Author Topic: Introduce yourself - right on!  (Read 245604 times)


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #225 on: September 18, 2008, 04:05:25 AM »
Hi, I'm Spencer, and am currently based near Layton Utah, but plan to go to BYU provo next year.  I got here from the writing prompt forum post at writing excuses, and decided to share.  I like drawing comics and such, but I'm cursed with a short attention span  :-\

I attended LTUE last year, so that's where I first met/heard of Brandon Sanderson and Dan and stuff (I already read Schlock Mercenary)  It was fantastic  :D

I usually write fantasy that's set in either modern day or post-apocalyptic, with one or two wholly original worlds floating in my head.  I guess I should practice on wholly original stuff...

Currently I have two main writing projects, which unfortunately have just started.  One is actually a NaNoWriMo idea that I'll edit when I'm done with it (dang no previous writing rules), and the other is a pretty solidly YA novel.  I only have a couple chapters of both done  :(

I have a couple original ideas in a day... if not, I can fake it easily enough. 
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #226 on: September 18, 2008, 07:23:14 PM »
Hello! My name is Elena Conde, from Spain. I just happened to arrive at this forums when lurking the Brandon Sanderson website... and loved them!

Okay, now... I live in Spain, and I'm currently studying Medicine at University. It's a nice career, even though it does not leave me much time for other things. Anyway, I love reading! I started reading in English a handful of years ago, and now most of the English-written books I read are in its native tongue. I believe I habe become dependant to Amazon. I read a lot in Spanish too, and I can read in french, but I don't really like the language, so I try to avoid doing so.

I used to write, but recently I realized nothing I did seemed to be good enough, and I felt like I was putting myself under too much pressure, so I quit. However, U just can't stop making up stories in my head, so I believe I will eventually be at it again! I write in Spanish, mostly, I believe I've only written three or so stories in English, and two of them were shot stories. The third... well, I was 11 by then, so not sure if it counts. I liked it, though.

About the name I chosed to be in this forums... well, if any of you can read any Japanese, it's written like this: 花美 The first kanji is for "flower" and the second is for "beauty". It has nothing to do with the Japanese festivales that are, too, called "Hanami". They mean "look at flowers, are written like this: 花見, which means "look at flowers". Besides, when I made up my forum name, I didn't even know about their existence!

Well, I believe that's all... or will have to, because I'm awful at introducing myself.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #227 on: September 19, 2008, 09:18:50 PM »
Hi. I'm sortitus. The one and only. Yes, I do come off a bit egocentric online, but only until you meet me in person. Then you know how much I tone it down online. :) No, I'm just kidding, but I do come off pretty serious and stuff. Just remember that I'm probably joking if I sound serious.

I'm approximately 20.44 years old, and going to college. I'm currently a Communications major, but I may switch to (or add!) English or Theatre. I really love to read, like all of you. I'm pretty crappy at writing fiction, but I'm working on it. I like to philosophize and conceptualize, but my follow-through sucks. Other than that, MANIPULATE!

That's me. I'm likely to throw down stuff for shock value, so beware.  :|

On another note, f1rst p0st!
Hero of Ages: Impressive Regality Over Niceness, Y'all
좋아! This time with more ecstatic! 좋네!!! I'll say it again in french! Trois fois voiture!!! Ça va. C'est vrai. C'est bien.
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #228 on: September 19, 2008, 09:28:33 PM »
I'm Icarus.  Male.  34 years old.

I just finished The Final Empire & Well of Ascension, having heard of them from various blogs (pat's fantasy hotlist) and author recommendations.

I'm still fairly new to reading sci-fi and fantasy, but some of my current favorite authors are Pat Rothfuss, Jim Butcher, Scott Lynch, and Naomi Novik.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #229 on: September 24, 2008, 07:50:15 PM »
Hey folks, guess I'll go ahead and introduce myself!  I found you lot through Brandon Sanderson's website.  I'm here really just to post in his forums.  ;D  I'm on staff over at which is coming along nicely.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #230 on: September 25, 2008, 04:58:23 PM »
Hi, I'm Ryan. I'm new here, been banned once already (case of mistaken identity), and am glad to be back. Born and raised in SLC, Utah. Graduated West High School. Played baseball, scholarship, went to Utah Valley Community College. That was like the third name I'm aware of, has probably changed again by now. It's up there in Orem over by all you BYUers. Then moved to Colorado-U of Colorado. I'm an editor for a company named Caption Colorado out here. I edit financial calls for Fortune 500 firms. Really not all that, just have 4 hours to edit and turnaround a one hour call, theoretically, although most times ends up being needed in closer to 2. Thus, silly things like commas and periods and all that other punctuation stuff kinda gets left by the wayside more often than not.
Found out about BS when I heard he was finishing WoT although had pretty much become disenfranchised with it. Still haven't started Knife of Dreams and bought it when it came out. Read Elantris and then MB and was hooked. Guess I'll finish the old WoT after all. My children like the Alcatraz books too.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #231 on: September 30, 2008, 06:00:54 PM »
Hey everybody.  I've been posting for a bit, but I've finally decided to introduce myself properly.  I'm James Hart.  I am from Orem, Utah, but I am currently living in College Park, Maryland, where I am finishing up my Ph.D. in physics at the University of Maryland.  I got my BS in Physics from BYU.  I must say that I just loved Mistborn 1 and 2, as well as Elantris.  I really started digging into Mistborn after I started listening to "Writing Excuses", which I linked to from "Schlock Mercenary."

It's odd how things like that happen.

Anyway, I thought I'd do things properly this time around!  It's been fun discussing.  I can't spend too much time at it (PhD and all) but I've been having fun.
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #232 on: October 11, 2008, 07:44:55 PM »
I am FATTIUS!!!  Behold my girth and tremble!!!

I'm an aspiring author and born-again RPG nerd.  I live in North Ogden, UT (which is NOT slums, for those of you who think you are familiar with the Land of Og) with my loverly wife of 14 years and our wonderful and horrible (can you say dichotomy?) five children.  I work as an electronics technician in Oman, which is on the eastern coast of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, for the "Great Satan" of the past eight years, Halliburton.  (It's actually a great place to work, folks.  Don't believe everything you hear...)  I am the Dungeon Master for our D&D4E campaign, though I occasionally play Sitrik the human wizard when my oldest boy wants to run things.

I read lots, write some, and in general enjoy words.  I plan to leave my lucrative but lonely job in the Middle East to become a poor educator, focusing on English and all possible uses and abuses thereof.  Some day, I'll also finish my Electronics Engineering degree, but probably not any time soon, as I have to get both my teaching and English degrees first.  As an aside, my career counselor at Weber State, probably Utah's WORST university, thought I was confused about what I wanted to do for a living.  Can you believe it?

My faves are:
Homestar Runner
The Wheel of Time (Congrats, Brandon!)
D&D, going all they way back to the original boxed set from the '70s, which I sold on eBay a few years ago for way too little
Lord of the Rings, books and movies (I can appreciate them both equally, you snobs!  You know who you are!)
Discovery/History/TLC/Science/Military and all the other edu-taining television out there
Alternative and Rock music
and above all else, my family


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #233 on: October 21, 2008, 07:14:33 PM »
Hello all.

My name is Bill Giles.  Bill progressed to Bilbo, which I personally pushed to Baggins when I joined Quark, BYU's science fiction and fantasy club, and created a login name for their forums.  I now have a large group of friends/acquaintances who know me solely by this name.  (I'm still active in the club, even though I graduated.)

I graduated in December from BYU, with a Bachelor's degree in English.  I originally wanted to be an English major in high school, but not wanting to live in a cardboard box under a fire escape in a back alley, I decided to change my major to Zoology and pursue a career as a pediatrician.  When I realized I wanted to work more directly with patients, I changed to pediatric nurse, and then, upon the realization that my drive was actually to work with kids, and not necessarily in medicine (I wanted to be a dad, not a nurse), I promptly changed to Statistics, because I had enjoyed the intro class.  Heh.  That lasted about three weeks.  I then started working on a major in Sound Recording Technology and worked at university's Classical FM station for two years, but I was unable to get that major, because it required admittance to BYU's School of Music, which is ridiculously competitive.  I took all of the classes, which could effectively be considered an unofficial minor in Sound Recording Technology, but ended up coming full circle and majoring in English after all.

Now I work in Provo doing research at a Public Relations firm, which represents computer connectivity companies- networking, storage, etc.  Ironically, it was my three weeks as a statistics major and two semesters as a TA that pushed me over the edge in getting that job.  Who knew?  Either way, it's a great job that I love.

I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, but I'm currently staying in Provo for I'm not sure what reason.  It's just one of those promptings that I've learned to follow.

I initially found EUOL's work at a BYU sidewalk sale, where I saw a hardback copy of Elantris for $6.00.  I'd heard the book mentioned in Quark before, and so I decided to pick it up.  After all, who am I to turn down a hardback fantasy novel for six bucks?  I read it and was hooked.  I progressed to reading everything that Brandon had written that I could get my hands on, including his blog and two different drafts of Warbreaker.  (It was very interesting noting the changes between the two versions.)  I'm still trying to figure out how I lucked into finding a favorite author of all time who is local.

As for ending up here, specifically, I found a link on Brandon's blog to the Q&A on Hero of Ages, which I immediately had to read after finishing the book at 2:30 a few nights ago.  I didn't get to bed until 4:00.  8:30 work the next morning was not enjoyable, but it was worth it.

As for myself, I consider myself to be a true eclectic.  I love books, movies, video games, board games, card games, and just about anything else that has a good story.  As for genres, it's just as broad.  For video games, I love platformers, RPGs, puzzle games, racing games (though I am horrendously bad at most of them, Jak X: Combat Racing being the exception), fighting games (especially the Smash Brothers franchise), RTSs and MMOs (currently WoW, though I am hoping to get into the Darkfall beta).  Movies, I enjoy action, fantasy, science fiction, drama, romantic comedies, chick flicks (yes, I admit it), regular comedies, foreign... all sorts.  Books include fantasy, science fiction, contemporary fiction, YA fiction, biographies, historical fiction... yeah.

Anyway, I've been very impressed with the level of discussion I've seen on here, and I'm looking forward to reading more and adding my own comments.

Dount Cooku

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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #234 on: October 24, 2008, 07:45:05 PM »

My name is Mark Laird.  I live in the Provo/Orem area with my wife and three children.  I attended BYU before the Y2K scare, and came out with Bachelors and Masters degrees in Computer Science.  I work for a local technology company doing data warehousing.  It involves lots of database and reporting work, which is about as exciting as it sounds.

I spend my precious moments of free time playing computer and board games, reading, playing racquetball, and keeping my children from driving my wife completely crazy.  I also have secret aspirations to be a writer and a magician.  No, not the kind in the fantasy novels.  The kind you see at children's birthday parties.  I may be a little crazy, but I'm not delusional.  Yet.

I found references to this site from both Brandon Sanderson's web site and the Writing Excuses web site.  I'm delighted to have found a group of kindred spirits, and look forward to another online activity which can fill my time when I'm supposed to be doing something productive.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 07:46:38 PM by Dount Cooku »


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #235 on: October 31, 2008, 01:01:04 AM »
Hi my names Chris and I found you through Euol's site. WARNING: I suck at introductions. I live in Arkansas and no not all of us are rednecks ;). I'm 18,  going to college to become a computer programmer. I like anime and the epic fantasy genre. I used to play D&D but stopped when I moved from my old group. I guess thats about it.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #236 on: November 06, 2008, 07:32:14 PM »
Hi, I'm Mel. I came from Brandon Sanderson's website and am a HUGE fan of his books. I went to BYU and graduated and now I am married with a cute little boy. So I don't have time to post much, but I will be lurking  :)
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #237 on: November 07, 2008, 05:35:59 AM »
Introductions are usually difficult and take to think up. So instead of coming up with a well planned introduction I'll just throw it all down so you get the overall idea of who I am and what I rep.

Names AJ, but on the Online Communtiy I'm either thud(1) or Grand Master AJ. You can refer to me as 1 of those 3, or you can give me a new nickname, I've had plenty.

I currently dwell in Northwest IN. I was originally born in IL. Got questions about where I'm at/from just send me a PM. I'll answer all polite questions involving my areas, mostly because I find that meeting folks online can be fun and is, for the most part, quite safe.

My likes: too many to list. Seriously. But, those that pertain to this forum would be reading, writing, and drawing. Now when I say reading and writing, I mean reading and writing. I do have favorite genres, but I'll read anything. Just ask my cereal box :P

How I found this site? I suppose that would be a good question to answer. I began reading the Mistborn series because my older brother and I bounce books back and forth and he lent me the Mistborn series to read. Read em all and I was googling for information on the series when I stumbled upon this site. I was instantly addicted :D

Not sure what I'm missing, but like I said, if you have any questions just give me a shout out. I'd be more than obliged to answer them. Pleased to meet ALL of you acquantices.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #238 on: November 11, 2008, 06:32:36 AM »
Hello everyone, my name is Legacyblade. I'm not quite sure how you introduce yourself on a writing forum (on game making forums, you just say what you're good at), so I'll take a stab at it.

My name is Spencer Conrad, and I live in Cedar City Utah. I've been writing since I was 11, but still haven't gotten anything published. Until the past couple of years, I could never continue a project for very long. True, one story was about 200,000 words, and nowhere near getting to the main plot, but that one didn't count, as a great deal of that was me describing what things looked like (what can I say, I used to read a lot of charles dicken's writings, XD). I'm getting better at sticking with a project, and I hope to publish my current book when it's finished.

True, It has many of the same elements from my first few stories, but they've been killed, dissected, shredded apart, and changed so much that they in no way resemble my old little darlings. I hope that this forum will help give me some direction in areas that I'm not sure about.

Anyways, I found this site on and brandon sanderson's site. I decided I needed a community of writers for help, since I'm finally getting around to actually writing ONE story. I really have enjoyed what I've learned lurking the forums, and can't wait to participate in discussions!

Like I said, not sure how to introduce myself here, so let's hope this was good enough.
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #239 on: November 20, 2008, 08:46:31 AM »
Hi everyone, my name is Dan. I am 22 and live in British Columbia, Canada. I have an associates degree in environmental studies and am working on a bachelors in environmental science. I play MTG, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k and D&D. In addition to being a huge nerd I'm also a huge fan of the outdoors and spending time in it (which is why I'm so interested in the environment. Well, one reason anyways) I've been popping in to this site on and off for years and look forward to chatting with people.