I had been putting off reading Warbreaker for a while now (only slightly due to an unhealthy Twilight addiction), but I got the flu this weekend and decided this was how I wanted to spend my couch time.
Anyway... well done! I really enjoyed it! I think I do like Warbreaker better than the Mistborn triolgy (though I love that, too), because as Brandon has said, it is a lot lighter.
And I read the 750 some posts ahead of me and I have some thoughts to share....
First, it seemed like many out there were perhaps annoyed by the constant comparison of the sisters, both by the sisters themselves, and by the author's timing of their development. To me, this charcter development was perfect. It seemed to me that this is exacyly how family dynamics work. In families (at least in mine) each sibling was defined in how they compared and contrasted to the others. We found identity in how we were different from each other. Many of us grow out of this as we go off on our own (some don't). But this sort of is Siri and Viv's coming of age story. Neither of them really figure out who they are and make peace with that until they go through these events (and I think Viv mostly found out who she's not, she still has to figue out the rest). So anyway, psychoanalysis aside, I thought that aspect really rang true. Well done.
On the other hand, I wish Siri were a little less perfect. We love her right away. I almost wish that she had some internal conflict/quirk that made her a little less loveable. I felt like we were given the opportunity to doubt or question everyone else, but we were always sure of her! Now , don't get me wrong - she and Susebron were my favorite scenes in the book. Just a thought.....
Lastly a random thought. I couldn't picture Susebron's face. I have an image for everyone else. I just would have liked a little more to develop that image. Maybe everyone else was just fine and there's a hole in my imagination. I don't know...
Brandon, thanks so much for another great read. I really enjoyed it.