will come to be called the Yurinath Horsemen.

-380 to 369
Reign of Tyrl the Magnificent, the most successful vorralcolm in Bregtorian history.  Tyrl conquered all of Bregtoran and continued until he had subdued the southern half of Silkur as well.  He was stopped only after a coalition of Silkuree cities was formed to halt his progress.  The reason for his success is a point of debate and contention between Silkurees and Bregtorians.  Many Bregtorians hold Tyrl to be a supremely charismatic commander and the greatest leader in their history, while Silkurees are quick to attribute Tyrl's success to his infamous Silkuree wife Shalla, whom they hold to be the real power behind the throne.

-157 to 150
Vorralcom Frigur conquers and holds most of Bregtoran.  Areas still independent include the western regions of the Troeggskov as well as the steppe surrounding Murgen Dyr near the northwestern border with Silkur.


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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2004, 02:26:53 PM »
Yes what is now the free cities were first formed here:

-2740: Mountain town of {no name} is settled near a lake at the border of the grasslands.

-2730--2600: Several cities are formed in the grasslands.

then some are destroied by a darkling hord

-2467:  Third Darkling horde wrecks havoc along the Shining Road destroying most of the cities along its path.

-2402:  Third Horde is routed and it flees back to the wastes.

and then reformed shortly there after
2400: several settlements are reformed along the Emperors road and in the grasslands.

-2396:  Contact is made with the Tylrian Empire.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2004, 02:41:50 PM »
There must be some serious demon taskmasters deep down south, with all the darkling hordes that keep getting whipped up to invade.

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2004, 02:46:41 PM »
well, they have thousands of years for it.


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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2004, 02:46:44 PM »
I allready know what's more or less below Parth and Tarth.  I'm planning between 8-10 Darklings hordes in my timeline.  And I think it was along me and SE's orignal concepts to have constant Darlking attacks like that so it works out fine.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2004, 03:32:37 PM »
yeah, no criticisms.  I was fishing for leaks on what's actually down there.   :)


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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2004, 04:06:26 PM »
Eh, what do you want to be below your countries, I think all of us have slightly different interpretations.  I just have a series of warlords and maybe a dragon.  Haven't decided on much more then that.  These warlords are probaly half-deamons.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Time  Line
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2004, 04:13:31 PM »
Oh, it's nothing that I need to know.  Just curious is all.