Author Topic: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding  (Read 8118 times)

JP Dogberry

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Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« on: April 06, 2004, 11:35:32 PM »
Well, it seems like I've figured something out with the buses, so I will be able to get to this convention. One of the things there is a Heroclix tourney. I really don't expect to win or do well even, I just plan to have fun. I'm rather inexperienced with the game and only own a few figs (and I'm not paying $30 for the sealed tourney.)

So I'm wondering if anyone has anya dvice for my team? It's a 300 point game. My entire fig list is:

Dr. Strange (R), Sandman (R), Daredevil (R) AIM Agent (E) Black Panthar (E) Nebula (E) SHIELD Agent (E) Kang (R) Vulture (V) Human Torch (E) Avalanche (E) Elektra (V) Ulik(E) Skrull Agent(E) Hydra Operative(V) Moloid (E)

The very first fig I want in ym team is Ulik as a tank, mainyl because my only other choice is Sandman. In a 300 point game, I think I can handle Uliks high cost, so long as I don't use Kang (who costs even more). Now, I want to back that up with a ranged attacker. I could use Kang, but then I have pretty much no points left. If I use Dr. Strange or Torch though, I get a bonus flyer so I can save some move actions. Strange is a little better I think, but also costs more, and I'm not sure if I want to spend that much.

As a secondary flyer I want to use Vulture. He's handy, not too bad in Melee, and has a charge attack, so he's a great taxi (even though Taxis aren't as important in the new rules). I still question if I even need him though, but I also question if one flyer is enough, and I can't afford torch and Strange. (without getting rid of enough figures that I'll only have a six member team. In a 300 point game, 7 or eight sounds better).

As basic fighters, Daredevil is simply too weak for me to care. Avalanche is a half decent ranged fighter, but am i better just subdtituting a no-name guy like the SHIELD agent? Not quite as effective, but a lot cheaper and I might save some points for other good chars (maybe afofrd to replace Vulture with Strange)

Elektra and Black Panter are too evry good fighters, what with the Blades. I'd really love to use both, but I don't kbnow if I can afford it. At the moment I'mthinkign Elektra, but I'd rather trade soemthign out and get Panther instead. it's only two more points for Outwit, and given I haev NO support, Probability Control or Perplex anywhere, I'd like some control over the game.  Panther has no range however.

Which basically leave shalf my team composed of no names. I can use Moloid to fill in the gaps, but he can't do much except run and hide. I could always hope for a lucky hit, or use him to force breakaway rolls (Without plasticity though, not a good tactic) but really I'm better off using ranged grunts for that.

So what do soem more experienced players reckon? Shoud I try to fix it to get my best flyers and fighters on the field in a small team? Or replace a good char witha  couple of no names to ahev a better sized team.
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2004, 02:55:56 AM »
Ulik, Torch, and Black Panther sound like your best figs, so I'd do my best to keep them on the team. Ulik is as solid a tank as you could ask for, and Torch is a great sniper--I assume the E version has running shot, which gives him a greatly increased range that can catch people by surprise. Think of his mobility as a form of range rather than a taxi, because he'll be best for that--if you can afford Vulture, use him to carry anyone who needs carrying (like Ulik). Give Torch a Hydra, AIM, or SHIELD guy to improve his shooting (remember that you can't SHIELD pump the same turn you running shot, though).

The benefit of BP over Elektra is the stealth/outwit combo, backed up by blades to defend himself from the inevitable counterattack--keep him away from chargers and he'll almost always get the first hit in a fight. If you can afford another fig, Daredevil (depending on which version you have) can run interference for you by incapacitating and then dodging out of the way when he gets attacked. Don't worry about numbers so much as quality, but feel free to fill in the gaps with cheapos. The Moloid can be a really nice piece of mobile terrain if you use him right, since he can block line of sight. If your opponent wastes any attacks on him at all, you should come out ahead.

I'm afraid I'm not well-acquainted with Nebula or Kang, so I can't tell you what to do there, but unless one of them really jumps out at you I'd stick with the others. Dr. Strange is cool, but really hard to use because his powers change around so much--you can't rely on him being able to do what you want when you want. My best advice is: Ulik as tank, Torch as sniper, BP as support/secondary fighter, Vulture as taxi, Daredevil as harrasser, and anyone else you can afford to fill in the gaps.
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2004, 03:31:54 AM »
Thanks for the advice, it's really good.

Daredevil is the Critical mass version, and doesn't have the incapactitate. Torch does indeed have a running shot, and I surprisingly didn't think of using a nobody to pump him up. (Shows my inexperience.)

So, taking into account that advice, my team looks like this:

Tank: Ulik
Taxi, Melee support: Vulture
Ranged Attacker: Torch
Ranged Support: SHIELD Agent
Melee Support: Elektra
Melee Support and Outwit: Panther
Annoying Gollum-wannabe: Moloid.
Go go super JP newbie slapdown force! - Entropy


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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 09:38:08 PM »
It seems like a good team. I'm glad you left out dare-devil. The version I have rookie version which just isn't that great.
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2004, 09:04:38 PM »
Well from the figures I have now here's what I'm looking at for a 300 pt army.  Click on the name/link to see the dial.

I have a vetren Black Mantra that has 3 clicks of incompacitate and toughness for 38 points.  I'm sure there are better non-batman team incompacitators (which I don't have) but I think for the points he's pretty good.

My next guy is Expereneced Killer Frost, not only does she have that funky Sucide Squad team ablity but she's got 2 clicks of ranged combat expert and 3 of incompacitate (starting at her second click in).  She's more usefull then mantra (damage wise) but 54 points.  Good person to start out doing damage with then move onto slowing people down.

Now we're getting into more murky areas for what I like.

Experenced Blue Beetle, not much there combat wise, he's another ranged combat.  But he's got 2 things, forceblast and smoke cloud, both very usefull for defence.  He can knock people away from my incompacitators and cover my melee people from snipers.  For 35 points not too bad.

for melee I've got 2, rookie Swamp Thing who's good at takeing damage and moveing around the board, but isn't much of a damage dealer himself.  He's 73 points.  And Unique Nu'bia who's actualy very nice with BCF, Flurry, incompacitate (at the end of her dial) and charge.

And now to finish off my 300 point army I've got

experenced Gotham Undercover (16 pts) and experenced checkmate agent (14 pts).

So what do you think.  I'm wanting to crush 42's hellboys sometime.

Other figs I've got
rookie aqua man
rookie riddler
rookie plastic man
experenced Cheshire
experenced intergang agent

and 4 marvel figs (who I didn't use since I wanted a DC group)
rookie Electra
experenced SWAT heavy weapon
experenced Absorbing man
experenced Kraven (which is a very nice fig, basicaly a close combat batman, and a range of 4.  If I was playing a mixed army I'd switch swamp thing with him.).
« Last Edit: June 05, 2004, 09:05:54 PM by Spriggan »
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2004, 01:27:51 AM »
Sounds like a good team, though I'm not impressed with Black Manta. Rookie Aqua Man might be better, and then you could probably trade up your checkmate agent for the Riddler or Cheshire. It's really too bad you don't have better ranged guys.

For a mixed team, I'd keep swamp thing (he's better than you think) and lose sombody else for Kraven--probably Black Manta and on or two of those little guys.
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2004, 01:39:59 AM »
I don't like the rookie Riddler, he's got one click of perplex then is completly useless.  If I had better figs I probaly would switch out Manta but I don't think aquaman is all that hot, I guess leadership could be usefull however I'm not that impressed with the fig.
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2004, 10:52:34 AM »
Rookie Aqua Man might be better

I dont' care what the context is, that statement is hilarious.


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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2004, 04:54:53 PM »
Riddler and Aqua Man are both pretty pathetic, I admit, but I'd still take them over Black Manta. He takes lame to new heights.
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2004, 11:06:32 PM »
Well he's got 3 clicks of incompacitate which is what I want.  But as soon as I get my boosters I ordered I'm pretty sure he wont be in my group.  I might go out and buy a Mavel starter, I want another map and a chance at getting a Dr. Doom.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2004, 01:25:48 AM by Spriggan »
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2004, 04:23:36 PM »
I think Dr. Doom was in the second Marvel set, not the first, which means he won't be in the starter. He might be in Universe, but I think the starters for that are pre-cons (ie, you get the same figs every time).
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2004, 10:45:24 PM »
ya, I was looking today and he's not in any of the starters :(.
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2004, 12:13:05 AM »
hehe, apperently walmart has ignored Wizkids release date on Ultimates and you can buy them now.  And Ultimates is booster only, it was Universe that's the preselected starter.  But sadly Dr. Doom is only avalible in Clobbering time.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2004, 12:18:34 AM by Spriggan »
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2004, 03:00:46 AM »
You're kidding. Where did you hear this? I might have to go check out my local WalMart....
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Re: Heroclix Tourney Teambuilding
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2004, 03:29:10 AM »
I was on the Wizkids message boards and confirmed by Magister that they've been haveing problems keeping walmart to stick to previous release dates.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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