Just finished the book this morning and really loved it. Brandon doesn't have to worry about a lost sale with me as I will be adding Warbreaker to my collection once it's published.
Since we're constructively criticizing, in the scene where Siri and Susebron finally get down to business, she realizes that Susebron probably can't father any children, then seems to immediately forget about this revelation and worries about the consequences of sleeping with him. From her perspective at this point in the book, danger will only arise if she becomes pregnant, correct? If she knows she's not going to get pregnant by him, why worry? I fully expected her to jump on him as soon as she figured this out, and her remaining concern about getting pregnant seemed inconsistent.
Vasher's ability to manipulate the memories of the priest's daughter also seemed out of place. It showed his compassion, sure, but the child could have been left permanently scarred and the rest of the story would have been completely unaffected, IMO. Additionally, I had been under the impression that Breath could only be used on inanimate/dead objects (Vivenna couldn't Awaken the tree). If Vasher is just more practiced/more powerful than her and can manipulate living matter to make someone forget, why couldn't Breath be used to fully control someone's mind? Maybe this is something intentionally left unexplained?
Finally, I agree with others on this board that the ending was abrupt. One second we're on top of the palace, Vasher's explaining how to save the day, the next he and Vivenna are walking off into the sunset? We don't need to see the battle (it'd be boring anyway reading about Lifeless vs Statues whacking at each other), but what about some cleanup? Two gods are dead, dozens of priests are dead, Susebron and Siri can take an active hand in politics (or transfer his extra Breath to the next God-King and live in peace somewhere, apparently). How does the Idrian king feel about all of this? Pahn Kahl servants not in on the plot? What happens with all of that? I'm not asking for an extended dénouement and an explanation for every little thing, but a little closure maybe?
Just to not be a downer, here's what I liked: Vivenna's character arc seemed natural and well-paced. Lightsong's character struck the right balance between flippancy and seriousness to me. Denth's betrayal genuinely surprised me, as did Bluefingers's (okay, I figured it out
just before Siri did). Siri wasn't rebellious in the beginning just for the hell of it, which usually happens when a "rebellious princess" crops up in a story. There's plenty else to praise, but I'm at work right now and should really get back to it