Author Topic: Movies on Christmas  (Read 2132 times)


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Re: Movies on Christmas
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2004, 01:17:07 AM »
We've never done it, but that would probably be because the nearest movie theater is a half hour drive from my grandma's house, and only runs two movies. The nearest good theater is about an hour away. It's tradition for the family to watch movies on Christmas night, just at home. Part of the family, at least. I don't think we'd all fit in one room at once (we had 25-30 people at Grandma's at any given time in the last week, out of a pool of 58 ).

My cousins and I decided that next year we need to get Grandma a DVD player, because we all brought movies and discovered upon getting there that Uncle Randy's car DVD player didn't have a "video out" jack, so we had to watch them on our computers or his little TV (about 7").

Speaking of those cousins, one of them is a budding writer and I told him to drop by over here for general support in the writing group forum, so we may be seeing him sometime in the next few weeks. He's 15, so it does add to the younger crowd,  ;) but I'm sure he'll be on his best behavior.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2004, 01:17:26 AM by norroway »
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