Author Topic: ravnica, what will they think up next?  (Read 3189 times)


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ravnica, what will they think up next?
« on: October 29, 2005, 02:56:42 AM »
having played a bunch and seen a lot of the ravnica cards in action there are 2 things that keep coming to mind that me and my co-worker talk about at work.  

1:what will be the style of the 4 guilds in the next set in the block(maybe mixing abilities of the guilds already in play;ie:dredge and transmuting)
2:what kind of gold border cards will be there, especially the legend abilities.  

    I am hoping red/blue guild will be cool.  I would like to see damage/draw cards equal to the damage, with radiance that would be insane.  Even a "induce paranoia" card that does damage if red mana is used is likely. With the kinds of stuff they have out, "glimpse of the unthinkable" for instance is insane for 2 mana, it seems they pulling the stops at what they are afraid of putting out.  Anyway i can't wait!
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Re: ravnica, what will they think up next?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2005, 12:29:47 PM »
I don't dare comment on upcoming card abilities, though I can safely say that the four keyword abilities from Ravnica will not be on any future guilds--each guild gets its own keyword.

As for future guilds, though, we can chat all we want. The best hint we have so far is this page: , which gives us the guild logos for all of the remaining guilds. The next set is actually the second one listed here, Guildpact, and it looks like its three guild logos are a sunburst with a circle in the middle of it, a big dragon, and burning tree. The burning tree is easy enough to figure out (green/red), and it's almost guaranteed that the dragon is blue/red; that leaves black white for the sunburst, which makes perfect sense--it's probably a solar eclipse.

The symbols for Dissension, the third set, include a burning skull, a wavy tree, and a circle with three triangles around it; these aren't as immediately obvious, but we can figure them out just by elimination. The burning skull is of course black/red, the wavy tree is probably green/blue, and the only thing left for the triangle thingy is blue white.

So now we know (or are almost certain) which guilds will be in which sets. Any ideas about what each guild will focus on?
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Re: ravnica, what will they think up next?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2005, 02:48:49 AM »
i don't know what will be the focus but i want that demon guy from the picture that is on that link.  I can't wait for black/white and black/red!
everything was going fine, until i critically failed my intelligence check!

Lightning Eater

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Re: ravnica, what will they think up next?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2005, 11:02:24 PM »
Actually, there was an article on the website that descibed all the guilds, it's here.

Also, we can be generally sure blue/white will be in Guildpact, since the you-make-the-card thing is finished and it was blue/white.

1:what will be the style of the 4 guilds in the next set in the block(maybe mixing abilities of the guilds already in play;ie:dredge and transmuting)
actually, there will only be three combinations in the next two sets

And finally,
I can't wait for black/white and black/red!
same here, but the one I'm looking forward to the most is white/black since that's the coolest color combination whatsoever. I'm pretty sure the basic themes with the Orzhov will the the ones from the onslaught clerics [life gain, life stealing and sacrificing, (think Cabal archon)]. My only problem is that if you read the article from above it says the orzhov are really about greed, which in my opinion is a lot less cool then the black/white from onslaught (like from Vile deacon)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2005, 11:13:17 PM by Lightning_Eater »