Author Topic: All Flesh Must Be Eaten  (Read 2520 times)


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All Flesh Must Be Eaten
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:22:37 AM »
So I had some time to kill and I decided to pull out my All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG. I have to admit, I love this game!  An RPG all about zombies, their powers and the way they can kill you.  I ran two All Flesh campaigns with my current gaming group and I have yet to have a campaign last more than one session.  The game is ruthless because it is so easy for the players to die.  I think that this system has the most realistic rules setting that I've played.  The game is pure hack n'slash so if you're into that and zombies, then this is the game for you.

I have the core rule book and the Enter the Zombie sourcebook that is all about martial-art fighting zombies.  I love this game and I am all up for starting another campaign, but I'm not sure my group is up for getting slaughtered again  ;D.

Has anyone else played this game or read the rule book?  Let me know what you think.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2005, 02:24:04 AM by MoreDew »
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Re: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2005, 02:33:55 AM »
I would love to own this game. I'm just not willing to pay the money they're asking for it. I clearly remember the day I stopped buying casual rpg books: the day Call of Cthulhu d20 came out. This was the first time I saw a $40 price tag on a normal sourcebook. I mark it from that point forward that we see some really over-inflated prices on certain games. AFMBE falls into this category for me. The main sourcebook is $30, but it's not full size. If I find it on sale somewhere, I'll probably pick up a copy, because frankly, the title alone is worth owning a copy of the book.

Glad to hear that the game is fun to play. Maybe I'll start keeping my eye open for it.

Captain Morgan

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Re: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2005, 03:03:32 AM »
Come on Moredew, we made it more then one session. The two campaigns you set up we made it at least three. Although playing a mere mortal in that game is shere stupidity unless you like making characters over and over. That being said, this game rocks. While it would be better to do something other than die, the concept just keeps me captivated. As long as you aren't planning on giving up on your d20 modern campaing, I for one wouldn't mind getting my arse kicked for a game or two with AFMBE. This game might be better for a gm that hasn't played every resident evil game, and that doesn't get an evil glint in his eye everytime we play becuase he knows that he is going to kill us off. It almost seems like he spends all of his time thinking of ways to off us, such a waste of time .... oh wait, that's a good thing :P
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Re: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2005, 11:47:08 AM »
I do agree that the prices for these books are outrageous.  I own the books because I bought the main book with a 20 percent discount, and the sourcebook was given to me as a birthday/christmas present.  I haven't had to pay full price for any of these books, which gives me the justification of owning them.  I have my limits on how much I'll pay for a gaming book.  Perfect example is the Conan d20 RPG.  I would love to buy that, but the cover price is $50!!  How dare they ask for $50 for a book!  Even if I was able to get a great discount on the book, I still wouldn't buy it because of the fact the maker wants so much money.  It tells me that the maker thinks that us gamers are stupid and will spend "x" amount of money to get a book that has nude women on every page.  I am insulted.

Aside from that, AFMBE is indeed a great game and I highly recommend it to everyone to play.  Don't worry Morgan, I'm not going to abandon my d20 Modern campaign (I'm having too much fun with this one).   For the record, I wasn't trying to kill you all in the zombie campaigns that I have was just that you were no match for the zombies.  Of course, I guess it didn't help you out that I put "Lickers" in the game--inspiration from Resident Evil.  Muwah ha ha ha!!! ;D
« Last Edit: February 12, 2005, 11:47:39 AM by MoreDew »
gimme a tattoo of a butt, with a butt-shaped tattoo, right on my butt!


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Re: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2005, 12:11:57 PM »
Did our charcter in the world ever go up a level or did we just killed alot.


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Re: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2005, 11:19:59 AM »
And for the group, remember, zombies can shoot people in the head.  The death of certain characters by being shot in the head has nothing to do with any of our characters actually shooting them.  The zombies did it. (waves his hand in a Jedi fashion.)
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