Lessee, an introduction:
Name: Lis
Handle: PixelFish (because I push zee pixels, and because I love zee feesh)
I grew up in the wilds of Utah County. I went to Ricks College back when it was still called Ricks College, and I'm very adamant that I graduated from Ricks College, and not from BYU-Idaho.
I'm a graphic designer, an artist, and an as-yet-unpublished writer.
As an adult, I have lived in Calgary, AB; San Diego, CA; Durham, NC; and San Francisco, CA, which is where I currently dwell. I have yet to leave North America, unless you're of the school fo thought that regards Mexico as Central America, in which case, I once spent a pleasant afternoon in Tijuana.
I read obsessively. I read shampoo bottles even. The movers HATE me, because I have about six bookcases worth of books, and despite trying to pack these in the smallest boxes I can find, to save their back muscles, it all adds up.
I play video games. I started with NetHack and Rogue and Pac Man, moved merrily on to Civilization in it's earliest incarnations, Doom, Castle Wolfenstein, Quake, Gauntlet, Diablo, Zelda, World of Warcraft, etc. I have an Atari 2600--I traded my sister to my brother-in-law for it. I said, "Hey, neat, you have an Atari 2600." He said, "I can get you one." I said, "Cool, you can marry my sister if you want."
How I ended up here: I read a review on OSC's site about Elantris. Then I saw the cover of Elantris in Spectrum. Then I found Elantris in the bookstore one day and thought, "Hey, that book with that cover that OSC likes." Then I read Elantris. Then I googled the EUOL. Then I came here. A very simple chain of causality.
If interested, you can view some of my art at my DevArt site: