Author Topic: HeroQuest(the RPG) and LOTR conversion part Deux  (Read 4052 times)

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: HeroQuest(the RPG) and LOTR conversion part De
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2005, 11:25:46 AM »
Well yeah, but doing that is also bending the rules a lot.
Id say narrow it to about 8 or so at most. Still it also has a lot of disadvantages in a way and some characters couldnt even take it. Aragorn could never become a Rider of Rohan because as King of Gondor he couldnt swear fealty to Theoden, but Merry certainly does. Its a tossup whether a thing like that would be a relationship, or a keyword. As a keyword it would definately be a homeland keyword, and get the skills associated with being a Rohirrim. It could also be a professional keyword, where it would also have a lot of skills associated with it. As a relationship (or even a society) its scope would be more limited in terms of skills, but more rich in terms of roleplaying. Merry becomes a Rider of Rohan for instance, by swearing allegience to Theoden and gains the Loyalty to Theoden because of it, and Horse Esquire armor and Horselord Sword. He also gains a horse. All of these can be represented as keywords due to his fealty and it is reasonable that Theoden has a responsibility to replace any item granted as Merrys Liege. Merry would not gain the Homeland version of the Keyword however but an altered and personalized version of it. Also remember that the Loyalty to Theoden is a double edged sword, and now Merry must do as commanded.
To use another Hobbit as an example, Pippen becomes a guard of the Citadel and then has to do as Denothor says. Reason plays a part, but reasonable commands are carried out by both Hobbits. Their inability to follow all commands represents the interplay between their other loyalties and their loyalty to their liege. Take for example Merry being ordered to stay behind by Theoden, logically its a reasonable order, he's small, he'd have trouble keeping up. Merry is prepared to stay but fortunately Merrys Loyalty to Pippen and the Fellowship is higher, and the GM introduces him to Dernhelm who secretly takes him with the Rohirrim when they ride. (Eowyns story takes a back seat to Merry as a character, but gets developed futher by the GM.

So the Keyword Rider of Rohan could look like this

Rider Of Rohan
Occupations: Craftsman, Entertainer (scald) Thane, Herder, Petty Noble, Healer
Men Only-
Cavalry Soldier, Warrior
Steward, Shield Maiden (Uncommon)

Native Abilities:
Geography of the Riddermark, Leather working, Ride Mearas/Horses, Rohan Customs, Herd Horses, Tracking, Speak Westron, Tend Horses, Know myths of Rohan

Personality: hate Orcs, Hate Dunlandings, Love horses, fear Saruman, proud, Stubborn

Relationships: to Thane, Family, King, Horse, to ancestors.

magic: Common magic, Line of Ancestors

Now in the 100 word paragraph that keyword Rider of Rohan only counts as 1 word (yeah I know its three but in HQ Keywords count as one even if theyre ten words long) and adds an incredible amount of detail. This leaves you free to discuss other keywords, throw in a few ambiguous keywords, or detail skills and hobbies, personal histories and so on.  

« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 01:13:58 PM by ElJeffe »
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Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: HeroQuest(the RPG) and LOTR conversion part De
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2005, 06:27:49 PM »
A sample from the Noldor Section

Noldor Elves
The mightiest of the Elven tribes the Noldor (a name which means knowledge) built great cities and crafted wondrous items. The Noldor were the second group of Eldar to travel to Valinor. They were the enemies of Melkor the servant of darkness who became their prisoner. Melkor or Morgoth as he was later named desired the gleaming jewels known as the Silmarils and he stopped at nothing to claim them. Feonor, the creator of the Silmarils vowed vengeance when Melkor slew his father, Finwë and stole the silmarils. Feonar and his people followed him from Valinor back to Middle Earth and made war on him. The Noldor would have been all but destroyed had it not been for the interference of the Valar who assaulted Melkor in his stronghold of Angbad and broke it asunder. The Elves of the Noldor lived on but as a much diminished people. In the second age they fought along side men to destroy Sauron. They share a culture in common with the Silvan elves, but differences in language in customs have been known to cause strife. Most of the Noldor have left Middle Earth. The few Noldor left live quietly in the Kingdoms of Imaldris (Rivendell) and Lindon (the Grey Havens). The Kingdom of Lothlorien is ruled by the Noldor, but populated by the Silvan elves.
Sidar elves are essentially Noldor who didn't make it to Valinor.
The elves harbor an ancient hatred of Orcs that go back to the first age. Orcs were once elves themselves, but captured by Melkor and tortured and twisted by magic and steel, until they became the peoples they are now debased, twisted and evil.

Noldor Keyword
Occupations Available- Noble, Scholar, healer, Merchant (metalworker) Entertainer (Singer, Poetry, Lyre) Foot Soldier (Archer, Shock Trooper) Cavalry Soldier (Regular, skirmisher)

Native abilities-
Spear and shield Combat, or Bow
Speak Quenya, Speak Westron, Local Geography, Ancient Lore, 1 Craft Skill (Metal Work, Smithing, Weaving, Woodworking, Boatbuilding) Ride Horse.
Typical Personality Traits- hate Orcs, wary of Dwarves, Haughty, Wise, Reserved, Passionate.

Typical Relationships- to Family and house, to liege lord.

Common Magic- Deep Lore, Ageless, Never Tiring, Radiant, Fearless

Typical Names: Noldor names are often rendered in Quenya, but are sometimes Sindarian or a combination of the two. Noldor are given a birth name by their Father that recalls the fathers own name in some way. Other epithets are added later. An example of this is Ereinion, better know by his name Gil-Galad.
To avoid giving a list of names and to encourage players to think of original characters I have provided a link to the Elvish Dictionary. Words are listed in both Quenya and Sindarian.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 06:28:41 PM by ElJeffe »
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