Author Topic: So what is everybody playing?  (Read 25660 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #135 on: August 31, 2003, 05:03:04 PM »
See? I did add it to the list


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #136 on: September 02, 2003, 11:22:26 AM »
You're gonna review Usagi Yojimbo and Cheapass Games?  Woohoo!  I bought Usagi years ago when it first came out and enjoyed it immensely.  The only negative was that they never supplemented it (except for that ridiculously small Monster book).  I played a black rabbit monster hunter called Kuserai Diato who spoke softly but carried a (very) big no-dachi.

Well, we played Zero yesterday and the action was fast and furious.  Five cyborgs awoke from the Unity mind in different areas of the Complex and were promptly hunted down by their peers.  Little did they suspect that they were actually grafted with much more superior firepower and survival skills than their hunters.  They all meet for the first time holed up in one of the Complex data centers and find info that they were all originally created to fight in a war with the Above Grounders that never came about.  Their callsigns were Crypt, Morgue, Shroud, Wraith, and Mortis.  They learned that they had had a superior called Omega who had been captured by Above Ground insurgents and taken away to a surface lab.  The five decide to hunt down Omega to either rescue him or destroy him (since there was some evidence that Omega was a double-agent who had betrayed the Unity in a plan to destroy the Complex).  They make it through rows of Unity soldiers, stealing flitter bikes in a race for the upper levels pursued by 600 of Zero's slayers.  They finally reach the antechamber with Morgue and Wraith seriously damaged.  They seal off the antechamber and open the vault door to the Surface World, only to find a vast, charred wasteland dominated by silent ruins and radioactive skies.....

And that is where I left it.  If we ever play again, they will probably discover that their whole Dirty Dozen mission is a set-up.

Oh, and I have started kicking around some ideas for a new LotR game in my head.  It is going to be an ambitious story, but not nearly as much as the last one.  You can only save the world so many times before it becomes old hat.
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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #137 on: September 02, 2003, 01:34:21 PM »
Yeah, actually, I am. It'll be the last of the non-TSR products I own that I've not reviewed. I don't think I'll ever do a review of Star Frontiers, and I dont' think that I'll do a review of D&D 1st or 2nd ed. But there you have it.

Between Jeffe and I we now have about 7 games from Cheapass. We've read and playtested one. I'm thinking we'll do individual reviews, but they'll be short ones, so maybe we'll turn them in 2 or 3 at a time, and they can all be posted on the same day. What do you think Fell?

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #138 on: September 02, 2003, 01:51:48 PM »
What program is that SE?
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #139 on: September 02, 2003, 02:01:50 PM »
I think that sounds like a great idea. And I also think it's just criminal that we live so far from Slant and can't join his RPG group.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #140 on: September 02, 2003, 03:35:33 PM »
That's just the task list in Outlook XP. Previously I had chafed at using it. I liked the tiered hierarchacal  presentation of Corel's Dayplanner better (it allowed for component subtasks), but the dang thing just ATE memory and was unstable as a buffalo balancing on one foot on a soccer ball atop a greased flag pole. My main resignation is eventually to get aroudn to writing my own task list software, and make it presentable in a variety of formats.
But in the mean time I decided that a categorical listing of main subjects would be acceptable. I'd really like to be able to make a list of subtasks: LIke: "read rulebook" "Playtest" and "write review" so I can check them off individually, but I haven't seen anything that does this for free, and since I already have Outlook...


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #141 on: September 06, 2003, 02:16:16 AM »
This Sunday it will be a double header.  I will finish up my Zero scenario and Laura will run Tank Girl, which is an old Masterbook game that is kinda like Mad Max as written by Terry Pratchett and Sid Vicious.  My character is Bull Duggery.  He's a two-fisted, tough-as-iron-tacks stand-up comedian.  The other two players will be Hanzo, the unemployed and alcoholic ninja, and Mags, the grizzled, gun-toting ripper (rippers being a mutated cross between humans and kangaroos.

As you can tell, it's gonna be a weird one.  I am very thankful that for this one I get to be a player.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #142 on: September 07, 2003, 08:46:06 PM »
We played Tank Girl this afternoon!  Hoody hoo!!  It was gobs of fun and I am so thankful that somebody else ran the game for a change.  We started out at the edge of the world in a seedy bar that had once been a fallout shelter.  We got mixed up in a plot to track down a fabulous (but as of yet unknown) pre-doomsday treasure where we were the only ones with a map to it's location (secretly planted on us by a rogue thief before he got shot to bits by his enemies).  We got into this massive barfight trying to get out alive with the map, crunching and trampling our way through professional wrestlers, apocalypse punks, and muppet hitmen (yes, you read that last bit right).  All the while, my guy Bull is making an endless string of really bad jokes and puns about the people he is pounding.

Well, we make it out into the badlands and start following the map.  Along the way we get caught up in a mutant-hillbilly feud where Mags (our half-man, half-kangaroo) ends up getting caught in a compromising situation with the clan leader's hot daughter.  Afther that, they tried to FORCE the girl onto the rival clan (who had been trying to steal her away for a shotgun wedding) rather than keep a girl who might end up with kanga-babies.  Somewhere along the way a group of ninja assassins from Hanzo's old outfit show up to kill him for being a drunken disgrace to ninjadom.  Bull and Mags whip their guns out, but Hanzo stops them, saying "it is a matter of honor that I fight them alone."  He stares at his opposition: 11 or 12 ninja butt-kickers all armed to the teeth with swords and throwing stars.  Hanzo gets really quiet for a long second, then looks over his shoulder to his mates and says "Screw it, shoot 'em."

Several preforated ninja later, we come to this hidden valley overrun by two warring biker gangs.  One gang prefers Coke, the other Pepsi.  They are killing each other off to prove the superiority of their chosen beverages.  They'ved been doing this for some ten years now.  They've got banners with their drinks logo on it; the whole deal.  As their skirmish reaches a climax and they are about to pull out their tac nukes on each other, Bull screams out really really loud "I LIKE MELLO YELLO!!!!!!"  All action in the valley literally freezes.  In two heartbeats all the Cokians and Pepsites forget their war and join forces to do away with the accursed infidels who dare speak out proclaiming the superiority of the hell-drink Mello Yello.  We are chased into the one structure still staning in the valley: an untouched and still intact convenience store.  We finally figure out that the convenience store is actually the pre-doomsday treasure that the map was leading us to.  Of course now we have a few hundred enraged bikers all trying to break down the plastic doors to get their hands on us.  That's where we pretty much left it for the week.  It was a LOT of fun.  I don't even mind that we didn't have time for Zero.

Have I told you how much I enjoy being a player as opposed to game master?
"If you're going to shoot, then shoot; don't talk!"  -Tuco: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #143 on: September 07, 2003, 09:12:25 PM »
Slant you simply must post these as articles because they are just great reading.....
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #144 on: September 16, 2003, 01:59:22 AM »
We played Tank Girl again on Sunday: three outcasts vs. a whole army of bikers.  We were holed up in the very last 7-11 on planet Earth.  As we were all writing up our last will and testaments, this old guy in a service apron just pops up from behind the counter asking "May I help you" and just freaks the hell out of us.  Mags lets loose with a spray of bullets that takes out the slushee machine before calming down.  The old guy, an Australian aborigine, says he is the last employee and Keeper of the Sacred Stash.  The bikers outside start firing burning arrows into the wall and it is only a matter of time before the store catches fire.  Bull finds a display of spinach cans, pops one open, and guzzles it down.  The Popeye music plays loudly as Bull roars for the doors to be flung open so he can engage the enemy.  Mags opens the door as Bull charges.  He takes a flaming arrow in the leg and starts hollering "CLOSE THE DOOR!!!"  He slumps down by the magazine rack and pulls the arrow out.  He sees behind the rack a long-dessicated skeleton of a little guy with huge forearms dressed in a sailor suit, peppered with a dozen arrows.  Guess it didn't work so well for him either.  

The bikers surround the 7-11 and begin to set up chain-guns and assault weaponry.  Bull and Hanzo get up on the roof and begin picking a few bikers off using shotguns.  When they run out of shells, they use stale Twinkies.  Mags opens the mail slot and begins firing through that.  There are just too many of them.  Finally we come up with a plan.  We search the refrigeration unit and discover that it holds only a single coke and pepsi bottle.  We disconnect the unit and wheel it to the front door so they can all see.  Then we turn our guns on the unit.  "Let us out of here, or the last bottles of coke and pepsi on planet Earth get it!"  They get all wide-eyed and tell us "don't go and do anything crazy now."  We slowly open the front door and walk out, holding guns to the unit as we go, and all the bikers part like the Red Sea.  When we get to the lip of the valley we turn and notice they are all getting ready to attack us if we don't return their precious soda.  Mags kicks the unit down the ledge and it splinters onto the rocky ground, shattering the bottles and sending coka and pepsi everywhere.  We hear the mournful wails of the bikers as they try in vain to sop up the remains of the liquid.  "Oh, Pepsi, you were too good for this world!"  Oh, Coke, we should have appreciated you more when you were still with us.  Now it's too late, too laaaaate!"  

The last scene  of the story has our three heroes sitting in a bar in a dusty little bordertown, haggling over who gets the world's last Slim Jim.  Mags was the one who took it from the store before we left, but Hanzo says it was his idea and Bull says he needs meat in order to stay sharp and keep his testosterone up.  All three leap up from the table and draw their guns, pointing them at each other's heads like in A Better Tomorrow.

Well, it was a fun ride, and we were smart enough not to take it too seriously.  Since we still had some time to kill, we started making up new Lord of the Rings characters!  So far the ones we have for certain are a lore-master researching the secrets of the Shadow, a hobbit woman who can drink dwarves and orcs under the table, a woman of Rhun who was once a harem guard in the home of a wealthy man, and the last dwarf in Middle-Earth.  Out of thr remaining three, one will likely also be a Hobbit, one a rogue of some sort, and one wants to be something "weird," but hasn't figured out what yet.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #145 on: September 23, 2003, 12:17:26 PM »
We played out second game of ZERO on Sunday evening.  The cyborgs spent a great deal of time hunting through the charred remains of buildings looking for some signs of life, but all was quiet.  Then when they started traveling across the pavement they were set upon by the remains of a human strike force, tattered and shabby with ancient jeeps and motorcycles and big guns covered with rust.  The humans are no match for the cyborgs.  At one point Crypt gets run over by a jeep, then he just stands back up and fires a missile at the retreating jeep and blows it sky high.  The cyborgs are eventually halted by sonic weapons that interfere with their mechanical components.  The mutant leader tries to pull Shroud's cybernetic armor off, but of course he can't.  He pulls so hard that it rips through Shroud's flesh and causes a chain reaction between the flesh and cybernetics.  Shroud detonates in a fiery blast, killing the mutant and some 12 other humans.  One of the humans tells them that they are devils from hell who have come from the underworld to destroy humanity again.

The mutants are taken to Purgatory, the fortified compound of the remaining humans that looks like a cross between Fort Apache, Castle Frankenstein, and Gulag 13.  They find that the sole ruler of the humans is indeed Omega.  They tell him that they have come to rescue him from humankind, but Omega tells them that he has no memory of them, despite the fact that they say he was once their commander against the humans.  He tells them to join him in crushing Zero.  Morgue tells Omega that he is severely damaged from his years of living with the humans.  Omega lashes out and punches a hole right through Morgue's chest, destroying him.  Omega tells the cyborgs toleave and tell Zero that her time is coming to an end.  Humans fill the compound and tell Omega that they can't let the cyborgs leave and that now that they have newer models of cyborgs, Omega is obsolete.  They attack all the cyborgs.  Omega guns for the humans and the borgs equally.

The three remaining cyborgs use plasma emitters to burn a path through the humans and fly off.  Omega shoots at them and wings Wraith.  He falls and the other two swoop to save him from destruction.  They make it to the ruins of an old carnival where they hide out in the freakshow exibit to plan their next move.  They start to think that maybe Omega was released from Zero's mental hold the same as they were, and that maybe it was no accident (ie: Zero purposely released them and maneuvered them so that they would go to the wastelands in search of Omega).

Looks like there will be at least one more session of ZERO at some point down the line.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #146 on: October 07, 2003, 08:46:47 PM »
Has anybody else gotten the Moria supplement?  This thing is incredible!  This is going to be the ultimate dungeon crawl.  

Oh, and it looks like the last week of October will be the start of the new Lord of the Rings campaign.

I can hear Sauron shaking is his little spiked boots.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #147 on: October 08, 2003, 01:41:00 PM »
Decipher hasn't sent mine yet...possibly because I'm dragging my feet on reviewing some of their other stuff. I'd better do that, if only for karmic reasons.

I have to admit it looks pretty cool, though.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #148 on: October 14, 2003, 02:42:28 PM »
Well, there I was...

In the temperate forests that blanketed the rolling hills of the Lock Wood.  Our squad was tasked with the infiltration and annihilation of an opposing camp, and to retrieve the highly prized Guide-on of Bravo Company.  In the deepest darkness, just before the break of dawn, we moved into position west of their flank.  Pulling out our only set of nightvision binoculars we scanned their perimeter looking for the weakest point in the line...

There!  The guard who was manning the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon was dosing off.  If we could stealthfully eliminate the troops in that fighting position and turn the weapon against their own soldiers we would gain a great tactical advantage, and could possibly eliminate the target without firing a single round of our own.

Snow Fox, our RECON volutneered for the close combat situation.  His years of study in Brazilian Jujitsu offering him the advantage over most soldiers in any army.  Silently he crept toward the position as we prepared smoke grenades, flash bangs and our M16s, just incase something went wrong.  The minutes dragged on and we began to wonder if he had failed in his attempt when, suddenly, from the direction of the machinegun nest came a flash of blue light.  It repeated four times more, and we knew that he was succesful.   Following his lead we approached the position, realigned the SAW toward the interior of the camp, and began throwing the grenades.  Instantly the shouts of confused soldiers raced across the camp.  We opened fire with the SAW and heard the blasting of MILES Gear as we cut down the troops who had awakened to the sound of battle.  The Fire Team, under the cover of the betraying SAW, crept toward the Guide-on, and created a perimeter around the Sergeants' tent, knowing that they were waiting for us to make our move.  I low-crawled to the Guide-on remaining under the cover fire of my comrades, until I had recovered the objective.  We then sprang into a full out tactical withdrawl, calling our troops to fall back to the safety of our perimeter.

Success!!!!!  We had achieved the objective and confiscated the Guide-on.  In addition we took two prisoners and a SAW!!

Aren't WAR GAMES FUN!!!!

Just wanted to let you all know that I am back From FT. Jackson, SC, and what I have been playing for the past few months.  I look forward to catching up on all that I have missed.

Good to be home.   ;D
Boogie woogie woogie!!


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #149 on: October 14, 2003, 03:04:21 PM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't MILES the laser system for combat training?
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." --Mel Brooks

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