Author Topic: Rumors  (Read 17864 times)


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Re: Rumors
« Reply #75 on: February 14, 2003, 05:07:59 PM »
You Make The Card chose artifact, but not by much. I suspect it won just because of the "hey neat, we can vote for artifact" factor.

Anyway, it's time to start coming up with ideas--not officially, but because I want to hear about your artifact ideas. What can we come up with?
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Re: Rumors
« Reply #76 on: February 15, 2003, 08:01:48 AM »
how about something similar to tribal golem but with slivers and other creature types?


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Re: Rumors
« Reply #77 on: February 16, 2003, 01:24:32 PM »
A Buzzsaw creature that destroys any creature if there is another X (1-4...I don't know) creatures in play of the same type, tapping and possibly paying mana to do so. There aren't enough ways to really beat down on the tribal mechanic yet. If nothing else, it feels very Phyrexian, and it'd be cool to have something like that pop up again.

As far as our tribal tournament, I've put together 4 decks so far that fit into Standard. Some of them, however, don't quite fit the rules you outlined, so I may need to rework them a tad.

The purest one I've got is an all-soldier deck. I may go back and put in my Enlistment Officer from Apocalypse, but I was so close to Standard that I kept him out. I may perhaps substitute in a few Nomads, but I don't have a large block of them, so perhaps not.

The next one is a Zombie/Shade deck with a very minor component of clerics. My justification for the Clerics is that they all deal directly with Zombies...I don't know if we want to allow that or not.

I've also put together a Goblin/Beast deck, but this one also has issues with extra creature types. I put in some Wirewood Elves to speed up card drawing, a Caller of the Claw that was too cool to pass up, and a Clickslither for its combo effect with Goblins.

The one deck that most blatantly defies the rules you posted is my Riptide Project deck, named thus because it utilizes Wizards, Illusions, Slivers, and a Shapeshifter. All are directly related to the Riptide project, but it's a stretch for the format we're discussing. I could do without the Shapeshifter, but without the Wizards and Illusions combined I couldn't make the Slivers work well enough to bother with.

So...what do you think, Fell? What we discussed last Thursday was mostly that our decks be more strongly themed. I think the decks I've described fit that parameter, but the rules you set posted disallow all but one of them. Expanding the rules would probably be too much of a pain, but I'd still like to field them. Then again, I'll probably go back and rework them some now that I don't have to hold to Standard.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2003, 01:26:51 PM by Prometheus »
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Re: Rumors
« Reply #78 on: February 17, 2003, 01:26:59 PM »
I've built three so far, adhering strictly to the rules of creature type over theme. I haven't messed with the elf/beast deck yet, though, because it begs to have Vitality Charm (which makes Insect tokens, among other things), and I don't want to spill into a third creature type. I'd prefer to follow our creature type rules precisely for now, but go ahead and bring other decks, just in case.
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Re: Rumors
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2003, 02:06:37 AM »
I've tweaked some of the ones I posted already so that they're no longer Standard, and they conform a little closer to the guidelines. I can't convince myself to remove the Clickslither from the Goblin deck and the Riptide Project deck only went down to 3 creature types from 2, but they're a little more in line.
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Re: Rumors
« Reply #80 on: February 22, 2003, 05:08:24 PM »
OK. In an effort to conform, I've reworked my decks again, partially since I'm not certain that Fell would change our rules and partially because I wanted to anyway. My Soldiers are hanging out with Beasts now in a weird 5 color deck, the Zombies are consorting with Shades again and they kicked the Clerics out of the clubhouse. The Clerics, however, decided that they liked Wizards more than Zombies anyway (the clubhouse was a mess), and the Angels found more worthy counterparts than the soldiers they suffered Thursday's loss with. There's still one outstanding issue in my decks, but that's a whole lot better than it used to be, and it isn't very big. (Along the lines of a Vitality Charm used outside of an Insect deck.)

That said, I haven't the foggiest idea when Fell wants to hold this tournament thing after he decided to postpone it. Also, are we going to do a huge multiplayer game or a series of 1v1?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2003, 05:12:23 PM by Prometheus »
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Re: Rumors
« Reply #81 on: March 19, 2003, 11:58:27 AM »

does anyone know the release date for scourge yet, I'm aiming to get most of the set within a week of release!(if i can afford it!)