Author Topic: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 yrs  (Read 2276 times)

Mad Dr Jeffe

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My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 yrs
« on: April 21, 2003, 11:06:10 AM »
Have you ever had a great character? One you could really sink your teeth into. I did for Hero Games Champions RPG.  His name was John Lee "Havoc".

I havent played Havoc in almost 10 years, but I have checked up on him from time to time. He wasn't what you would call a straight arrow but all the best compelling comic book hero's walk that narrow line. Batman would have called him a criminal, Spidey might not have. Havoc was from time to time an art thief, a ninja, and a patron of the Arts. Originally he started as the ward and assistant to a Seattle Billionaire James Winterthorne inheriting the fortune after a horrible accident car killed his mentor and put him in traction for a year. Later John discovered that the accident had actually been a murder. It turned out that Winterthone's buisness rivel Charlie Fong cut the brake lines to Winterthorns limo and for good measure had poisoned the Winterthornes Chauffer.  The discovery  addled Havocs mind a little. Since the law wasn't on his side Havoc decided to take it into his own hands. Outwardly John Lee became affable and suave. Throwing sophisticated parties and acting like a billionare playboy Havoc fooled his opponent and threw the Fong's off guard. In private Havoc was born. Dressed all in black and armed with sleep gas grenades, and plastic explosives Havoc broke into Fongs mansion and stole his most precious possessions one by one leaving a small playing card after each robbery. Then quietly Havoc began to attack Fong's buisnesses one by one. Fong now in debt to the Mob began to panic and he put a price of 100 million dollars on Havoc's head.

At the same time, the Pantheon, a coaltion of powerful gods decided to hold a contest to see which god would reign over the next century of mortals. Each chose a champion and arranged a sort of Battle Royale between them. Havoc's patron god turned out to be Loki who futher unbalanced Havoc to assure his victory. Now paranoid because of the Fongs Havoc had taken to carrying tremendous amounts of plastic explosive and for the first time he started to carry guns. In a battle with Kiloir the Dolphin Havoc won by blowing his opponent sky high.
His next fights were meticulously planned out and won by shear trickery. Finally in the final battle he took on Raging Stallion (a super powered boxer) and the Fongs Bounty Hunters at the same time. Badly hurt but Victorious Havoc slinked away to recover. Loki now became the Avatar of the next century and Chaos erupted.
And thats when I retired him.  
I've tried to ressurect him in other games but no system felt right after champions. Thats why I have to get that game again. One of these days Havoc and I will dice again.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2003, 11:06:30 AM by ElJeffe »
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Re: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 y
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2003, 12:32:05 PM »
He killed Flipper?  Bad man!  Baaaaad man!
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Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 y
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2003, 01:04:26 PM »
Come on the guys only power was shapechanging into nautical creatures...
Form of a Barnacle!!!
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Re: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 y
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2003, 01:18:35 PM »
One of my all time favorite characters, and perhaps the quintessential "Dan" character, was a half-orc named Little Grunt. He was from an epic D&D campaign that EUOL ran a few years ago (Saint Ehlers has mentioned this a couple of times) in which we all started as 0-level peasants and worked our way up until we could defeat gods. Little Grunt was a feral child of the desert, raised by lizards and luck far from civilization. When the game started he was just beginning to visit a nearby city, and still had very little concept of good, evil, or how to live as part of a society. He wore the skulls of his defeated enemies (mostly just lizards) and fancied himself a skilled diplomat (even though the opposite was true).

Since EUOL was the GM we were playing in a completely new world with dozens of prestige classes (EUOL tends to overdo things), and as we grew more experienced he would keep careful tally of what we did and offer us new abilities and options based on our actions. Little Grunt, because of his curiousity and (social) innocence, ended up experimenting with all different types of magic and became a Shadow Sorcerer. The key to his character, though, came fairly early on when he was hit with a Power Word: Insanity spell and gained a Power Association complex; from that point on, he insisted that his magic powers stemmed from the severed head of the evil king they had just assassinated, which eventually blossomed into a full religion that Little Grunt preached to all who would listen.

Little Grunt let me be crazy and useful at the same time, which is a rare thing for me (my RPG characters tend to be crazy and little else). He was a blast to play, and he's still my favorite several games later.
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Re: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 y
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2003, 11:36:31 PM »
I think I have a couple of favorite character. One is from the same campaign the Fell was talking about. My character, Bynnbob Boulderbum, or Bob for short, was a great character to play. He was sort of an incompetent dwarven wizard stuck in middle-management. He would have been a lot more fun had the GM not kept trying to force him perception of a wizard on the character (who ever said that every D&D wizard has to be able to cast magic missle, fireball, polymorph others, haste, etc...). Still, I liked the concept a lot so I had fun in my own little rpg world where my character wasn't the stereotype given him by the DM.

My more recent favourite character has been, Coelho d'Ouro, or translated the Golden Bunny. The Golden Bunny was just his secret identity as he was a nobleman by day and a savior of the downtrodden by night. He was sort of a Robin Hood, Scarlet Pimpernel type character. He had a secret hideout and his cohort/follower Peso (translated "weight" or "heavy"), a gnome wizard who needed constant rescuing. Coelho had amazing jumping abilities, was really lucky and fought with knifes. I had alot a fun with this character even though he was stuck in a Forgotten Realms campaign. Too bad, the campaing stopped short.

Course, someday I want to resurrect the character of Squeebe, who I never got to play. I just like idea a playing a goblin paladin who doesn't know he's a goblin and rides a warpig and has a boot tied to his helmet as his holy symbol.
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Re: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 y
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2003, 08:19:10 AM »
I wrote an article on my favorite character. Good ol' Borg the Brave. Your axe had more personality than you, you dumb lummox fighter.

But Zhom (the very short form of the name) was also very good. He hung out with Little Grunt (he was the big grunt) and got bossed around by Bynbutt er... Bynnbob. He was a half-demon the size of an ogre raised by gnomes and he just wanted to do right. Turned out he wasn't a half-demon but was a god. <sigh>.

Mad Dr Jeffe

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My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 yrs
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2003, 11:12:33 AM »
I thought you made a king arthur charactur you like a lot too.
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Re: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 y
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2003, 01:09:46 PM »
I've yet to meet someone with the enthusiasm for King Arthur to run a game set in "his" Britain. I mean, other than me. I do have my favorites in the game I'm running (though I won't spell that out, I've said some things to their own players that probably let them know which those are). And I have one or two NPCs (well, one) that I like a lot. But that doesn't really qualify as MY character.

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: My Favorite Character, retired for almost 10 y
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2003, 01:48:39 PM »
my first Vampire character was special too... but I stopped playing her after she frenzied and tore a cop limb from limb.

Hey I told him not to point a gun at me.
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