Author Topic: Empires and Nations  (Read 23318 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2005, 10:16:45 AM »
That's no inconceivable.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2006, 04:53:09 PM »
/me pokes Lieutenant Kije

Hey, the next TW(i)G article is being posted tomorrow, and now that I've written as many pages on it as you again, I was wondering if you'd mind taking a shot at helping out some more.

What we have left to write up is Tarth, Parthann, and the Free Cities. They all have a bit of a shared history, though the Free Cities break off a lot earlier than the Tarth/Parthann split, so it would take a little bit of coordination, but it'd be nice to have some help.

Jeffe once mentioned he might do something about our "Bay of Pirates" region, though I don't know how committed he is to it, and it might be fun to have a short article on the Demon Cliffs.

Actually, anyone can help. that was the original idea, that anyone can contribute. So.. volunteers?

Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2006, 09:52:48 PM »
You know, I was going to ping the TW(i)G Meisters again in a couple of weeks.  Teaching school has put writing to a complete halt for me, but it's done in a week and a half.  I would love to write more.  Free cities sounds fun; I'd try and make it a diverse area yet with a degree of cohesion that binds the region together in some ways and makes it more than a random assortment of variety.  

As far as coordination goes, what I would need would be a T/Parth/ann timeline of events affecting the free cities, and any other info (politics, military, etc.) on T/P that could have bearing on the free cities.  Also, basics on their culture, as I imagine much of the Free Cities population comes from P/T.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2006, 09:13:32 AM »
I'll shoot you an email. I believe I can have all that information together by this afternoon.

Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2006, 01:49:32 AM »
So I'm working on the Free Cities...

Just two questions for Sprig or Satan, whoever would know:

What is Tarth's attitude toward the Free Cities?  

Also, I've read Sprig's writeup on Parthann, which contains the central myth of their religion.  Is Tarthite religion very similar?  Any other details on Tarthite religion would be helpful (not absolutely critical to my progress, but helpful.)


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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2006, 02:04:15 AM »
If I remember correctly I was going to have both Tarth and Parth have mixed reactions to the Free Cities, some they liked, some they didn't.

They didn't care for the fact that these places were out of their control but some were more tolerable then others.  That way there could be some inter strife with in the cities and those countries about the whole issue.  But you do what you think works, I'm not in this project anymore aside from some commenting now and again, you should run wild.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2006, 09:25:05 AM »
The religions are similar. They were previously one empire/one religion. then they split. Parthann is more intellectual/secularly oriented.

Tarth doesn't have the resources to go after anyone else right now. So while there are those who think the free cities should be under their control, there's little that can be done and so the official policy (for now) is to trade with them. Since cities have various governments though, Tarth probably likes some of them more than others.

Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2006, 11:47:06 PM »
So...more questions, Satan.  The dotted line to the left of the Free Cities is the border of Tyleria, right?  So the large city just inside that border would be what you referred to as Bardenstock in the Tyleria article.  It is mentioned as a conquered free city, and described a little, so I'm not going to mention it (maybe in passing) in the Free Cities article.

Also, the Tyleria article mentions a city called Carpath at the mouth of the Ourismi river (I'm assuming that's the river that flows through Free Cities land.)  Since it doesn't appear on the main map, I'm guessing it's not as large as the others?  But since it has been mentioned, I will talk about it.

So according to the map the Free Cities have two major population centers for sure (one in the far south and one on the east bank of the Ourismi.)  The city at the foot of the Kharnis that Free as well, or does it belong to Tarth?  I could make good use of it in the Free Cities.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Empires and Nations
« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2006, 09:39:00 AM »
you are correct about Bardenstock. It's not technically a free city anymore, but a passing reference would not be out of place.

As for Carpath... we can draw it on to the map. It would make sense that such a city would be significant in size. I'll change the map based on your write up, if needed.

Feel free to use that other city. I haven't named it or come up with a use. I reckon, however, it's a border city, and, at the very least, there's a strong loyal Tarth population there.

YOu can make up other cities too. The map is not to be considered final.