um... I'm not sure if being on topic is allowed in these forums... but I'm gonna give it a shot anyways ^_~
My favorite "character" was Elantris, or to be more specific, New Elantris. In all honesty, I'd have enjoyed it all the same had the plot merely focused on Elantris - of course taking over the other gangs would have had to be more difficult.
I suppose that's sort of cheating though, using the city itself as a character, but isn't it? In a sense, it was a living embodiment of the Dor! It has the most personality, the biggest lost, and the most to gain by Raodon's research. Not a single character other than Elantris itself had so much at stake in the novel.
I suppose I'm still cheating. The people of Elantris, as a single entity, is what I'm really referring to. I still think I'm allowed to refer to them and the city put together as Elantris, but if not I imagine the author will shortly inform me of my mistake. ^_~
I felt, personally, that the city was the single main character. I felt that all the other characters were only secondary, the political drama a secondary plot to the single greatest struggle aside from good v. evil.
Nature v. Nurture.
As for religion. Just because a religion teaches against another, or a group of people, doesn't mean the work of those men are worthless. Think of the Bible (I imagine many of you do on a regular basis, being BYU folk), it says that all things are under His command, that all things will work together, by His hand, for good.
So just because certain people may consider themselves divine outside of one religious belief, doesn't mean their creations are immediately evil. After all: "To the pure, all things are pure."
- N