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Someone let EUOL out of his cage?

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I am bitterly disappointed at the lack of security measures on that one... innocent bystanders may be at risk with a rabid nutcase like the senior sanderson let loose in the forum. We must take measures to halt his stampede.

I vote for using the same gas the russians did. Its fun, its cheap (otherwise the russians would not be using it) and we get to murder people and say "we did not think it was that powerful..."


The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
No no no, most of us are Americans. We prefer to do something that's obviously our fault and then blame it on a Middle Eastern nation or organization that none of our citizens know much about.

Still bitter that the american president is doing the right thing despite all the wobbly liberals and bleeding heart brigade types warning about a nuclear armageddon?  ;)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
Feh. I hardly believe that trampling on the civil rights of human beings and ignoring U.S. Constitution in the name of "fighting terrorism" is "doing the right thing." For me, it was never a threat of nuclear war, it was making choices about how we were going to treat humanity.

So it is now a civil right to be oppressed?


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