Author Topic: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting  (Read 2598 times)

Eagle Prince

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Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« on: January 26, 2006, 11:23:57 AM »
This book is okay so far, although I haven't even checked out a 1/10th of the spells (over 1000 spells).  One thing I would have liked was a more definitive list for Wu Jen since I am playing one, all it gives for spells to add is "add spells with element (except air), wood, and metal themes."  They also renamed some spells which is kind of annoying at times, like "Aganazzar's scorcher" renamed to "scorch" (all spells with character names were renamed it seems).  There is also some typos and stuff that can be annoying at times.

So I had some questions on a few spells and was looking at the D&D forums to see if there was anything about them.  Um so I think way too many people do not understand the spellcasting rules, especially on lets say stacking spells.  IE you can't cast resist energy 5 times to gain energy resistance against all 5 energy types at the same time (cause you can't benefit from multiple castings of a spell unless the spell says that it can be cast multiple times).  They really should put this rule in the FAQ or something.  Out of like 50 topics where this rule was key, only in 2 of them was it mentioned... I forget rules all the time, and I know them pretty well (there is just too many rules to remember all the time).  But it seems like a more misunderstood rule than even AoO or grappling.
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Eagle Prince

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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2006, 01:32:35 AM »
Harbinger, there is a picture of a halfling rogue/cleric of Olidammara in this book.  I thought that was funny.  He is using the Grave Strike spell that lets you sneak attack undead.  There is some spells in here you might be interested in for him, like blessed aim (basically bless but the bonus is +2 morale for ranged attacks only).  Sign, +4 to next initiative check.    There is a spell called faith healing which is basically a maximized cure light wounds, but only works for people who worship your deity.  Ebon Eyes, lets you see in magical darkness.  Yeah, there is a ton, you'll want to check it out.
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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2006, 01:33:56 AM »
So you're bringing this book for show-and-tell on Saturday, right?
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Eagle Prince

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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2006, 01:41:50 AM »
Yeah.  Well, its got like a 1000 spells, so its pretty interesting.  heh.  It has all the spells from the Complete books, and I think the enviromental books, but I don't think the races of books and none from the PHB.   So there is a ton of spells in here none of us have saw before.  There is also a lot of quickened type spells with the swift and immediate casting times.  This one called blood wind is a swift action that can be cast on yourself or someone else to let them make all their natural weapon attacks at range.

Oh yeah, there is also errata on a lot of the old spells.  Like the divine agility spell, in Complete Divine it used to give you use of Spring Attack feat, and I think maybe you could only cast it on yourself.  Now it is also castable on allies and the benefit is 'simply' a +10 enhancement to Dex.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 01:44:49 AM by Eagle_Prince »
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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2006, 02:12:30 AM »
...the benefit is 'simply' a +10 enhancement to Dex.

Well if that's all, why bother?
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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2006, 09:19:16 AM »
well, you *don't* bother if the target's in any kind of armor at all. I mean, if he's in leather, he can only get a +6 bonus, right? And if he's in leather, it's likely he already has +3 or 4. So the rest of that's just a waste.


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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2006, 09:47:00 AM »
Yup my full plate mounted archer would have no use for +10 dex.
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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2006, 10:15:08 AM »
if he did, that would be funny


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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2006, 10:40:00 AM »
Other than the +5 bonus to hit using ranged weapons.
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Eagle Prince

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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2006, 10:43:17 AM »

Well if that's all, why bother?

Heh, I said simply, not only.  I checked out the old version and you could cast it on other people, but it was +4 enhancement to Dex, base Reflex save bonus of a rogue equal to your character level, and Spring Attack feat.  So a flat +10 to Dex is more simple.  This is like a 5th level spell with 1 round/level duration, so its probably  not too bad.

Armor max Dex bonus only applies to dex bonus on AC, you still get the bonus for reflex saves, skills, ranged attack rolls (or melee attacks with weapon finesse), etc.  So you would still want it, although obviously it is more benefit with a higher Dex bonus.  Celestial chain has a +8 max Dex bonus, thistledown padded has a +10.  ELH has armor of the celestial battalion with a +10 max Dex bonus, and magic of faerun has the Nimble quality you can add to magic armor that ups the max Dex by 2 (which would stack with mithril or thistledown armor).  Then of course you might just use bracers of armor, Dyrr's impervious vestments, or mage armor/greater mage armor so you would have no max Dex bonus being unarmored, and/or a monk (either a multiclass monk like sacred fist or maybe your cleric buddy just casts it on you b/c it is after all a touch spell).

Anyway, who cares.  Now I forgot what I was thinking about.

Btw, I think the reason for a +10 to Dex being a big deal is you can't really get that high w/o this spell unless you were an epic char.  Like say gloves of dexterity +10 would cost 1 million gold.  If you make a lvl 20 char, you get like 760,000 gp, and the most expensive item you can have is only 1/2 that amount.  Also anything over a +6 to a stat is considered epic.  There is the Strength of my Enemy power that can give you a +8 (or higher with augment) to Strength, but that is only after attacking the same person with eight succesful melee attacks.

However, there are some other polymorph type spells in this book that temporary turn you into a lycanthrope, ie wererat or werewolf, which have huge enhancement bonuses to stats, so they might be going away from the idea of over +6 is epic, hmmm... but after seeing the effects of really high stats in a few of our games, I'm not so sure that would be a good idea.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 11:23:56 AM by Eagle_Prince »
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Re: Spell Compendium / Spellcasting
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2006, 03:32:53 AM »
Oh yeah we also found a spell in here called Owl's Insight.  If you thought divine agility was a bit out there, this one is also 5th level (druid), but with a 1 hour duration and grants an insight bonus to Wisdom equal to half your caster level (with no cap!).  I just find this spell disturbing, lol.  Oh, and its not personal range either, so the druid could use it himself or cast it on an ally, say a monk or cleric.
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