Author Topic: Build Your Own Mistborn  (Read 2889 times)


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Build Your Own Mistborn
« on: December 12, 2008, 08:42:43 AM »
OK let me first start off by saying. That I do realize that there is a pen & paper RPG, in the works right now. With that said THIS HAS nothing to do with that. I myself am a artist(not a every good one), and my favorite things to draw are super heroes. Mostly i like to make up people and there story, and when doing so i use this guide line to help tell it. When i take a liking to something such as this. I always have to make up my own Character for it. Me and my best friend have always done this. We did it with Megaman, Spider-man, Pokemon and tons more. So any ways I'd like to see what everyone would come up with. Hope to see lots off cool characters made :D

NAME:                                                        STRENGHT             INTELLECT
                                                               (use a number scale from 1-10 on these. These stats are pre-metal stats. 1 being worthless and 10 being super human. If you want you can show what there are while burning metals. In that case 10 can be broken for a higher, or you can show what stats have been stored from feruchemy)
AGE:                                                            AGILITY                  WILLPOWER



HAIR: (what color, is it long, short)


IDENTIFYING MAKES: (tattoos, piercings, facial hair, scars)

PERSONALITY:  ( what make him/her tick? What goes on up there?)

HINDRANCES:  (he/she drink, smoke, missing a finger? There doesn’t have to be any, but what makes us human is are flaws. This can be anything really.. is he/she over confident, does he/she get mad easy? Stuff like that.)

POWERS: (is he/she mistborn, misting if so which metal? Does he/she use feruchemy? Or for the twisted people…. Does he/she get there powers from hemalurgy spike?)

HISTORY:(where did they come from? Where are they going? What happen to get them where they are now?)

p.s. sorry about the stats part of this guide line
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
Rise Against- The Good Left Undone


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2008, 09:44:35 AM »
NAME:  Daneth                                                      STRENGTH             INTELLECT

AGE:  25                                                          AGILITY                  WILLPOWER


WEIGHT: 185lbs

HAIR: dark brown cut really short

EYES: brown

IDENTIFYING MAKES: line beard that follows his jaw, kept trimmed short. a half moon with a star in the middle brand on his upper left part of his chest

PERSONALITY:   protective, quiet, keeps mostly to himself

HINDRANCES:  Over Confident

POWERS: Mistborn(snap just before the fall of the lord ruler)

HISTORY:Daneth was born as a plantation skaa. His mother fall in love with a noble from another plantation. When she found out she was with child. She ran away to another plantation, somewhere out in the western dominance. Where she gave birth to Daneth. When Daneth was 9 the inquisitors cam for his mother. At 9 he watch his mother die from where the other skaa hid him. a year later  Daneth ran away to yet another plantation. 7 years he ran from plantation to plantations. Until he met Tallie on a plantation just outside of the Central Dominance. Its was love at first sight from. Her on the other hand not so much. Daneth stay and work and did his best to get Tallie attention. 2 years he stay and then the inquisitors came for him. He hid like he did so many times before, but they found Tallie instead. They question her and the beat her and he hid. He love her and they beat her yet he hid. When it was over Tallie was gone. Daneth ran and ran, that way what he did best. A year later he joined the Lord Rulers army, he was tired of running. 2 years later is was part of the skaa who attack the Lord Rulers palace. where he was beaten nearly to death by 3 hazekillers. When he woke up he was MISTBORN!!!!!!!!
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
Rise Against- The Good Left Undone


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2008, 01:48:18 PM »
I'm not cutting you short, not in the least. I'm just giving you another resource. If you go over to and check out there forum, there is a thread called Conventicle Libraries. In this thread you will find up to ten different Characters outlined in almost the exact same way that you outlined. We have created them for a mistborn RP that hasn't really taken off yet but the characters and outlines are there. the characters range from mistborn noble/skaa to mistings to regular skaa to kandra and I think there might be a feruchemist somewhere. I don't really remember.

Remember that I'm not telling you to stop this and do it there but it might be fun for you to go over there and read these aswell seeing how they are good. You can find this thread in the Ashmounts board.
"No signs of anything that could cause even a slight case of death"

"He's a paraplegic whats he gonna do, bite us?"


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2008, 12:21:03 PM »
Thank for the info. I check them out, and have o say way better then mine :D. This was just a outline I used when drawning or coming up with a new character(tweaked a bit for Mistborn).
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
Rise Against- The Good Left Undone


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2008, 10:29:33 PM »
Hey no problem. I like your idea so I am going to copy my characters profile and post it here. Just for fun.

Basic Information
Handle : GreenMonsta
Contact : erikfitzgerald [at]

Character Information
Name: Stent
Age: 25
Origin: Central Dominance
Rank/Social Status: Ex-Sargent Luthandel Guard/Haze killer/Mercenary

Talents: Allomancer

Hair: Reddish brown
Eyes: deep green
Skin: pale/reddish at times
Height: 6ft 4in 220lbs
Voice: Moderately deep with slight rasp
Other: Disfigured left ear

Special Skills: Excels in hand to hand combat and commanding small units (1-20men), Steel Pusher(coin shot); Ability to use skill in battle is well honed. Other more practical uses are less refined.
Knowledge Weakness: Lacks any formal schooling or Court knowledge
Physical Weakness: Hearing from left side is affected by disfigurement
Personality weakness: Commonly speaks out of place. Over confident

Stent is a fairly brazen fellow. He is prone to making fast decisions that often get him in trouble especially where his mouth is involved. Although he often jumps to action quickly he is a very competent soldier and has on occasion taken jobs as a haze killer for minor nobles. His allomancy often gives him confidence in battle and he is very proficient using it as a weapon. Currently involved with commanding a small unit of Haze Killers, who would follow Stent most places except to gamble where his mouth may get him in trouble.

Stents history is like many of Luthandels skaa. His family was nothing very special but perhaps his father had much to do with that. From a young age Stent can remember his father who worked in the factories, his mother had left them at a young age and he barely remembers her .

His father was not the sharpest of men and would often get beatings from his Forman. This caused him to beat Stent in an attempt to feel strong while in the grip of cheap street booze. One night Stents father came home drunk and began beating Stents dog Smoke. This is when Stent had enough, at 15 years old he was not willing to stand by. Stent grabbed a near by broom stick and struck his father between his shoulder blades. Stents father retaliated by breaking the bottle over Stents left ear and cutting a large portion of the ear off in the process.

This event changed Stents life. At this point Stent was in shock from the pain and he realized that his only friend Smoke was dead. Something inside him shattered and he could feel a burning in his stomach. Afraid of what his father might do to him next he fled right into the arms of the Luthandel Guard. He became a soldier and remained one for the next 8 years. He had left his father in a different life, a life he didn't need and he had become a strong man. Stent now spends his time as a higherd guard for merchants and traveling nobles. Often nobles will hire him for his fighting prowess and his allomantic skills.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2008, 10:33:43 PM by AbominableMonsta »
"No signs of anything that could cause even a slight case of death"

"He's a paraplegic whats he gonna do, bite us?"


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 07:18:34 AM »
well thought out character! I might have to see about joining a RP(never did one before). Just to make me a Character ^-^
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
Rise Against- The Good Left Undone


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2008, 08:24:26 AM »
Name: Adhara Evendim.

Strenght: 9.
Intellect: 8.
Agility: 5.
Willpower: 3.
(Oh, well. Hate my luck with dices)

Age: 18.
Height: 1m 60.
Weight: 51 Kg.
Hair: Blonde, shoulder-lenght. Wavy.
Eyes: Green.

Calm. Confident in the outside, but she's always wondering if she's doing the right thing. Likes to help people with their problems, even though she won't let anyone help her. She doesn't like to use her allomantic powers in public, in fact, she doesn't want to be known as an allomancer if she can help it. She likes to keep her bronze always on, protected with a coppercloud, because she is weary of other allomancers, knowing they are the first ones who would realize what she is. She will avoid discussing if she can, even though she may be bleeding inside if people are against something that is important to her, for she's over-sensitive to the opinion of those who are around her.

Her lack of self-confidence may affect the way she's burning metals, not letting her achieve all the power another allomancer would. Besides, she's afraid of heights, which is not the best hindrance for a mistborn, for she will never, ever, surk the rooftops pushing and pulling metals like a normal mistborn would. Besides, she is very weak: she gets headaches pretty often, is ill at least once a year (generally with flu or food-poisoning) and she gets tired really, really quickly, she cannot run for more than a few minutes, and she isn't very quick, either. Of course, burning pewter would cover these hindrances but, of all the allomantic metals, pewter is the one she avoids burning the most.

Powers: She is a half-blood mistborn. She is especially good burning bronze, whilst is completely helpless burning pewter, for she has only burned it thrice in her entire life, so she can't control very well the extra strenght. If she's to use her allomantic powers, she will burn bronze, brass, copper and tin, and maybe electrum, avoiding the rest if she can. That's the reason people who know she's an allomancer will think her a misting, usually a seeker (even though some of them will think of her as a tineye). Even though her soothing is subtle enough for in to be detected by most, she will avoid rioting any feeling, in belief that strong emotions  get in the way of logical reasoning.

She is also an avid reader, so she can outmach almost anyone in knowledge, usually reading books about the same subject from people with exactly opposite ideas. She isn't a scholar, though, she reads only for her pleasure, avoiding any books she isn't interested in, and that's every book about economy, and most of the ones that taslk about politics. Religions, literature, medicine, though, she's really good at.

When she needs to make use of her powers and there isn't any metal vial nearby, she will cut her arm and drink her own blood, for blood is rich in iron.

History: Adhara's great grandmother was the third daughter of a local nobleman. When she was twelve, her father's skaa rebeled, killing both her parents, her older brother and her two sisters. However, her former servant, a skaa woman, took pity of her, for she had been good on her always, so she got the child and went to a hidden village of wanna-be free skaa (even though the Lord Ruler knew of it, but he didn't do anything for they were not a threat). That village was far north, in the Terris dominance. There the woman, a coinshot (she snapped at the skaa rebellion), married a skaa man she felt in love with a few years after, and her descendants have lived in the village ever since. Adhara (which means 'the virgin' in some ancient tongue) snapped at six, when she almost fell down a pit and managed to avoid certain death by pushing at the silver ores below her. That's the reason she is so afraid of heights. When she was fourteen, there was another rebellion at a noble plantation, and when the Lord Ruler sent his army, both her and her younger brother, who was no allomancer, managed to pass at the Evendim's offspring, for the whole family was slayed (that was the village skaaa's idea, as they were the only children in the village whose age was similar of the noblechildren's, and they thought having such a powerful ally would help them immensely if they were to rise against the Final Empire again). They were believed, so they were fostered with a very rich noble family in the eastern dominace. That's where she discovered her love for books, as well as got an exquisite education. Even though they hade been raised as normal skaa, they got off with it by feigning amnesia. The Evendim's plantation is technically hers and her brother's, but it is ruled by an obligator until they come of age.


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2008, 01:59:53 PM »
you diced those stat? Anyways see your guys makes me want to redo mine  :-\
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
Rise Against- The Good Left Undone


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2008, 06:46:13 PM »
No worries. I have never done an RP either. The profile listed below was my first attempt and I already see many issues. The only problem was that once the site accepted it I was kinda locked in. The RP over there has yet to take off so there is only one right now with like three posters. This being my first RP its hard to get into it without seasoned posters there to lead the way.
"No signs of anything that could cause even a slight case of death"

"He's a paraplegic whats he gonna do, bite us?"


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2008, 07:27:33 PM »
Yes, I diced them. Is what I would have to do if I were to use the character in a role playing, so...

I never thought of crating a Mistborn character before, but I guess I will try to get a friend of mine, who is a good master, to prepare something for me and my friends to play with these characters. I like the idea of an "afraid-of-heights" Mistborn. maybe I will looh at the webpage AbominableMonsta  spoke of, sounds like a good idea.


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2008, 09:21:19 PM »
Thats a funny concept. I would love to read something about a mistborn whos scared of hights.
"No signs of anything that could cause even a slight case of death"

"He's a paraplegic whats he gonna do, bite us?"


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2008, 06:57:51 AM »
i didnt think about dicing my stats(then again i didnt even write them down), but its a good idea. now i need to find me a d-10  :-[. i will rewrite mine i think i a bit more depth :-\
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
Rise Against- The Good Left Undone


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2008, 05:52:57 PM »
Thats a funny concept. I would love to read something about a mistborn whos scared of hights.

Maybe I could help ti, if you're willing to put on with my horrible writing. Is there a place where we can put fanfictions of Sanderson's books?


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Re: Build Your Own Mistborn
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2009, 12:25:07 PM »
Name: Malchion Winset
Strength 4
Intellect 9
Willpower 2
Agility 9/5
Height:  5'11''
Weight: 174
Hair: Long shaggy and dark
Eyes:  A very striking grey
Identifying marks? nothing really special, just very disheveled, only thing that really sticks out about him are the eyes
Hindrances:  Only if you count deep depression, regret and alcoholism as hindrances
Powers: Full mistborn, for whatever thats worth to him.  Incredibly skilled, highly competent, when he can be bothered to set down the wine
History:  Born to a noble house ( not minor, but not one of the bigger players)  his snapping came in the usual pre collapse fashion, a severe beating.  Malchion was a generally bright child, very much prone to mischief, and generally given his space to do his thing.  After he proved to be a mistborn, that changed.  HIs very existance was strictly regimented,  his time tightly controlled.  After the beating, he just wanst quite the same.  His existance became crueler and crueler, as he was taught to do the things mistborns were trained to do. At some point here, he started drinking, in secret, because a drunk in the family, even if he was their mistborn, just would not do. Until his 20th birthday, it was only trainging, harsh, emotionally draining and physically brutal, but still only training.    At this point, the killings began, the lies, the deceptions, all to sow chaos discord, some times with a grander purpose, sometimes because dear old daddy wanted some petty revenge for a percieved slight.  Then he snapped again.  This time it was not anything supernatural, he just broke down.  He remembered the precocious child he had been, and couldnt stand to see what that child had become.  The Mists were his curse.  Malchion took to the streets, binging, staying in the release of oblivion. Now he rarely looks like much more than a drunk beggar in the street.  He is no less intelligent than before, he is still the genius he was in his previous life, he just no longer cares to apply himself.  He rarely uses allomancy any more either.  In recent weeks however, he has decided to atone after a manner.  He has taken all the beggars on his street under his wing, and passing noblemen who would bring harm to them usually arouse his ire.  He doesnt do anything as brash as attacking them as soon as they bring trouble to his little slice of the slums, but he returns to his former life, that of a mistborn assassin. 
Personality:  Highly focused, intelligent and ruthless hen he must be, oblivious to the world around him when he doesnt.  Without pewter, he is of no more average strength, but is very graceful.  (His friends used to give him a hard time for how much he enjoyed dancing at the balls, not the greatest display of machismo)  He instinctively burns brass and zinc to make him  appear l ess threatening and generally unnoticeable.  His misery wants no company
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 12:32:22 PM by Randombychance »
All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire. -Aristotle (Admit it, everyone of you counted to make sure there were 7!)