Author Topic: online shopping  (Read 4350 times)

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: online shopping
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2005, 12:53:52 PM »
Before you get too excited Im not and wasn't offended. I can recognize an attempt at humor.  It was a bad attempt and I think it was a very flippant joke, since the philosophies behind the shaping of the American Nation come from those sources (among others). My reasons for not liking cookies are not alarmist paranoid conspiracy theories. They do however disagree with your ideas, so I can see why you would feel the need to attack them. I don't think the inconvenience of being asked a question I don't particularly want to answer repeatedly is paranoid or alarmist especially when on the computer and at my security level I have to constantly be bombarded by the question,... "do you want to accept this cookie". I don't like the idea of having to set and reset my cookie levels just because some stupid coder went crazy on a site, and I too tend to avoid those sites like the plague.  I dont like setting my browser to accept all cookies from a particular site because its an excellent way to pass almost anything, malicious code, spyware you name it. Yes its usually text, but sometimes its more and just because a big corperation is running the site doesnt mean its safe. Also I liked using the store example of the clerk who notes down what you look at and think its valid because thats just how those sites use cookies. Id find it rude in a store and I find it rude on the computer. Furthermore these online sites sell that information to third parties (a fact) who use the information for legal and not so legal purposes. I dont like that, because they have no business collecting that kind of data. Thats why I dont think its alarmist to be critical of how cookies are used.
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Re: online shopping
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2005, 12:58:48 PM »
See, I can see that stores have the right to run things how they want. Yes, Best Buy can do whatever they want. I don't consider it illegal. I don't like it however, and that's exactly what I'm doing, removing my business from them. They invited ME into their location, or their web site. Treat me as a guest, ie, nicely, while I'm there and don't pry into my business and I'll be happy. I'm not trying to break into admin areas or anything, so I'm being a good guest. The least they could do is be a good host. They want my money, it's going to be on terms I'm comfortable with.

House of Mustard

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Re: online shopping
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2005, 01:27:38 PM »
I think it was a very flippant joke, since the philosophies behind the shaping of the American Nation come from those sources (among others).

So, the fact that some of those philosopher's ideas contributed to something good, suddenly makes the philosophers themselves off limits for joking?

(I'm changing the subject from cookies on purpose, since it's getting boring.  "It's none of their bid'ness" can only be phrased so many ways.)
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Re: online shopping
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2005, 02:01:49 PM »
(I'm changing the subject from cookies on purpose, since it's getting boring.  "It's none of their bid'ness" can only be phrased so many ways.)

That's none of your bid'ness!

I'm making snarky comments on purpose. The whole all of us getting mad at everyone else is getting pretty boring.

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Re: online shopping
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2005, 02:07:39 PM »
SE, quit being stupid and ignorant.
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Re: online shopping
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2005, 02:14:40 PM »
I know you are, but what am I?


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Re: online shopping
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2005, 02:33:02 PM »
I was going to make a big long post, but if you pull out the Lion King and listen to Timon's entire Hakuna Matata speech, you have it right there.
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Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: online shopping
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2005, 02:40:15 PM »

So, the fact that some of those philosopher's ideas contributed to something good, suddenly makes the philosophers themselves off limits for joking?

No but it should make them off limits to bad jokes.

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Re: online shopping
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2005, 03:06:18 PM »
I'm all about defending my right to privacy. Even if I'm not ashamed of any of the web-sites I visit, I don't really feel it's anyone's else's business but mine. But if I want to visit someone's web site, I'm going to play by their rules. Same with visiting their store, if I'm going to be harassed by sales people every time I turn around, odds are I won't go back there. If I don't like how a web-site handles my visit, I don't go back. I guess I don't see this business of cookies as an invasion of my privacy, since I'm going to their sites. If a site I never visited were jumping onto my machine, installing things, and collecting info without me knowing it, then I would be mad. And that's what I use Ad-Aware for. About every 2 weeks, I run it to clear off all the data-miners that are installed on my machine from my surfing. (Although, to be honest, I do this less out of privacy concerns, and more just because I use a dial-up connection and I don't like anything else running in the background that I don't know about).

I agree with this 100%

I think it's dangerous to just write off all concerns about right to privacy as paranoia. I want to be able to live my life the way I want to live it without my government stepping in and saying I'm not allowed to. But I have no grudge against letting the government know where I live.

agree again, I don't see how the goverment knowing where you live is an invasion of privacy.  Unless you're one of those para-military people.

And since we're talking about businesses here, at the start of the thread, I've always found that the best way to get through to a business is to take your business elsewhere, and let them know why you're doing it.

No problem there, though to be quite honest I don't think Bestbuy or any of the other sites would care since those that are that worried about cookies are such a small percentage of the population of internet shoppers.  And the others that are that parinoid probaly rarely use the net.  My mom is a good example, she's got the same fears as SE (though escilated since she thinks they just put out her CC # for anyone who wants it) so she never goes to internet shopping places, or many sites on the net for that matter.

I responded with the same level of hostility as you Sprig. If you felt like it was more, than perhaps you should look at your own choice of language, because it is exactly on the same level of hostility as I felt.

No it's not.  I didn't start out or ever say any of your ideas were stupid.  The only reason you took offence is because of your ego and the fact you hate admitting you don't know everything.  You got mad and personaly attacked me becasue I said you don't understand everything which you don't.  Don't try and justify your bad behavior becasue your pride was wounded.  

As for me getting mad, yes, I don't care about use calling me ignorant, but starting a post with "leave sigh, spriggan, I'm glad I can always trust you to bring the argument to new levels of stupidity" is over the line and you know it.  You've personaly yelled at people on this site for saying less, and have threatoned to ban them.  Again it's glad to see you hold yourself to the same standards as everyone else.

As for "everything on your computer" i though that we all understood enough about computers here to understand what I meant by that. I'll be more explicit in the future since obviously being concise drives people into thinking I can't possibly know what the hell I'm talking about.  
good don't assume.  Becasue you know what?  when you go off ranting about how they're invadeing your privacy and spying on you how are we supposed to mean they're only looking at the sites you goto?  Especialy when you say something completly different? I'm not a mind reader you know, I can't take something you say to mean something else.

I'm not even going to gointo the govement part becuase that is parinioia right there, and despite our dissagreeing on the cookies, I understand your worry about bad ones, but most companies don't use them.  And just do what Nate said, don't got that site anymore.  But just don't get all uppity and freak out about it and go after us.
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Re: online shopping
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2005, 03:17:11 PM »
No it's not.  I didn't start out or ever say any of your ideas were stupid.  The only reason you took offence is because of your ego and the fact you hate admitting you don't know everything.  You got mad and personaly attacked me becasue I said you don't understand everything which you don't.  Don't try and justify your bad behavior becasue your pride was wounded.

Right. Because you don't do this. Yeah, I don't think I need to go any further on that. (the preceding sentences were sarcasm, by the way).

Everything you said I got wrong I showed in my next post that I hadn't gotten wrong. So basically because you couldn't make the connection, you thought I didn't know anything. That was foolish at best.

good don't assume.  Becasue you know what?  when you go off ranting about how they're invadeing your privacy and spying on you how are we supposed to mean they're only looking at the sites you goto?  Especialy when you say something completly different? I'm not a mind reader you know, I can't take something you say to mean something else.

I'm not even going to gointo the govement part becuase that is parinioia right there, and despite our dissagreeing on the cookies, I understand your worry about bad ones, but most companies don't use them.  And just do what Nate said, don't got that site anymore.  But just don't get all uppity and freak out about it and go after us.

Let me rephrase: YOu disagree with me, therefore you must be crazy.

Yes, before you argue, that is the thrust of your argument. I don't like the government keeping records on me for the same reasons that I think it should be ok to own a gun. You didn't think that logic was paraoid, but you do now because it's not how you think.

and what the heck are you talking about? That is the action I've taken: not going to their web sites. I never went after you! I'm the one who's paranoid? Go see a psychiatrist because you've got some issues. I posted a complaint about the way web sites do business in a RANT section, and you took it as an attack? Please, before you tell me it's all my ego or it's all in my head, will you please go look at your OWN behavior and tell me honestly that you are not doing the EXACT same thing you're accusing me of? Because you can't. Not honestly anyway.


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Re: online shopping
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2005, 03:35:21 PM »
Yes honestly I can, there was no malice or intent to offend or hurt you when I post that.  the word ignorant isn't an insulting one, if you think it is then ya you've got an ego problem.  Yes I did mock you in a few places as you did me, which is fine I don't care about that.  Frankly I think you take offence at things too easly and take anything people say in contrary to your opionions as attacks against you.  I never said you were stupid or your ideas were, I just said you were missinformed and didn't fully understand.  Of course I may have had a better understanding what you were talking about if you actualy explained your points in your first post instead of spreading them out over many.

I love the fact you had to insult you for telling you that cookies are the norm, that's killing the messenager there.  I'm not the one that decied that, yet you acted as though I am.  You can argue that point all you want, but you can't dispute the facts there.

I never went after you!

No but you were after others before I replied with the ooh so offencive post.  You got mad that others didn't support your view.

you please go look at your OWN behavior and tell me honestly that you are not doing the EXACT same thing you're accusing me of
 I've addresed this allready.  But its mute argueing with a hipporcite such as yourself.  As I've said before you're allwayse the first to come in and say things like "don't call people's ideas stupid"  or "You're being offencive" then you turn around and act exactly the same as those you just chastised.   The fact is you've showen yourself to have doubble standards many times on this site and it's shameful.  Quite honestly I wouldn't even be argueing with anyone else about this (becasue I wouldn't care about them useing such an abraseive tone) because no one else does it but you.  And I'm sick of it.  If you cannot handle holding yourself to the same standards you hold others then maybe you should remove yourself from moderateing these forums in anyway.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: online shopping
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2005, 04:00:49 PM »
 Of course I may have had a better understanding what you were talking about if you actualy explained your points in your first post instead of spreading them out over many.

What you thought I said is pretty absurd. I thought you realized I understand a lot more about computers than that. From that, I thought you would make the jump to what I really meant. I underestimated your ability to follow my logic.

Oh, and "two" is hardly "many"

I love the fact you had to insult you for telling you that cookies are the norm, that's killing the messenager there.  I'm not the one that decied that, yet you acted as though I am.  You can argue that point all you want, but you can't dispute the facts there.

That paragraph makes no sense. I have no idea what you're trying to say.

No but you were after others before I replied with the ooh so offencive post.  You got mad that others didn't support your view.

Uhm. No. No I didn't. Where did I get mad at others on the board? The nearest I can see where you think I was made was where I said "it pisses me off" where the preceding subject and the following discussion makes it clear that I'm talking about a state law, not any person or anything anyone here said.

I've addresed this allready.  But its mute argueing with a hipporcite such as yourself.  As I've said before you're allwayse the first to come in and say things like "don't call people's ideas stupid"  or "You're being offencive" then you turn around and act exactly the same as those you just chastised.   The fact is you've showen yourself to have doubble standards many times on this site and it's shameful.  Quite honestly I wouldn't even be argueing with anyone else about this (becasue I wouldn't care about them useing such an abraseive tone) because no one else does it but you.  And I'm sick of it.  If you cannot handle holding yourself to the same standards you hold others then maybe you should remove yourself from moderateing these forums in anyway.

and I'll just throw back the hypocrisy charges, Sprig. You are constnatly, throughout the forum, saying things that can easily be taken offensively. Yet when faced with them, you justify your behavior or say someone else did it first. Much of the time there's no grounds at all for saying the other person was even mad, let alone insulting. So, while you're right, I probably shouldn't say stupid, although what you said was not just ignorant, but seemed to betray an essential lack of capacity to understand fundamental realities, I don't accept a charge of hyppocrite for you of all people when it comes to telling people not to be offensive. Feel free to keep saying it, but it's hard to think that what you're saying has any meaning to it when your a primer perpetrator of the same; much like it's hard to feel bad for the thief who complains about his stolen watch.

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Re: online shopping
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2005, 04:08:51 PM »
What happens when moderators need moderating?  Non-moderators moderate.

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