Wow, this is the first time I've started a new topic. Look at me, all grown up and starting discussions...
*Chimera experiences a moment of excitement and apprehension as she is on the brink of TWG maturity*Anyways, moment over and on to business. I was reading EUOL's annotations to Chapter Three on his website
here, and was surprised by this comment:
There is some division among readers regarding their favorite viewpoint character. One group chooses Raoden, but I think the majority go with Hrathen.
I was surprised because I disagree. I got caught up in Raoden and Sarene's stories, particularly in the chapters where they were meeting each other and their relationship was developing. (Hey, I'm a girl, what can you expect--I try to resist being a hopeless romantic, but I can't seem to help it
). Hrathen was my
least favorite character. At least, I kept skipping Hrathen's chapters because I *couldn't wait* to see what happened next between Raoden and Sarene. After I did this three times, I realized that I was probably missing vital information, since every chapter is important to the plotting in EUOL's books. So I went back, and I was glad I did, or I would completely have missed the significance of the potion that Hrathen takes.
So I thought I'd ask the rest of you here on TWG. Which of the three main characters in Elantris is your favorite, and why?