Author Topic: May 18 2009 - ErikHolmes - The Sword of Worlds - Chapter 8  (Read 2219 times)


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Re: May 18 2009 - ErikHolmes - The Sword of Worlds - Chapter 8
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2009, 04:31:44 AM »
Okay, good flashback. The problem I have with it is the same kind of problem I have with a lot of your writing at this point. A lot of action without a lot to base it on. What were the full circumstances of the gunfire and his father's death? Or at least, what were the theories? Such a significant event deserves some background and some developing the character of the father.

Okay in dialogue, but I don't want to see it in the narration or I would expect all of the narration to look like dialogue.

"And that is how I met Kajsa the Terrible—more beautiful than the stars in winter, fierce as a cornered dragon, and twice as stubborn. Whom Gods could not tame, and all men of the north feared."
I had a problem with these lines because you break narration to talk in a futuristic voice that you have never used previously to give us some information that your character doesn't have at this point.

Overall Impression:
I had some personal problems with some of Kail's characterization (Didn't he just profess his undying love for Ellie in the narration of the last bit? Then why is he so intent on checking out Kajsa, whom he just meet? Plus no more thoughts on Lance's or any of the other deaths makes him seem deeply, almost unforgivably, shallow IMO), all these newly, perfectly explained objects strikes me as a bit too convenient,  and I felt that this chapter was weighted down with some needless back and forth between Kajsa and Kail, but overall it was good and had some great one liners. The flashback was good, but I worry about placement a bit as it didn't seem to add much to this particular scene.
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