Author Topic: HBO Turning George R.R. Martin's Series into a TV Series  (Read 2108 times)


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HBO Turning George R.R. Martin's Series into a TV Series
« on: January 17, 2007, 05:01:35 PM »
That's what they're reporting here, at least.

For those who don't want to follow the link, it's basically the plan to turn each novel of his Song of Fire and Ice series into a season.  (Game of Thrones=Season One, etc.)  Interesting idea, and Martin's work could definitely be shown on HBO in its entirety . . .  Martin's one of the people adapting it, and the other writers have some good credentials.  Should be interesting.


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Re: HBO Turning George R.R. Martin's Series into a TV Series
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2007, 06:43:42 PM »
I had heard a rumor previously about this and was wondering how they would be able to do it full justice, and now I understand. I am glad that a cable movie channel is planning for it.


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Re: HBO Turning George R.R. Martin's Series into a TV Series
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 01:06:44 AM »
Interesting. I hope they tone it down just enough for me to want to watch it, but I doubt they will. Oh well.
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Re: HBO Turning George R.R. Martin's Series into a TV Series
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2007, 07:29:29 PM »
It's HBO Fell. They aren't turning anything down. In fact, they'll probably turn it UP.
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Re: HBO Turning George R.R. Martin's Series into a TV Series
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2007, 01:43:02 AM »
The first Game of Thrones book was graphic enough for me to decide I didn't care how great the series was, I wasn't going to keep reading it.

Generally I want any film or TV series that deals with the fantasy genre to do well if only to bolster the presence of fantasty on film. However, I could make an exception to that rule for Game of Thrones. Mostly because it's not the directions I would want to see the genre head.
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