Author Topic: So what is everybody playing?  (Read 25665 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #75 on: March 30, 2003, 09:44:47 PM »
Entropy, that signature makes me want to stab you in the spine repeatedly with a rusty ice pick.


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #76 on: March 30, 2003, 11:53:27 PM »
Session 13: Dead Man Stalking

Tark walks the desolate land of Angmar alone. For the most part, he is ignored by the unnatural creatures that surround him.  He dispatches amny of the oblivious undead, as well as living (and very much resisting) hillmen and black orcs that make up the bulk of the Harbinger's forces.  The company, imprisoned in the tower of the mausoleum, has a single philter of silver water left that will enable only one person to slide through the bars of their high tower window and make it safely to the ground below to escape and spread the word of what is happening.  Tamar says that no matter what happens, as leader it is his responsibility to remain imprisoned with his fellows to face Mordante.  They draw straws with the highest straw getting the chance to escape.  Auric draws the longest straw, but before anybody can see it's full length he snaps it in half in his hand, allowing Erinel, who had the second longest, to go free instead.  Erinel drinks the silvery water and slips from her shackles and through the iron-latticed window.  Many hours later, the walking dead come to take the prisoners to Caern Dum.  They are marched across the countryside where they see whole fields of men and hobbits impaled atop long poles, and immense pits filled with charred bodies.  

Tark, having ambushed and killed about 70 of Mordante's followers (and gaining the nickname "Body Count" from the other players), is himself ambushed by foul things not quite orc nor reptile and shot full of arrows.  Erinel comes across them and comes to Tark's aid.  She tries to use her music magic to get them to cower from Tark, but one of them slashes at her throat.  Tark punches one through the stomach and pulls out it's internal organs (hey, didn't I see this in Story of Ricky?).  Erinel uses her elf knives to cut through the spine of the last one.

Ain-Ain and her crew make it to Gondor and are taken to the Queen's manse.  They are told that Elessil is deathly ill and has aged much in the year that they have been away.  They are given a chance to bathe and eat before they are taken to see him.  Willem asks Ain-Ain about her obvius use of dark magics that he has seen from her, as well as the more nurturing and beneficial things that he has seen her do.  He asks her if she desires to use her magic to help those who need it or for personal power.  She answers "both."  

They are taken to the king, who is now gaunt, haggard, and hollow-eyed, but still sharp of mind and powerful of will.  As they enter, Elessil brightens considerably. saying that he never thought that he would have such powerful magic added to his cause ever again.  Ain-Ain nods her head at the compliment, but he is fixated on old Willem, saying "It it good to have your counsel and power once again, friend Gandalf."  Ain-Ain mentally kicks herself in the butt for not seeing this one coming a mile off.

The company, surrounded by creatures fell and foul, stands before the obsidian monolith of spires and parapets that is Caern Dum.  They all stand grim-faced and resolute, determined to die with dignity if need be as they prepare to face an evil almost beyond comprehension.

End of session.

And Entropy, you don't know how close your idea is to what I am eventually going to be doing with my campaign.  
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #77 on: March 31, 2003, 01:15:04 AM »
Rusty icepick is a little harsh, it's not. Stab him! Or change that signature ASAP!
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." --Mel Brooks

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #78 on: March 31, 2003, 12:44:46 PM »
Seems like a lot less happened this time. Did you have a short session?

I have to say Slant, I only barely got around to catching up on this story last week, but I think you've got a GREAT campaign going. You've obviously also got some really great players.


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #79 on: March 31, 2003, 10:21:24 PM »
Yes, the more in depth your campaign gets, Slant, the more I wish I was playing it.


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #80 on: April 01, 2003, 02:25:49 AM »
Jeez, you people are gonna make me blush.  Thanxx :)

We generally play each session from 2 1/2-3 hours or so on Sunday afternoon.  The reason that some of my transcripts are shorter than others is because I just type in the highlights.  There is always a lot of BSing, gossip, and of course Red Dwarf and Monty Python jokes each session.  This particular session was filled up a lot with Tark stalking beasties and all the other players really getting into it to see how far he could go without getting himself in over his head.  Another big chunk was the role-playing in the prison tower.  They actually did cut and draw straws like their characters did.
"If you're going to shoot, then shoot; don't talk!"  -Tuco: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #81 on: April 07, 2003, 09:39:13 PM »
Session 14: the chips hit the fan

The companions are taken to Caern Dum, escorted by Jonaz himself.  He says that Mordante will pay him for his services with the flesh of his conquests.  Beaten and naked, they are taken to the heart of Caern Dum and made to wait in a room that stinks of death.  On the opposite side of the room they see a figure in bloody robes with it's back turned to them.  Kogali challenges the figure, calling it a naughty name that cannot be printed here.  Kogali stumbles back as he is hit by an invisible force like an ogre's fist.  

In Gondor, Gandalf voices his concern over the king's health.  The king swears that he feels the eyes of the Harbinger upon him.  Ain-Ain suggests that Gandalf seek the presence of evil in the room and try to get a bead as to what it is.  Gandalf finds the taint of Shadow and opens a portal to view where it is coming from.  They see a dark room with an old, old man facing them.  Behind the old man Ain-Ain sees four of her friends naked and battered.  Galdalf moans.

In Angmar, as Mordante turns to face his captives, the four companions begin to feel a rush of power as all of their dark deeds come back to them.  Tamar feels his joy in decieving so many into believing he is royalty.  Kogali feels his own satisfaction in killing innocent sailors back when he was a pirate.  Auric feels the dark pride from when he chose to turn on his family to scorn his brother.  Milo feels nothing, having already come to terms with his own shadow side. As Mordante turns to meet the gaze of his captives, Gandalf's portal opens up and takes him by surprise.  The tower fluctuates as Mordante's attention is shifted towards the major source of magic.  The companions, taking their one chance, turn and flee down the stairs and Mordante's will struggles against that of Gandalf.

Erinel and Tark make it to Fornost.  They inform the chancellor of the vast power in Angmar. The council wants to strike first against this new foe, but Erinel advises against it, saying instead that they should get ready for any possible attack.  She asks about Kalouran and is told that the great elf warlord IS still alive and residing in Forlindar, but has sworn off warfare since the death of his wife nearly a thousand years ago.

As Tark and Erinel travel through the remains of the Shire, they see the vast devestation that has been inflicted.  Most of the land is a mass grave.  Many hobbits walk around aimlessly.  Some living, some dead.  Erinel remarks how the Shire was supposed to be under the protection og Gandalf and wonders how anything could be so powerful as to dispel Gandalf's magic.

In Gondor, Gandalf collapses as the portal snaps shut.  He lays on the floor, seemingly dead.  Ain-Ain goes to help him.  The king utters that the figure he saw through the portal was the same one who was visiting him in his dreams.

Back in Angmar, Mordante turns his attention back to the companions, who are now almost out of the tower.  he sends a blast of icy air after them.  They make it out, but Mordante follows.  Milo runs back into the tower to try to buy his companions a few more seconds.  he throws himself on Mordante, who throws him with superhuman strength through the wall.  His body lands some 200 feet away in the courtyard.

The three companions are racing through hordes of hill men, wresting away their weapons to fight as best they can.  The ground trembles with Mordante's anger and tattered corpses raise from the ground.  Thousands of them.  The three hack and hack, taking down their enemies by the dozens, yet for all those that perish, more come to take their place.

In Gondor, Galdalf stirs weakly in Ain-Ain's arms.  His eyes open and he tells her that the situation has just gotten far worse.  The figure they saw, he tells her, was Glaven the Red, one of the lost Istari.

From all across Middle Earth, there comes a collective cry of "Oh Smeg" from the scattered companions.
"If you're going to shoot, then shoot; don't talk!"  -Tuco: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #82 on: April 09, 2003, 02:23:25 PM »
cool! one of the lost istari, that was a stroke of genius! But isn't Gandalf across the sea into the west.


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #83 on: April 09, 2003, 06:03:49 PM »
Hmmm. You mentioned in the original campaign mention that it was a IStari. I take it from the latest write up that you neglected to mention this to the Players? If so, i congratulate your sense of dramatic timing.
If you're ever in an argument and Entropy winds up looking staid and temperate in comparison, it might be time to cut your losses and start a new thread about something else :)



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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #84 on: April 09, 2003, 07:23:12 PM »
Yeah, all this time I figured they knew. That doesn't make any sense for you to have told them, though, so...I'm glad you didn't.
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." --Mel Brooks

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #85 on: April 10, 2003, 02:22:45 AM »
Well, the whole point is that NOBODY knew.  When the campaign started, nobody even had any clue that somebody had reclaimed Angmar, let alone that it was a rogue Istari.  If they thought things were bad before, they suddenly became ten times worse.  And just wait until they find out what Glaven (AKA Mordante, AKA the Harbinger, AKA the Red Maw) is actually DOING to Middle Earth.  Yes, there is a plan behind all of the walking dead other than an admiration of Sam Raimi, and I expect my players to figure it out within the next couple of sessions.

Oh, and remember when Ain-Ain was having those nightmares about "a vast darkness blacker than night" and refused to go with the others to Angmar?  Well, that's gonna tie into the whole campaign in a HUGE way.

Insert evil laughter here.
"If you're going to shoot, then shoot; don't talk!"  -Tuco: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #86 on: April 13, 2003, 11:45:27 PM »
Session 15

Tamar, Auric and Kogali fight for their lives against unending hoardes of the dead at Caern Dum.  Auric tells his friends that they are fighting for the fate of all of Middle Earth.  Tamar just tells him grimly that right now they are fighting to save their own asses, nothing more.  Milo awakens a mile or so away, being carried aloft on something as cold as ice.  His senses clear and he sees he is being carried by the dead hobbits.  They silently give him back the arms and equipment that had been taken from him and his companions.  They give Milo a black leathern tunic that feels somehow magical.  As he slips it on, it helps knit together some of his more grevious wounds.  he is given two small knives as well, each one not much longer than his own hand.  Mordante watches the battle from a distance.  Auric invokes the names of the Great Elf lords to repel the dead, but it fails.  Mordante sneers at him and tells him that those names no longer have power.  Auric shouts out the name of Erinel, proclaiming her "purest and most fair of Elves, and future ruler of all Eregion."  

In Westmarch, Erinel's flagging spirit is suddenly bolstered and she feels newfound strength and resolve.  She and Tark come across a great forge with a massive bellows being operated by emaciated hobbits and humans chained to the workings and overseen by some strange feral creatures more human than orc.  There are perhaps eight of them, and Erinel and Tark quietly come up with an attack that is certain to take them out quickly.

In Gondor, Ain-Ain is desperate to reopen the portal and help her friends.  She tells Gandalf that she has something that will distract Mordante and hopefully allow them to gain some sort of edge, even if it is only a bargaining chip.  She reveals to Gandalf the White Libram pilfered from Isengard many months ago.  Gandalf visibly pales when he sees it, recognizing it as Saruman's book that contains the secrets of the Istaris power, particularly Saruman's own.  Ain-Ain uses her own arcane power to aid the weakened Gandalf in opening a second portal.  They see a fast field of the walking dead, all surrounding the three warriors.  Ain-Ain shows Mordante the book and tells him to let her friends go or she shall destroy it.  Mordante howls and appears right in front of the portal, thrusting an arm through it into Gondor and grabbing the libram from Ain-Ain.  With Mordante now within reach and not paying immediate attention to them, Tamar runs up to the Istari and puts all of his strength into a blow that severs Mordante's arm.  Mordante shrieks and disappears.  When he vanishes, thousands of the dead sink back into the earth and those that don't begin to slow.  Some of the weaker ones simply fall apart into small mounds of flesh, bone, and organs.  Only a single figure moves towards them.  Milo has arrived with their gear.  

In Gondor, the severed arm drops to the ground as the portal snaps shut.  The arm transforms into a huge serpent that goes straight for Gandalf.  Kjartan, finally able to make himself useful, throws himself between the monster and Gandalf.  He jumps upon the beast and shoves his blade through it's brain.  Ain-Ain is totally spent bith macically and physically.  She angrily waves away the guards and attendants who try to help her and retires to her room where she collapses into a deep tortured sleep.

In Westmarch, Tark and Erinel attack the beast men.  It is only too late that they find that the true danger was lurking at the far end behind the forge.  The earth trembles as a huge creature weighting many many tons comes at the call of the beast men.  It is a mumikal, and it is easily the largest thing either has ever seen.  It glares at them and starts to move forward.  Tark and Erinel prepare for this rather one-sided battle.  They see the creature slow, and the beast men start to edge away.  Erinel and Tark look behind them and see that from out of the foliage there have silently come about five or six elves dressed in hunstman's clothing and holding bows with arrows nocked, ready to fire at the beast.  

In Angmar, the four survivors finally have a few minutes to rest and bandage their wounds.  As they finally begin to calm down a bit, the shadowy form of Mordante appears before them, his features twisted into a hateful sneer.  "Did you grotesque little mortals really presume that I would not seek retribution?"  He casts out his remaining hand and a gout of blood hits Tamar, eating through his flesh and down to his bones as he screams in unholy anguish.  The Red Maw vanishes.  Milo, Auric and Kogali rush to see to Tamar, but the Black Prince is too far gone, his body being little more than a skeleton with bits of flesh still clinging to it.

End of session 15
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #87 on: April 16, 2003, 11:00:34 AM »
 Ugg I just wrote 3 RPG reviews in the past two days   :'(.  Fell's a real slave driver, well considering that I want him to get me some stuff.  Have to suck up to the boss some how  ;D
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #88 on: April 22, 2003, 02:28:20 PM »
Session 16

Gandalf instructs Ain-Ain about her using the White Libram.  He says it may damn her forever.  She refuses to give it up, claiming that no form of magic is inherantly good or evil but that it depends on the intention of the user.  To safeguard her own possible abuse of powere, she makes a blood pact with Kjartan who will slay her if she ever succumbs to the Shadow.  Kjartan agrees, promising that he will do all in his power to keep her from falling to the darkness.

Tark and Erinel battle the mumikal and the Feral Things with the unexpected aid of the wood elves.  The elves make short work of the creatures while Tark confronts the massive mumikal head on and rips it's underbelly open with his sword.  Guts and innards drown Tark as the entire beast falls upon him.  The clearing is silent.  Minutes later, the beast splits open as Tark cuts his way through to freedom.  The elves just stand in shock and awe.

Auric, Milo and Kogali make it to the border of Angmar and hold a funeral for Tamar, burying him as far away from the wretched kingdom of the dead as they can.  Milo passes around his most potent, umm... pipeweed as the three companions chant prayers and remember their fallen leader.  They divide Tamar's equipment between them for eventual return to his family.  Kogali swears that he will not rest until Mordante is destroyed.  Milo remarks upon how Kogali has already sowrn so many bloody oaths of revenge in the past year that the outlaw will never be able to rest until he is dead and buried.  Auric remembers Erinel mentioning the elf warlord Kalourin and knows that she is traveling to Forlindan to find him.  Auric is concerned for Erinel's safety and wants to follow.  Milo  says they should go to Moria to alert their dwarf allies, especially the dwarf lord Durgin who swore friendship with the Black Prince.  He is certain that Durgin will lend his army (the last true great dwarf army by now) to the cause.  Auric says he will travel alone to find their missing companions, leaving Kogali and Milo to make it back to Moria.

In Gondor, there are verifie reports of war breaking out in Mordor between Easterling tribes and the Haradin for control over the now mostly unoccupied land now that the king is too ill to stop any conflict.  Gandalf must remain in Gondor with Ellesar.  Ain-Ain volunteers to act as Gondor's emissary, saying she will use her influence with the Easterlings to help stop the battles.  Kjartan doesn't see what the problem is.  He reasons that they should be allowed to keep fighting; the more of them that die, the less there will be to worry about later when the King regains his strength.  Ellesar gives Kjartan the blade once owned by a Noldor officer at the battle against Sauron in the Second Age as a gift for keeping him from being slain by the serpent, but Kjartan refuses it.  He tells the king that his greatest strength is that he is a simple man who does not want to become embroiled in such things as magic or elf history.  He says he will use only the sword forged by his grandfather on a simple block of iron until he dies.  

Erinel tells the elves that she seeks Kalouran.  She recognizes the emblems on their armor as Kalouran's symbol and begs them to take her to him.  They say that Kalouran has taken vows of silence and seculsion far from any of his kin deep in the Blue Mountains near the northern tip of Middle Earth.  Erinel says she must find him, but the elves plead with her to respect his wishes to distance himself from the horrors of his past.  Erinel is taken to the Grey Havens to recuperate, as she is far beyond the point of exhastion from blood loss and starvation, even for an elf.

Auric finds Tark and Erinel's trail and follows it to Fornost.  He sees the fortress town has been shut up tightly.  no guards are on the parapet.  No noise comes from within; not a single voice of man or beast.  It is as if every living creature in the town has disappeared into thin air.

End of session 16
"If you're going to shoot, then shoot; don't talk!"  -Tuco: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #89 on: April 22, 2003, 03:19:18 PM »
FVLMINATA Armed with Lightning

A Historical Fantasy RPG set in an alternate Roman Empire,... with guns.

Its a neat concept and system and a very informative book.
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