Alternate Realities > What's this?

AORP's Fate

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I fully intend to. I got distracted by reading Mistborn. Thanks for reminding me that I needed to.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I guess two months is enough suspense. Here goes.

Dark Plans, Part II:

The Predicant discovered his psionic powers when young and he used them to advance his career in Uther Pendragon's army. He fought in the goblin wars under General Balfas and along side the previous Master Providian. They were the core group of officers who led the armies. Balfas was an expert in weilding sorcerous powers and psionic abilities, and he trained his junior officers in their use: The Predicant learned psionics while Providian learned sorcery. Neither student was near Balfas' power, and their jealousy led to mutiny. In a key battle in Wargrave, they betrayed their general and killed him. They were discovered, however, and the fled their separate ways.

The Predicant didn't release his extreme megalomania, however. He was convinced that he was more perfect than those around him, his powers making him more special. Finding others with talents like his, he organized them, and turned this megalomania into a religion. Developing psionic powers made you a better being, a more perfect being, than normal humans. He made himself look benevolent, teaching people how to use their psionic gifts so they too, could be more perfect, but his real motive was power and control. These new trainees would be loyal to him, and he could use their powers to take control of Britain.

This went too slowly. While he maintained an iron grip on his community, he had a difficult time expanding his control. He knew, through his psychic powers, of the goblin lady and her dabbling with demons. He realized that she was getting herself deeper than she realized, and that an actual demon would eventually enter the world that she could not control. Only one man he'd ever known could control a diabolic servant: the General he betrayed.

He knew of means to raise and control an undead servant while retaining the servant's powers, but he also feared that the revenant so raised would be overcome by it's desire for revenge on those who betrayed him, cancelling out his control

Those of you thinking will discover a plot hole here; Belfas thought it was shortly after he died, not decades later, and yet he didn't recognize Providian's name. There are two answers to this problem. 1) He didn't believe this was Providian, since the child looked different and lacked the abilities the Providian he knew had. However, the real answer is 2) Balfas was disoriented, and hadn't remembered yet that he had been killed.

To solve the revenge problem, the Predicant needed a powerful servant to do the work for him, and the Predicant's powers, through the servant, would still control the general. His first choice was Timmy. Only Timmy was too much of an idealist, who was already becoming interested in Christianity, though not forsaking Centrology, when he learned too much of the plans, he threatened to expose the Predicant. The Predicant revealed Tim's religious leanings and banished him.

Cadamis, Tim's brother, proved a more willing accomplice, though not a trustworthy one. The Predicant cut him off when Cadamis tried to steal Excalibur from Arthur.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
Dark Plans, Part III

In addition to needing Balfas' help, the Predicant needed some additional power to fuel the forces he was setting at work. Balfas was actually to accomplish two thing: control the demon, and to raise an army of undead servants. To fuel this much mystic and psychic power, the Predicant was going to need access to more energy. There are places of power in the world. Places where one can channel divine energy if one can control the land.

Nartira's home village was one such place, information the Predicant gained by recruiting Natira's brother, who was simply corrupted by the lure of what the Predicant had to offer (his other task was, obviously, to spy on Timmy for the PRedicant)

The village was a confluence point, where people were naturally attracted when they were searching for something. However, the residents of the village would never agree to help the Predicant once they knew his plan. So he arranged for them to be destroyed. His agents arranged for a group of French sailors to be lost near there, and soon after for a wandering group of Moors to likewise be lost. BOth groups established settlements near the village, and the conflict that the PRedicant's agents provoked, the village was destroyed. The Predicant's new allies: the Lizardmen that had once been the mortal enemies of his people, secured the area for use against the demon. They were to find the artifacts as well, which would hopefully prevent anyone for using htem against the Predicant.

For he knew about the artifacts. He knew that there had been many preparations, since the days of Brutus who had landed in Albion centuries ago preparations had been made to ensure that only the proper king could rule in Britain.

I think that's it. Let me know if there are any "Dark Plans" you think need more explication. I'll be happy to do it. In my next post, I'll give how this was all going to wind up. There's not much to it, I think, now that you know the plots, but I think I can squeeze another post out too explaining clues I remiember giving that were never followed.


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